Our Greatest Joy: A Fasting Testimony

Our Greatest Joy: A Fasting Testimony

We always have a choice to either magnify the impossible or to fix our eyes on what God says is possible. For Mhean and her husband, it was a challenge. But despite many setbacks, they chose to consistently focus on God. This is their story.


Since my husband and I got married four years ago, we have been praying for a baby. Every time we pray and fast at the beginning of each year, we always include this as a faith goal.

Around the middle of 2016, I was diagnosed with a polycystic ovary and adenomyosis. I went through medical treatments, but I still wasn’t fit for pregnancy after all the procedures.

I became depressed, but the Lord gave me hope. Instead of dwelling on the complications of my health, I decided to hold onto God’s promises and not lose faith. In December 2016, I prayed to God and said, “Lord, having a baby would be a wonderful gift this Christmas.”  I continued to believe.

The morning after New Year’s eve, my husband woke me up excitedly and told me that he had a dream about me giving birth to a baby boy in a delivery room. Two days after, I found out I was pregnant! The baby turned out to be a boy, just like in my husband’s dream. We were so amazed that God answered our prayer!

I carried our child for nine months. However, two days before my due date in August, our baby lost his heartbeat while he was still in my womb. It was definitely a sad time. Nevertheless, we chose to praise God in spite of what just happened. We did not allow our situation to hinder us from worshipping Him.

God can turn our mourning into dancing. The Lord showed us that His power can not only heal, but can also give us the opportunity to become parents. We will not lose our hope and faith in Him because He has given us a promise and we know He is faithful to fulfill His promise. Now, we are still believing for another baby. With God, we know it’s just a matter of time and trusting Him.


Mhean and her husband’s story reveals that our greatest joy is not in the promise, but ultimately in the One who holds the promise. The question is, how will you respond when your faith is challenged by multiple setbacks? Will you continue to hope and rejoice in Him?



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