Giving All to the Call

Giving All to the Call

God is mindful of our needs. This can be seen in the life of Jeff Cariaso, a Victory group leader from Victory Malate. In 2016, Jeff began to save money to buy a car for himself and his parents; he had a desire to drive for his parents so that they wouldn’t have a hard time commuting to places. He also wanted to be more productive at work and be a greater blessing to his friends in church, serving them through driving.

That same year, Jeff had an opportunity to go on a Ten Days mission trip. As he was raising funds, he felt compelled to give half of the money he’d raised for the car to their mission trip. It was not easy, but he gave it anyway, went on with the mission trip, and continued to save money.

By 2017, he had enough money for the down payment of the car he wanted. He even took driving lessons to prepare for it. However, he was faced with a greater opportunity. Jeff was invited to serve as the team leader for another Ten Days mission trip scheduled to leave in a few months. He had a substantially shorter time to raise support for the mission trip compared to his previous one.

Weeks before the deadline of the trip, he had only raised 15% of the amount he needed. It was at this time that God called him to give all the money he was saving for the car. It was all he had left, but he gave it in faith anyway as he was reminded by God’s promise of an inheritance in Joshua 1:2. It was at this point where God said to him, “Just believe. I will take care of the need you are praying for. I just want you to go.” And so, he did exactly as God commanded him and gave.

Jeff knew he had no money left to buy the car, but that’s when God took action. A few weeks before he left for the mission trip to Japan, Jeff received a shocking phone call from one of his brothers. His brother wanted to buy a car for Jeff and his family. He even asked Jeff to look for a vehicle that was way bigger than what Jeff intended to buy!

At present, Jeff drives for his family and serves the people in Malate through the new car that was generously given to him. He is also praying for another opportunity to go to the nations. He knows that financial challenges will come his way, but he is sure that God will provide because of the demonstration of His provision in his life.

Jeff was able to obey God’s call to go to the nations and experience His provision in a personal way. But even before going, he already had an encounter with the mindfulness and generosity of God through his obedience in giving.

A Heart for the Nations: A Ten Days Story

A Heart for the Nations: A Ten Days Story

Reaching the nations is a response to the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19,20.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

We are called to make disciples of all nations. This is the reason why we value world missions as a church. We believe that each disciple is called to obey the Great Commission in different ways. Everyone is called to pray for the nations. Others are called to give to our missionaries and mission trips. And then, there are those who are called to go.

One of our Victory group leaders was called by God to pray, give, and go to the nations. Gretchen Sacang was a college student in the University of the Philippines in Los Baños when she encountered some long-term missionaries of our churches in the Middle East. Hearing their stories stirred in her a desire to participate in world missions. She began praying for the nations in the Middle East ever since, hoping that she will go there one day as well.

When Gretchen started working and attending our church in U-Belt, she continued to ask God for an opportunity to go to the nations. As an act of faith, she gave to several mission trips and supported other missionaries. Shortly after becoming a Victory group leader in 2015, Gretchen was given the opportunity to join a Ten Days mission trip to Sri Lanka.

The Ten Days mission program is one our major expressions of world missions in the Philippines. Through this program, selected Victory group leaders are given the chance to serve Every Nation churches in different parts of the world for about two weeks. Reaching other nations through the Ten Days mission trip gave Gretchen a greater desire to go to other nations. She went on two more Ten Days mission trips in 2016. Furthermore, because of her great heart to obey the Great Commission, Gretchen is now on board at Every Nation Philippines as a staff member of the Missions department, where she helps train and send cross-cultural missionaries to every nation.

We are called by God to participate in His work in the nations. Those who pray, give, and go are equally valuable in His kingdom. How about you? How is God calling you to be involved in reaching the nations today?

Know more about our heart for world missions this Sunday as we go through the last week of our All Access series. To give to our Missions efforts, click here.

Stepping out of my Comfort Zone

Stepping out of my Comfort Zone

JMdelaCruzYou are never too young to make an impact in the nations! JM dela Cruz, a Broadcast Communication senior from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, is passionate about making disciples not just in his campus, but the nations of the world. Check out his story here.



Going on a Ten Days trip was a milestone for me. Not only was it my first time to go out of the country; it was an encounter that did indeed change my life!

When Victory Pioneer issued a call for Ten Days volunteers, I immediately signed up to participate. At the time, I was already actively discipling students, but somehow I knew that God wasn’t limiting me to making disciples in my home country. I knew I was called for something more.

