When You Give God Your All

When You Give God Your All

keevee_soloKathleya de Vera, or Keevee, grew up, in her words, “a good friend, a kind-hearted sister, and an obedient daughter.” In her senior year in high school, two campus missionaries from Victory Dagupan reached out to her, and invited her to a youth service. It was there that she had a personal encounter with God. However, she struggled with change. “(God wanted me) to let go of my selfishness and let him write His agenda for me. It was clear that he wanted me to surrender. Yet I was not ready for His Lordship. I was not willing for God to take over every area of my life.”

Keevee continued to seek God when she became a university student at the University of the Philippines Diliman. Victory Quezon City connected her to different women leaders on campus, all of whom tried to take her through ONE 2 ONE, Victory’s seven-lesson discipleship guide designed to help facilitate conversations to jumpstart a person’s walk with God.

“I had issues about the chapter on Lordship,” Keevee says. “I was also afraid to be baptized, because I thought it meant that I wouldn’t have control over myself anymore.”

Underneath the good-girl exterior, Keevee freely admits that she was selfish. Her kindness and obedience was not out of a genuine care and concern for people. “I found security in my relationships because I needed to feel loved. I took pride in being ‘that nice friend’ to everyone.” More and more, she put pressure on herself to please the people in her life. In all her efforts, however, she felt empty deep down.


Keevee describes her family as her "best friends."
Keevee describes her family as her “best friends.”

After some time, Keevee agreed to be baptized—but she still held on to her hesitations on lordship. “I decided, He can be the Lord of all, but not in the area of my relationships.” Shortly after being baptized, she entered into a relationship with a man who did not share her faith. “I thought it was a proper response to the call of discipleship.” Though she was able to preach the gospel to her boyfriend, “it felt empty. I felt like was stuck, and I lost who I was, in the process.”

Keevee decided to lay her cards before God at this point. “After a year in the relationship, I told God that I could not change this person, and that if He did not want this relationship for me, then He could take it away, and if possible, spare me from heartbreak.”

At that point, God was giving Keevee the grace to put Him above her own desires and that of her boyfriend. She soon decided to end her relationship with her boyfriend, and God’s perfect timing became painfully clear to her why.

“Eight months after we broke up, I learned that my ex-boyfriend got someone pregnant, even while we were together.”

God proved Himself faithful, answering the entirety of Keevee’s prayer—by both giving her the strength and grace to end the relationship, and sparing her from further heartache.

Keevee acknowledges that it was God who helped her through her challenges with Lordship. “Being Lord does not mean that He calls the shots in everything I do because He wants to boss me around. (Jesus being Lord means) He cares for every small detail of my life.”

Keevee (center) meets this growing Victory group composed of young single professionals weekly,
Keevee (center) meets this growing Victory group composed of young single professionals weekly,

Keevee now knows who is at the center of her relationships. “Jesus continued to pursue me like no other man can.” With this truth, she fully and completely found her security in Christ. “I can say that I learned to depend on Him more, because He knows best.”

Now, Keevee is seeing things through a different lens. “Because I experience God’s mercy every day, I’m motivated to tell others about Jesus.” She currently leads a Bible study group in her workplace, and has invited her colleagues to Victory Pioneer. “The call for discipleship is very natural,” she says, “and God’s grace is sufficient.” Along with a team of twelve others, she embarked on a short-term mission trip for the first time in a creative access nation.

Interestingly enough, now that Keevee has put God first, He also multiplied her time with those she loves. She considers her family “her best friends,” and seeking a romantic relationship doesn’t hold the same weight it used to. “I began to look at my season of singlehood (as a time for me to) be maximized—that this is the best time to get to know my Maker, so that I will understand myself more.”

For Keevee, there’s a world of difference when you give God your all. He fills each of us  with peace, joy, and rest, no matter what. “God is faithful when you surrender,” she smiles.


Serving God in Your Youth

Serving God in Your Youth

Clarisse Tagayun Clarisse Tagayun is a thirteen-year old high school student who volunteers at KIDS Church in Victory Pioneer. Her parents, Cris and Lhite, actively serve in church, and their passion rubbed off on Clarisse and her siblings.

“I became active in church last year,” she shares, “I started teaching in KIDS church.”