It took our team five months of preparation to raise support. Personally, I was challenged because I needed to prioritize schoolwork so I could graduate on time; I truly learned to manage my time well in this season.

Soon after our arrival in the city to which we were assigned, we began to interact with students in nearby campuses. We engaged them further by inviting them to a free Basic Leadership Workshop, where I had the honor and privilege to teach in one of the sessions. We also got to encourage the students to be excellent in their studies. Despite the initial language barrier, our team was able to connect with them effectively. We’re really amazed at how the locals were quickly responding to our invitations, both for the Workshop and the hangouts.

The Ten Days team taught about leadership and excellence. JM, in particular, shared a message on leading oneself.
The Ten Days team taught about leadership and excellence. JM, in particular, shared a message on leading oneself.

During the trip, I was able to engage Vic*, a student from an aviation school. We’ve only met twice during our ten-day stay, but we were able to immediately establish trust and friendship with each other. We also exchanged gifts before our team went back to the Philippines. I gave him my favorite shirt, and he gave me his favorite cap, polo shirt, and badge. When I asked him why he was giving me these gifts, he replied that he found not only a friend, but a brother in me. I am in awe of what God is doing in this nation, and I am just excited to see more people like him build a relationship with Christ, and be able to preach the gospel to his family as well.

I’d liken a Ten Days trip to a trip out of your comfort zone! Admit it—it’s not easy to go out of what you’re accustomed to! The journey in itself isn’t just a physical one. God challenged me to step out in faith and obey Him with all my heart. I learned that I should not look down on myself, because God has a great purpose and plan for me.  This trip also enabled me to discover new opportunities and skills I didn’t think I had.

Now that I’m back in my home country, I’m ready to share what God has done in and through our team through my Ten Days experience. I want more people to be part of what God’s doing in the nations; I’m more than ready to go on my next Ten Days trip!

JM (second from left) is ready to reach every nation and every campus!
JM (second from left) is ready to reach every nation and every campus!

*Names have been changed to protect privacy.

What can you do in Just Ten Days?

What can you do in Just Ten Days?

A team of Ten Days missioners from Victory Ortigas were the first to set foot in Sri Lanka. Read their testimony here!


We were posed with the challenge, “What can you do in just Ten Days?,” when we joined a short-term mission trip to Sri Lanka from May to June 2014. The question, however, is not what ordinary men and women like us could do. It was about what God could do through us. With that, the possibilities are endless!

Sri Lanka is a country with a people largely unexposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Less than two percent of its population are Christians, while about 70 percent are Buddhists. Bringing the good news to this mission field was truly a life-changing privilege.



Each of us in the team were challenged to reach out and share our faith to everyone we met, in every way we can. We boldly approached students and other locals in the streets of Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. We shared our testimonies, trained local church leaders in discipleship and evangelism, supported English-speaking classes, and prayed for Sri Lanka and its leaders.


It is overwhelming to see the results of God’s work even beyond the ten days we spent there. We were able to connect locals to the church, and six Buddhists received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We also helped jumpstart a small group. One of the students started doing ONE 2 ONE discipleship with our Sri Lanka missionaries. By God’s grace, Every Nation Sri Lanka will be launched by January 2015!


Your prayers and support have made a tremendous impact in the nation of Sri Lanka. Istoothi (thank you) from the bottom of our hearts!

Equipping and Empowering the Nations

A Ten Days mission team from Victory Malate was sent to Bangkok, Thailand in May 2012. For them, it was “a journey of knowing God deeper.” Know why by checking out our article here!


Our trip to Bangkok couldn’t have come at a more crucial time. By the time we arrived, Every Nation Church Bangkok was going through a leadership transition. The church was first started by a team of Filipino missionaries, trained at the Every Nation Building in Bonifacio Global City. Now, this thriving church was going to be handed over to local leaders who we believe would be instrumental in making disciples among the Thai people.

When we arrived, our Every Nation church in Thailand was having a two-day camp. This event helped strengthen them, as our church members and leaders were reminded of the importance of spiritual family. Our team facilitated some of the activities, and we were able to build relationships with the local leaders. The camp culminated with the water baptism of five new disciples in the church. One of them was a young student who almost became a Buddhist monk.

Campers from our Every Nation Church Bangkok are excited for what's next.
Campers from our Every Nation Church Bangkok are excited for what’s next.

The camp helped leverage our relationships with the church members. We spent time soon after equipping and encouraging our Every Nation Church Bangkok leaders. We also held a youth event, where we talked about love and relationships to the students.