She soon got connected to a Victory group, where she met her Victory group leader, Rachel Ching. Fueled by her passion to talk about God’s word, Clarisse would volunteer to lead their Victory group when Rachel was not available. Seeing this desire in Clarisse, Rachel empowered her to lead by letting her facilitate their group. “I was nervous because I didn’t know what to do,” she reveals, “But I would just study the Victory group material and my parents would help me. I prayed to God that he will teach me to facilitate.”

The desire to preach the gospel continued to grow in Clarisse’s heart. Discipling pre-teens felt natural for her. It was easy for her to relate with people in her age group and talk about things they have in common. Last May, she she met Florence Panizales, an elementary student who wanted to know more about Jesus. Wasting no time, Clarisse immediately led her through ONE 2 ONE.

Florence and ClarisseEncouraged by her parents and inspired by Florence’s openness to know God more, Clarisse also started engaging Florence’s parents, Willie and Reggie. She was able to connect them to a Victory group for couples, led by her parents. Asked if she felt scared engaging people older than her, Clarisse said she was nervous but she knew she was also fulfilling God’s calling for her. “Age is just a number,” she says, “Being young, you could show lots of people that even if you’re young, God can still use you.”

Her efforts certainly bore fruit. Today, Florence has undergone ONE 2 ONE, and she is excited to be part of the next Victory Weekend for pre-teens. At ten years old, she has started preaching the gospel to her friends and classmates, and she is now leading a small group in her school. Her parents, Willie and Reggie, are growing in their faith, meeting regularly with a Victory group for couples. They have also undergone Victory Weekend recently.

14536990_1393375380691313_316904288_oAsked how she would encourage other people to make disciples, Clarisse strongly recommends getting discipled and joining a Victory group, “Discipleship is important and your Victory group would be there to help and listen to you.” As young as she is, Clarisse has fully embraced her calling to make disciples. She doesn’t see the person’s age, instead she focuses on their need for a Savior. “God wants us to have a relationship with Him,” she states simply, “He wants it for other people, too.”

Clarisse agrees that the youth is the hope of the future. As early as now, she is expectant of the great and mighty things God will do in her generation. “It doesn’t matter how young you are or how old you are,” she says, “God called us to make disciples.”

Victory Pioneer Hosts Leadership Development Activities

Victory Pioneer Hosts Leadership Development Activities

Victory Pioneer held its leaders’ convergence last June 30 to July 2, 2016, and held an Engage event for senior high school students a week earlier, capping off leadership events that reached far beyond the walls of its center at the Robinsons Forum in Mandaluyong City.

Leaders and Interns Convergence

Last June 30 to July 2, 2016, Victory Pioneer held their Leaders and Interns Convergence at Forum Robinsons in Mandaluyong.

The three-day conference aimed to reinforce the culture of evangelism to interns and Victory group leaders by encouraging them to engage the lost.

Victory Pioneer leadersTo kick off the event, Every Nation World Missions Director, Pastor Jun Escosar, talked about the heart of why we evangelize. He stressed that evangelism is part of the discipleship process, wherein three relationships are included: relationship with God, relationship with fellow believers, and relationship with the lost. With love as the foundation and relationship as the conduit, “discipleship is never complete until the one you disciple reaches out to the lost,” he said.

On the second day, Pastor Jeff Eliscupidez talked about the Great Commission as a global mission. He encouraged the leaders to be part of the global mission by having both a passport and a Bible. As we reach out to other people, we are reminded that we don’t cause the change in other people, but it is God who does so.

To cap the conference, Bishop Juray Mora talked about the Father’s heart on the third day. He discussed Luke 15:20, which contains the story of the prodigal son. Just as in the parable, Pastor Juray highlighted the forgiving and merciful nature of the Father with the way He deals with His children. He also warned against attaching our value to the world, saying that our identity should only be found in Christ.

The convergence was also an opportune time for leaders and interns from different worship service schedules to fellowship with one another. To listen to the audio messages of the speakers, you may visit this link.


Soar High Senior High

Last July 21, 2016, Every Nation Campus Pioneer held their first event for senior high school students entitled, “Soar High Senior High!”

From 5:30pm to 7:30pm, the Main Hall of Victory Pioneer was filled with 223 seniors representing different campuses in Mandaluyong. The aim of the event is to connect these students to mentors who will go through One 2 One with them, and to connect them to Victory groups.

Joysoar high senior highce Ching, a young actress from GMA 7, John Wilson, a basketball player from the Phoenix Fuel Masters of PBA Masters, and Krystle Yague, the voice behind McDonald’s “Tuloy Pa Rin” jingle, graced the event to talk to the students and perform special numbers. Joyce shared her experience of being persecuted when she was just starting as an artist, and her realization that there was a reason and purpose why God called her to be part of the entertainment industry, while John shared his testimony coming from a broken family and a sinful past, to a life of fulfillment and purpose in Jesus Christ.

Around eighty-three students responded to the altar call after Pastor James Macariola preached about purpose. These students are now being followed up by Victory Pioneer’s leaders, so that they can be connected to Victory groups and be discipled.

As a result of the event, most of the attendees invited their friends and classmates to the youth service the following day.








Leading By Example

Leading By Example

Oliver Odono“When I was younger,” says Oliver Odono, “I told myself, ‘whatever happens, I will never change my religion.'”

Because their parents both had to work to make ends meet, Oliver and his sister were raised by their grandmother, a devout woman who introduced them to religious traditions that they practiced but never fully understood.

“I memorized prayers,” Oliver recalls, “and grew up making regular trips to the church every Sunday.” This was their arrangement until he finished high school. Just before college, he decided to leave his hometown to study in Lucban, Quezon.

“Being independent, I experienced a lot,” Oliver shares. His world expanded, and he met new people. As a sophomore at Southern Luzon State University, he started looking for organizations in school, and was eventually introduced to Youth on Fire (known today as Every Nation Campus Philippines).

“I joined Youth On Fire activities with my friends, despite knowing that it’s different from my beliefs growing up,” Oliver shares. As he grew closer to his Youth on Fire friends, observing them friends time to time during prayer meetings, he sensed something had changed within him; something was not the same. One day in September 2003, Oliver went to church and listened to the preaching. The message affected him significantly, and he found himself responding to the altar call.

Oliver realized he was relying on his own good deeds and religious sacrifices to give him peace of mind. Because he was a good student and was generally obedient to his parents, he didn’t really believe that he needed anything more. However, he envied the joy that seemed to emanate from his new Christian friends at SLSU–it wasn’t a work-for-it kind of joy, but a kind of joy that can only be seen from lives that has found their purpose–and wanted what they had. He realized that it wasn’t about religion; it was about relationship with a God who loved him unconditionally, and Oliver sought to build relationships with others who could help him grow deeper in his relationship with God. Before long, Oliver met Victory group leader Paolo Grande, and was connected to his Victory group.

“Paolo didn’t waste time,” Oliver says, “He did One 2 One with me and was patient in answering my questions.” Oliver also started volunteering in Victory Lucban, and served in the music ministry. After graduating, he went to Manila to take the board exam.

Fast forward to 2010, Oliver returned to the Philippines after working in Macau, China for two years. “God blessed me with a Christian church I can be part of while I was there,” Oliver shares. When the financial crisis hit, he was forced to go back to the Philippines. After several months, God gave him a job at a hotel in Makati.

“Victory Makati didn’t exist then, so I started a new journey at Victory Pioneer,” he says, “I was introduced to Jim, who became my Victory group leader.” Jim empowered Oliver, and encouraged him to lead his own Victory group, too. Before the year ended, Oliver started leading making disciples and his first Victory Oliver 7group was formed.

“We grew in number because of God’s goodness and faithfulness,” he shares, “I went through One 2 One with them just like how my leader patiently went through One 2 One with me.”

Asked how he raises leaders, Oliver says he encourages them to lead their own group lead other people through One 2 One. He then identifies those who are capable and willing to lead. Last year, two of his Victory group members informed him that they wanted to lead their own Victory groups. Because of this, Oliver divided his Victory group into four smaller Victory groups, and assigned leaders to each one. “Every week, I attend to a specific group, so I can assist the leaders, and mentor them on areas they can improve,” he shares. Once he sees that the leaders can already lead on their own, he stops attending the group, and starts building a new one. “Today, I have six new members in my Victory group,” he says, “I’m also thankful to God because I became a discipleship coach last year.”

Oliver Odono 3For Oliver, raising leaders is not an easy task, but it is very rewarding. When he sees his Victory group members raising other leaders, he can’t help but be overwhelmed by God’s grace and goodness. For him, it’s just a matter of paying it forward and honoring God by leading people to Him, because a long time ago, someone also took the time to tell him about God at a time he needed Him most.









Finding Peace In God

Finding Peace In God

Adette Purto“I prayed to God to take away everything from me,” Adette confesses, “I just wanted Him to give me peace.”