Of course, our time in Bangkok would not be complete without going to the campuses. We got to spend time and talk to some students from Ramkamhaeng University, the largest open university in Thailand. Ken, a communications student, was one of the students we interacted with. She received the gospel well and is now connected with our church members in Every Nation Church Bangkok.

We’ve seen how God has been sovereign in our short time as a missions team to Bangkok—and this is a privilege for all of us. Thank you for your support and prayers!


The Ten Days program gives Victory group leaders the opportunity to experience cross-cultural missions first-hand by engaging local contacts, encouraging the local team, and equipping the local leaders of Every Nation Asia churches. If you are a Victory group leader and would like to be part of a Ten Days mission trip, please contact your local church missions coordinator.

Ten Days leaders are trained for the Ten Days experience using materials developed at our leadership development facility at the Every Nation Building. We are currently building a second facility, the Every Nation Building Phase 2, which will serve as our leadership development facility upon completion. For more information on the Every Nation Building Phase 2, please visit

Faith for the Nations

Faith for the Nations

Lyn Abad, an upcoming campus minister from Victory Ortigas, shares her experiences on what it means to reach the nations through a Ten Days mission trip.

I’ve always had a desire to reach out to Buddhist countries. I believe God gave me a burden to reach out to the people from these nations. He honored that desire when in 2012, I took part in my first Ten Days mission trip in Macau. I was able to participate in another mission trip in Myanmar, another Buddhist nation, shortly after.

Joining a Ten Days mission trip involves enlarging your vision and territory, for you to be used in different parts of the world. One of the challenges I encountered was overcoming my natural shyness to talk to people I didn’t know—from a different culture, no less! I learned to trust God with regard to my shyness. Didn’t He say in His Word that we can do all things through Him, who gives us strength?

I also discovered that engaging people isn’t just about making friends with them and finding out about common interests—it also involves imparting to others who God is, in terms of who He is. In one of my mission trips, for instance, my teammates and I got to talk to young people who were asking about the earth, how the universe came to be, and the existence of God. This was a beautiful opportunity to share about creation, and most importantly, the Creator.

Lyn and her teammates engaged Macanese in different sporting activities
Lyn and her teammates engaged Macanese in different sporting activities

Part of being in a Ten Days mission trip includes raising funds for ministry support. The entire process of the mission trip was challenging in a faith-stretching way! It really takes faith to believe God to provide for everything that you need.

My faith was also stretched in terms of trusting God as my healer. Two weeks prior to my second mission trip, I had to undergo an operation. I was already discouraged from pushing through with the actual trip, and experienced pain even up to a few days before the trip, but I believed God for my speedy healing. I had faith that He would bring me complete healing, and at the same time be able to go to the nations. What’s interesting is, when I set foot in our destination, I didn’t experience any pain at all. God healed me completely so I could do the work He’s called me to do!

Another facet that made me so encouraged about joining short-term missions is the character molding I experienced. I got to be in a team with different people of different personalities and temperaments. God really taught me about unity–that I should fight for it, not shift blame to other people, but really step out in faith to love them.

Overall, a Ten Days mission trip is a life-changing experience. If God has called you to go and reach the nations for Him, no one can stop you from doing this!

Ten Days Cambodia: Journey of Hope

Ten Days Cambodia: Journey of Hope

A team of young single professionals from Victory Quezon City took part in a Ten Days mission trip in Cambodia last April. Know more about their exciting adventure below!


Praying for the nation
We began our mission trip by blessing the nation. The team conducted a prayer walk at Cambodia’s government offices, cultural landmarks, and schools. We also had the chance to pray for two survivors of the 1970s Khmer Rouge genocide during our visit to one of the notorious security prisons at that time.

Praying for the nation and the two survivors filled us with hope and a joyful expectation for the great things that are up ahead for Cambodia!

One of the Cambodian locals shares the gospel to his friends
One of the Cambodian locals shares the gospel to his friends


Engaging the locals
In our efforts to bring more locals to Every Nation Church Cambodia (ENCC), we went around one of the largest premier universities in the country, the Royal University of Phnom Penh. We engaged several students and invited them to the free English classes that are being conducted weekly by the local church as a strategic activity to connect with the youth.

All of the students we invited attended the English classes and some even brought their friends with them! We had the opportunity to serve as teachers that week and it was a joy for us to see them learn and get acquainted with other students.

Cambodians are naturally friendly. Aside from the students, we also had an enjoyable time connecting with tuktuk drivers, restaurant clerks, and local merchants.