Adette Purto is a 44-year old mother of three who financially supports her parents, apart from taking care of the needs of her own family. Blessed with the kind of work that affords her to live comfortably, she enjoyed many things that money could buy. However, she soon realized that the material things didn’t really fill the void in her heart.

“I was working myself to death,” she shares, “But I felt unloved and unappreciated. I longed to be loved.”

After she got married, Adette faced a different battle but it still stemmed from the same issue she had faced for years: rejection. In February 2007, she found herself telling God to take away everything, and to just give her peace and happiness. She may not have understood the depth of her prayer, but Adette felt so mired in misery, it was her only recourse. In the months that followed, Adette felt God taking things from her. Interestingly, it was also the time she started to look for ways that would get her out of misery. She started engaging in new age philosophies and witchcraft.

“My business went down, my son almost died of dengue, and I had a terrible car accident,” Adette enumerates. “A train collided with my car, and I was dragged for 500 meters.” Despite her stubbornness and disobedience, God spared her and she wasn’t harmed in the accident, despite the car being a total wreck. With nary a bruise on her, Adette knew God was reaching out to her. She did not know it then, but that moment became her turning point in life.

Her best friend ministered to her after her accident, and told her that God wanted her undivided attention. She attended the first worship service of Victory Pioneer on the first Sunday of 2008. “The moment I entered the hall, I knew I was home and it was the place I have been looking for,” she says, “The Holy Spirit welcomed me.”

Despite being financially broke, emotionally hurt and physically tired, she felt welcome and at peace; that night, Adette responded to the altar call and surrendered her life to Christ. After a month, she was connected to a Victory Group and underwent ONE 2 ONE. Before long, she declared her faith and was water baptized at Victory Weekend.

With God now at the center of her life, her relationships with her family changed. “The gospel made me receive the peace and happiness I have been longing for,” she reveals, “The emotional pains were healed by the unconditional love of God. I was able to forgive because I was forgiven, too.”

Today, Adette is one of the Discipleship coaches of Victory Pioneer. She has been serving in that capacity since 2009, and was also the Discipleship coordinator for the 5pm worship service. This means that she is coaching Victory Group leaders how to lead their respective Victory Groups. Juggling the demands of being a working mom and a discipleship coach, Adette still finds time to lead her own Victory Group.

Adette Purto group“I am making disciples because someone else took the time to disciple me and help me live the life God intended for me,” she says, “I experienced the transforming power of God in my life and sharing it to other people is the least I can do.” For Adette, the time and energy she spends coaching other leaders and mentoring other women is a small sacrifice compared to the sacrifice that Jesus did for her on the cross.

She is grateful for the people who have stood by her throughout her journey. “My spiritual family served as lamp posts,” she shares, “As they pray with me, cry with me, and believe with me, I receive enough light to continue walking.” For her, the Christian life is not meant to be lived alone. Having experienced the true value of belonging to a spiritual family, Adette has put it in her heart to continue reaching out, mentoring and raising other leaders. From someone who used to thirst for love and peace of mind, Adette is now a testament of God’s overflowing love and it is exactly this love that allows her to give herself to others.

When God Qualifies The Called

When God Qualifies The Called

Victory group leaders Hendry and Vicky Larcia When Hendry and Vicky Larcia came to know Christ in 1994, the husband and wife team initially contented themselves with attending church. This changed in 2007, when they were challenged by people they met at Victory Pioneer, who encouraged them to be more than just benchwarmers.

“We were hesitant to take part in any church ministry,” the couple says, “but God opened our hearts and minds.”

Deciding to be taught and discipled, Hendry and Vicky went through ONE 2 ONE and Victory Weekend, which further fanned the fire already burning inside them. After undergoing further leadership development classes, they realized that they couldn’t help but reach out to other people.

HendryVicky3“We realized it is necessary for every believer to reach out to the lost,” the couple says, “we are not meant to keep the good news of salvation to ourselves.”

From being two apathetic churchgoers who couldn’t even be bothered to participate in church activities, Hendry and Vicky became ardent fishers of men. As they studied God’s Word together, they established meaningful relationships and were able to minister to other people along the way. Their marriage, as a result, became stronger; their lives, as seen by their children, exemplified obedience and humility.

Their church community soon became their spiritual family. When their youngest son, Paul, was hospitalized due to dengue fever, there was an overflow of prayers, encouragement and support from the people they were discipling. Hendry and Vicky realized, they may be leading these people, but in return they get ministered  by them, too. The people they were helping also provided comfort during their difficult moments.