Enjoying a meal with some members of our Every Nation church in Cambodia
Enjoying a meal with some members of our Every Nation church in Cambodia

Serving the church
Other than blessing the nation and its people, it was also our goal to serve the local church. It was part of our agenda to refresh and encourage the local church in whatever way we can, so our team helped in the preparations for ENCC’s 3rd anniversary celebration, cleaned their new church center, and cooked Filipino food for the church members.

We also served in the various volunteer ministries during the Sunday worship service.  We also had a fun time facilitating LifePlus, the weekly Friday activity that aims to equip students for life.

It was a fruitful and fulfilling two-week mission trip, and we thank God for the privilege and opportunity to honor Him and advance His kingdom in Cambodia! Aw-khun charan! (Thank you very much!)

One of the ways we engage with locals is through conducting English classes, like this one
One of the ways we engage with locals is through conducting English classes, like this one

If you would like to be a part of a Ten Days mission trip, please contact your local church administrator or visit

Relationships Matter: Ten Days Hong Kong

Relationships Matter: Ten Days Hong Kong

A team of Ten Days missioners from Victory Zamboanga visited the nation of Hong Kong in October. Know more about their adventure in this blog post!


Off we go!
Our Ten Days mission trip in Hong Kong in October 2012 was an incredible ride marked by amazing ups and downs. For the most part, the journey was met by wonderful people who brought joy to our hearts. As we met students from different universities, we had the chance to befriend them, encourage them, and even pray for them.

Our Every Nation church in Hong Kong meets at three different locations each week, including a Hong Kong campus. Our three churches cater to different groups of people, and minister to their unique needs as well.

Discipleship is relationship
When we arrived in Hong Kong, our Every Nation church was holding a discipleship campaign called “Each One, Reach One.” They were rallying their local leaders to be serious in making disciples, and we consider it a privilege to support our church in discipleship.

One of the Ten Days missioners shares a laugh with the Cantonese students.

Four of us helped build relationships with the students in one of the universities we visited. We took the time to dine with the students, hold game nights with them, and even cook for them! Being in an international school, we were able to meet students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sweden, and the US. It was a humbling opportunity to interact with students of different nations and cultures—because we trust that when they go home to their home countries, they will carry with them the seeds of the gospel! Only God can orchestrate this kind of opportunity, and we are humbled and in awe of His works!

The mission team from Victory Zamboanga taught the students how to play Pinoy Henyo, a Filipino game.

Meanwhile, three of our teammates spent time with our Hong Kong church’s local leaders. We encouraged them to not stop sharing the gospel with their colleagues, no matter where they were. We also had the opportunity to join and hold Life groups with a few Filipinos working in Hong Kong!


Attitude of gratitude
All throughout the mission trip, we knew God was right with us. We may have faced some challenges along the way, but we held fast and were confident in what God was doing mightily, not just in our lives, but in the lives of the students, professionals, and families to whom we were ministering.

We are so grateful for everyone who has stood with us in prayer and supported us in our ministry. Most of all, we are thankful that God has never left nor forsaken us!

A Great Adventure: Ten Days Macau

A Great Adventure: Ten Days Macau

Macau is a region rich with history. From being a simple, backwater region, it has gone to become the “Las Vegas of Asia” because of its lifestyle of glitz and gambling. Sadly, many young people have even quit schooling to work in the casinos to earn money. Half a million people are part of this region, with over 90% practicing Buddhism.

In April of this year, a team of Ten Days missioners from Victory Olongapo took part in a mission trip to this opulent Chinese city. Armed with faith and confidence in the gospel, these men and women set out for a great adventure!

One of the highlights of the trip was visiting three different campuses: University of Macau, Sam Yuk High School, and Macau University of Science and Technology. They were able to engage the students from these campuses by befriending them, getting to know them, and finding common interests. They also had opportunities to share the gospel to these young people. They also got connected to our Every Nation church in Macau.

We build relationships and share lives!

Prayer walks were also held in the campuses and in different areas around the city. The missioners took time to speak words of life and blessing to Macau and its people. This Ten Days missions experience, as our missioners from Victory Olongapo shared, has taught them to totally rely on God and be expectant for more things.

We are in faith that our missioners’ prayers and efforts will bear fruit in this nation! And our work is not yet done in reaching the nations for Jesus. Please continue praying with us for more open doors, not only in Macau, but in the rest of Asia and the world!

Sharing a quick meal with the students they met

If you would like to be part of a Ten Days mission trip, please contact your local church administrator.

Why Should I be Part of the Ten Days Experience?

Why Should I be Part of the Ten Days Experience?

“If God has called you for something, He will be the one to make a way.” Check out Rivelle Mallari’s Ten Days mission trip testimony!

I feel that living in the Philippines gives us the privilege to talk about Jesus freely, read the Bible in public, and attend church anytime, anywhere. In other nations, people haven’t even heard the name “Jesus.” I wanted to take advantage of that privilege by reaching out to these people. I know that it will not change the entire nation but going on a mission trip could be the start.

I took part in a Ten Days mission trip earlier this year. It was so easy to share the gospel with the locals because they were excited and willing to listen. They were also thrilled to be visited by someone from another country.

At first, I had so much doubt if I could tell about Jesus to people I don’t know. I never tried talking randomly to strangers and be friends with them. We went to one of the campuses in the nation and I was really nervous. How do I approach these students I’ve never met? When we started talking to them, though, it was pretty easy and fun. We spent two days with them like we knew each other for months. God was really the One who allowed these events to happen. I never would have imagined that it was possible.

Ten Days missions experience Asia
Sharing a meal in one of the campuses

One of the memorable parts of my Ten Days trip was having a relationship talk with one of the locals I met. Almost out of nowhere, she shared her frustrations about being single, and asked me about having a boyfriend. I told her that being single is a gift from God and we should enjoy this season, and that finding a partner is not the ultimate answer to make us perfectly happy. That talk may have been short, but I felt like it was something important to her.

All the events that happened before, during, and after the event were more than I could ever ask for. I’m grateful for the opportunity to take part in what God is doing in the nations!

Ten Days missions experience Asia
Rivelle (extreme right) and her Ten Days missions teammates
South Korea: One Campus at a Time

South Korea: One Campus at a Time

A Ten Days team recently took part in a mission trip to South Korea. Why South Korea? More than being a nation of K-pop artists and Koreanovelas, 50% of its population also claims to not have its own religion or denomination. That in itself gives our missioners an exciting opportunity to share the gospel to our Korean brothers and sisters!

The members of our missions team, together with some pastors and leaders of Every Nation Church in Korea, visited some of its universities. Yonsei University was their first stop in the area, where the “e++” English program was being conducted weekly. Church volunteers would help Korean students enhance their English speaking skills. In turn, it gave the volunteers opportunities to engage with Korean students who did not have a personal relationship with Christ.

Ten Days South Korea Mission Trip
English classes are educational and life-changing at the same time

The team also visited Honggik University. Unlike Yonsei, Honggik does not have an English tutorial program yet. Many Korean students are required to learn speaking and writing in English, and “e++” is an effective way to meet that need. It not only helps the students in their communication, but it’s also an open door for the gospel.

Ten Days Mission Trip in South Korea
Sharing life


“The few days that we have spent in South Korea is more than what we imagined it would be,” shares Zi Ferraris, one of the missioners.  “Sharing the gospel (to the nations)  is a privilege, not a burden.” Indeed, being able to go and speak of the love of Christ to every nation and every campus is something that each of us can be part of!

Making an Impact in the Nations

Making an Impact in the Nations

Being part of a Ten Days mission trip is truly a life-changing experience! Check out this testimony from the Ten Days team from Victory Greenhills. They embarked on a mission trip in March that forever changed their lives and gave them a bigger picture of honoring God and making disciples in the nations.

In March 2012, we went to a Ten Days mission trip in Phnom Penh,  Cambodia. Phnom Penh is the nation’s capital and houses the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Cambodia’s oldest and largest university.

To connect with the students in RUPP, our Every Nation church in Cambodia has been conducting English classes. Our first activity was to observe the classes.  The students were so eager to learn!

We were given the chance to teach. While their limited English made it a bit hard to communicate, it didn’t matter! Games, hand gestures, and students eagerly translating in their language made it possible for us to connect with them in a more personal level.

The students also love music and we had the chance to share this with them. It was no accident that many from our team are gifted in this area. We were able to give them simple voice and guitar lessons. Music really helped us bond together!

We had an opportunity to preach God’s Word come Sunday. Some male students even accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior! They were so encouraged that they committed to attending all our activities. We were just in awe at how the Word of God is so powerful to speak life to those who hear it.

 The remaining days of our mission trip were spent in the company of the young Cambodians, learning about their rich history and beautiful culture. We came home more blessed than we can ever imagine. God’s love was evident all throughout. We are expectant that our Every Nation church in Cambodia will continue to grow, with more leaders equipped and more locals to come to know  Jesus. We’d like to give all of you a heartfelt okhun charan! (Thank you!)