Hendry_VickyFor Hendry and Vicky, leadership is a two-way street. As they continue to lead and bless others, they are in turned filled with awe and wonder for God’s love as they witness marriages restored, sick people healed, lives transformed, and people receiving breakthroughs.

Together with their Victory group, they have conducted outreach programs to impact different groups of people who need help. For Christmas, they sang carols and gave gifts to kids in San Miguel; then threw a party for 50 street children at McDonald’s in Barangka, Mandaluyong. When Habagat struck, their group donated relief goods to the typhoon victims. Their generosity extended to Quezon City when they conducted a feeding program and gift giving for 65 abandoned children there. They also reached out to children at the pediatric ward of Philippine General Hospital. All of these acts of kindness merely serve as vessels to their one true message, which is God’s gift of salvation.

HendryVickyFor Hendry and Vicky, these are the best moments of their lives: the times that they preach God’s Word while helping other people. From a couple of benchwarmers, Hendry and Vicky now excel as discipleship coaches with a fervent desire to go out of their comfort zone and reach out to other people. Humbled to be used by God, they are purposeful in excelling for His glory and believe that it is by the Holy Spirit that they are able to teach, and love, and give.

Why I Volunteer

Why I Volunteer

I started volunteering in Victory Ortigas when I was eight years old. I served with my dad in the ushering team, and enjoyed every minute of it. I liked being with my dad a lot, and seeing him enjoy what he was doing. I also liked having to wear a long-sleeved polo and tie in the times I would volunteer!


Even then, I wasn’t content with just attending services every Sunday. I liked being in on the action, and seeing things happen behind the scenes.

When Victory Pioneer first started, my entire family moved there to help out in establishing the church. My dad and I also continued volunteering as ushers.

Soon, I developed a love for photography and video. Since my dad owned a DSLR camera, I tinkered around with it—and eventually, I had a desire to learn and grow in photography and video.  From being an usher, I started volunteering as a Communications volunteer in Victory Pioneer. I’d take photos at the youth services almost every Friday. I made it a point to be intentional about learning my craft, while applying what I learned whenever I served in church. A big motivation in what I did was the fun behind it! Eventually, I acquired photography and video projects from friends and referrals, and began doing side projects to build my personal portfolio.

Volunteering for me doesn’t feel like work. I really enjoy it, not just because it’s fun, or I learn new things, but because I want to serve God. I’m blessed to be able to bless people, even in the smallest things. If I didn’t volunteer for the church, I don’t think I would have discovered a lot of things about myself, and grow in them. Through what I do, I am able to share what God has done in and through me.

I didn’t think that from being an usher, I’d learn to become a film director and photographer—and do it now professionally. I am thankful that God has entrusted this much to me. I’m thankful and privileged to be serving Him and His people.



11701083_10204524301731573_8192482381623711891_nSimon Te is a student from the University of the Philippines Diliman, taking up Public Administration. He still currently volunteers at Victory Pioneer.

Believing God for my Family’s Salvation

Believing God for my Family’s Salvation

gellay_frogosaUniversity student Gellay Frogosa endured criticism from her family when first she preached the gospel to them. Despite that, we can truly know and believe that nothing is impossible with God! Learn how God turned her situation around in this testimony.


After I became a Christian in 2012, I’d wanted my family to get to know Jesus like I did. At the time, both my parents worked abroad, while my siblings and I studied in Manila. When I began to regularly go to church, my family strongly and constantly discouraged me from doing so. I received a lot of criticism from them, and I knew that they were questioning my decision to attend church and be discipled. After all, they knew me—they were familiar with my bad habits and attitudes.

Despite this, I continued in my relationship with God. I began praying for them as well, and God answered my prayers one by one. Shortly after I started ONE 2 ONE in 2012, my sister joined me in attending services every Sunday. She also started asking about my newfound faith. I invited her to Ignite 2013, and from then on, she began to grow in her relationship with God.

Because my parents were abroad, it was a challenge to share the gospel to them. In December 2014, we were able to visit them, and I shared the gospel with and prayed for my dad. Now, my father was my strongest persecutor, if one could say that; he constantly questioned my faith. Eventually, he received Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and he and my mom began to attend an Every Nation church in the country where they work. I’m so excited to share with you that, since then, they’ve attended Victory Weekend, and are now on their way to leading a Victory group there, too!

I cannot ever claim credit for all that God has done in me and in my family. God has changed not just my life, but the lives of my family! Truly, we can trust God’s promises! After all, He did say that when we believe in the Lord Jesus, we are saved—and our entire household as well.

Gellay (left, in black) is in faith for her family to grow deeper in their relationship with God!
Gellay (left, in black) is in faith for her family to grow deeper in their relationship with God!
Stepping out of my Comfort Zone

Stepping out of my Comfort Zone

JMdelaCruzYou are never too young to make an impact in the nations! JM dela Cruz, a Broadcast Communication senior from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, is passionate about making disciples not just in his campus, but the nations of the world. Check out his story here.



Going on a Ten Days trip was a milestone for me. Not only was it my first time to go out of the country; it was an encounter that did indeed change my life!

When Victory Pioneer issued a call for Ten Days volunteers, I immediately signed up to participate. At the time, I was already actively discipling students, but somehow I knew that God wasn’t limiting me to making disciples in my home country. I knew I was called for something more.

It took our team five months of preparation to raise support. Personally, I was challenged because I needed to prioritize schoolwork so I could graduate on time; I truly learned to manage my time well in this season.

Soon after our arrival in the city to which we were assigned, we began to interact with students in nearby campuses. We engaged them further by inviting them to a free Basic Leadership Workshop, where I had the honor and privilege to teach in one of the sessions. We also got to encourage the students to be excellent in their studies. Despite the initial language barrier, our team was able to connect with them effectively. We’re really amazed at how the locals were quickly responding to our invitations, both for the Workshop and the hangouts.

The Ten Days team taught about leadership and excellence. JM, in particular, shared a message on leading oneself.
The Ten Days team taught about leadership and excellence. JM, in particular, shared a message on leading oneself.

During the trip, I was able to engage Vic*, a student from an aviation school. We’ve only met twice during our ten-day stay, but we were able to immediately establish trust and friendship with each other. We also exchanged gifts before our team went back to the Philippines. I gave him my favorite shirt, and he gave me his favorite cap, polo shirt, and badge. When I asked him why he was giving me these gifts, he replied that he found not only a friend, but a brother in me. I am in awe of what God is doing in this nation, and I am just excited to see more people like him build a relationship with Christ, and be able to preach the gospel to his family as well.

I’d liken a Ten Days trip to a trip out of your comfort zone! Admit it—it’s not easy to go out of what you’re accustomed to! The journey in itself isn’t just a physical one. God challenged me to step out in faith and obey Him with all my heart. I learned that I should not look down on myself, because God has a great purpose and plan for me.  This trip also enabled me to discover new opportunities and skills I didn’t think I had.

Now that I’m back in my home country, I’m ready to share what God has done in and through our team through my Ten Days experience. I want more people to be part of what God’s doing in the nations; I’m more than ready to go on my next Ten Days trip!

JM (second from left) is ready to reach every nation and every campus!
JM (second from left) is ready to reach every nation and every campus!

*Names have been changed to protect privacy.

Learning and Unlearning

Learning and Unlearning

Stephen Ong, a software engineering student from Far Eastern University, shares how a relationship with Jesus helped him become the man God has called him to be.

Stephen and his older sister (left) and mother pose in front of Victory Pioneer. He is happy to share that his relationship with his family has also improved significantly!
Stephen and his older sister (left) and mother pose in front of Victory Pioneer. He is happy to share that his relationship with his family has also improved significantly!


My Victory group leader, AJ, first shared God’s Word to me. I witnessed how God was faithful in his life, and I wanted to experience that as well. His life inspired me to believe God could change me into becoming the man He wants to be.

As AJ built a relationship with me and other young men in our Victory group, I learned about Jesus, discovering more about Him by reading the Bible and praying. The more I got to know Jesus, the more He showed me how great He is. I realized that I needed Him more than I needed anything else in my life.

Having a relationship with God changed my life as my mind gradually aligned to the mind of Christ. I’m now in the process of learning and unlearning things, and I’m excited for things to come.

For one thing, God opened my eyes to see the value of discipleship. There are many people who need to hear His message. I used to be one of them—and I know that Jesus’s love and sacrifice compels me to share who He is to others, especially to my fellow students.

Jesus called me to “go and make disciples” because He gave me His great commission. He wants me to be a representative of His image and work. With this, I believe that making disciples is one BIG opportunity for me, because I’m part of God’s big work. And you are, too!