If you’d like to know how you can be part of a Ten Days mission trip, please visit

Beyond Limits

Beyond Limits

“I was called to something that I felt I wasn’t fully qualified to do, but somehow I was compelled that this was something I had to fulfill.”  In spite of setbacks, Tina Cabrera of Victory Malate was aware of how important it was to reach the nations for Jesus. Check out her account of her Ten Days experience here!

I took a Ten Days missions trip in November in a restricted nation.  One of our tasks was to do a prayer-walk in one of the major universities there. We spent time interceding for its students to come to know Jesus.

After spending time in the campus, I visited one of the local restaurants with a Ten Days teammate. We asked for the menu and the waitress gave us a full list of the food servings—with no pictures and no English translations at all! We didn’t want to risk pointing to a dish at random. Because of the language barrier, we spent a few minutes trying to explain what we wanted to eat, to no avail. Finally, our server asked the female customers from a nearby table to help us out.

It turns out that these women were students of the university we just came from earlier. One of them shocked me with the level of English she had. She sat beside me and introduced herself as Miriam.*

After finally getting to order, small talk ensued. I didn’t expect that I could actually meet locals, aside from our hosts! We exchanged mobile phone numbers and email addresses with the female students, and said our goodbyes shortly after. I knew this would not be the last time we would meet.

Through that encounter, God made me understand that language can never be a barrier to pour out His unfailing and unconditional love. Indeed, He breaks any barriers or hindrances to proclaim and shed His light to others. With God, there are no restraints when it comes to advancing His kingdom!

Miriam and I met again on our very last day in that nation. In the middle of our conversation, she suddenly asked me about what I believed in. It’s amazing how God opened the door for me to share my faith with her! As we continued to talk, she revealed that she learned English by reading a dual language Bible. “If I were to choose a religion and believe in faith, I will choose Christianity and I believe that there is one God,” Miriam shared.

Out of the fourteen days I spent there, God gave me one opportunity to trust Him in a deeper way. He orchestrates events in the lives of His children. I am amazed at His faithfulness and truly, I am grateful for this opportunity to be part of what He is doing in the nations!

Let’s not waste any time to be His salt and light to the world!


To know how you can take part in a short-term mission trip, please visit our Ten Days Philippines website or contact your local church coordinator.


*Name changed to protect privacy

Why Should I be Part of the Ten Days Experience?

Why Should I be Part of the Ten Days Experience?

World missions is close to our heart as a movement. We’d like to share a testimony by Ged de Guzman, one of our short term missioners who attended a Ten Days trip to an Asian country a few months ago. Here’s his story.

It was during the ‘Are We There Yet’? series in church when my desire to reach out to the nations started. I realized through this series that there still are a lot of people who haven’t even heard of the name “Jesus.” And as Jesus commands us, we are to go and make disciples of all nations. I felt that I wanted to respond to that call.

During our Prayer and Fasting in January 2011, one of my faith goals is to disciple a person of a different nation. Two months later, I was informed that our church is building a team of short term missioners to be sent out to a mission trip. I believe it was God’s answer to my prayer. So I decided to be part of the Ten Days trip.

It was an incredible experience for my teammates and myself, from the moment we got to the nation until we left the country. May it be simple chat or deeper conversation with the locals, everything was an opportunity for us to share the gospel directly and indirectly to them. One of the instances that I won’t forget was when we met a former non-Christian religious leader who came to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Not only is he passionate about his newfound faith, but he is also helping out our church in strategically sowing the seeds of the gospel to his followers.

Two of our Ten Days missioners cook up a hearty meal for the locals

Doing discipleship in a different nation is both fun and challenging. To engage in a conversation with the locals, we at least had to know their language, interests, customs, and traditions so as to build rapport and not to cause offense. Once the relationship is built, the locals became more willing to listen and respond.

My Ten Days experience definitely made a great impact in my life. Not only was I able to become part of what God is doing to the nations, I myself saw how God worked in my personal walk with Him through this short-term mission. Moreover, my understanding of the need to preach the gospel to all nations deepened.  I can say that through Ten Days, I believed, served,  and loved like I never did before. It’s truly a privilege to be used by God for His purpose.

If you want to be part of a Ten Days trip, please contact your local church administrator for more information. Check out our national directory for contact details.


JANUARY 2013 UPDATE: Ged de Guzman is now a Campus Minister serving under Victory Ortigas Youth.