It is my prayer that He would still continue to entrust me with people who are in need of hearing His message, and that I would be a great example of His love. At the same time, I want to grow deeper in my relationship with God, and encounter more godly people who would help me in my walk with Him.


Stephen leads a Victory group of students in his home church, Victory Pioneer.

Bigger and Better!

Bigger and Better!

On Sunday, December 18, we are simultaneously launching brand new venues for two of our Metro Manila locations: Victory Pioneer and Victory Greenhills!

Both these locations started in November 2007, to make disciples in the bustling cities of Mandaluyong and San Juan. Campuses, workplaces, and families were reached in the heart of these cities. Since then, the two congregations have grown. Through prayer and discipleship, lives are being changed and families are being brought to a relationship with Christ.

Because we place a premium on the next generation, we look forward to reach more high schools and universities in these areas, namely Polytechnic University of the Philippines – San Juan, Rizal Technological University, Jose Rizal University, Mataas na Paaralang Neptali A. Gonzales, San Juan National High School, and OB Montessori.

Students from RTU take part in a LIFE seminar in the Victory Pioneer center

Now, with the newly renovated centers, there’s definitely bigger and better things up ahead! We’ll have more opportunities to honor God and make disciples. Thank you for praying and giving! We are now looking forward to accommodate more growth and reach more families, campuses, and workplaces for Christ. Truly, God’s faithfulness knows no bounds!

Victory Greenhills held big group meetings (like this one) before formally launching their center four years ago

Come and celebrate with us on Sunday, December 18. Victory Pioneer is kicking off their services at 9 AM at the third floor of Forum Robinsons mall in Pioneer Street. Victory Greenhills will be holding their inaugural services starting at 2 PM at the fourth floor of V-Mall, Greenhills Commercial Center.


Invite your family and friends to join us! We’re one church in Metro Manila and meet in various provinces across the Philippines.

Real LIFE Scholars: Soaring to Greater Heights!

Real LIFE Scholars: Soaring to Greater Heights!

On October 20-21, the Real LIFE Foundation will be holding its first National Convergence entitled, “Soar.” Around 250 scholars, LIFE coaches, and Real LIFE alumni will be taking part in this two-day event for refreshing and fellowship. The conference will capture various topics such as integrity, leadership, excellence, and faith.

According to Vince Bitana, Real LIFE’s program coordinator, the theme was chosen to encourage every scholar to persevere and soar on wings like eagles, amidst their circumstances and backgrounds.

We’re looking forward to the future that these young men and women will build! Let’s pray that from this seminar, these young men and women would rise up and take the challenge of overcoming all the obstacles they face and will face. Pray also that all of them would be examples to their families, friends, and classmates.

Real LIFE supports scholars from all over the Philippines, including Laoag, Baguio, Urdaneta, Bacolod, Zamboanga, and General Santos

About Real LIFE
Real LIFE Foundation provides high school and university scholarships to underprivileged but deserving students with good academic standing. They also offer feeding programs every Saturday morning to malnourished children in Pasig and Malate.

If you would like to volunteer for Real LIFE’s feeding programs or know how you can help, you may call 817 1212 or visit their website. You can also follow their updates on Facebook and Twitter.

Victory Pioneer Adds Two New Sunday Gatherings

Victory Pioneer Adds Two New Sunday Gatherings

Victory Pioneer, one of the newest Victory locations in Metro Manila, will be introducing two new schedules for their Sunday gatherings on September 7. There will be an additional morning service at 9 AM, and another afternoon service at 3 PM.

Since the church was planted in November 2007, Victory Pioneer has experienced consistent growth in their Sunday gatherings. Church members caught the vision to see lives changed in Mandaluyong City.  Many have been eager to reach out to their families and friends, inviting more people to weekly services and small groups. Since July this year, around 900 people were added during regular church gatherings including youth and Kids’ Ministry. The additional schedules for Sunday meetings will allow the church to grow further, and encourage more people to receive God’s Word.

Victory Pioneer plans to reach more students, professionals, and families in the different areas of Mandaluyong City. Surrounded by condominiums, barangays, call centers, and campuses, the church will continue to share God’s love and honor Him in its community.

Victory Pioneer holds its services at the third level of Forum Robinsons Pioneer Mall. If you are near this area, we encourage you to invite friends and family and visit Victory Pioneer.