Great Faith: Midyear Prayer and Fasting 2019

Great Faith: Midyear Prayer and Fasting 2019

As we enter the second half of 2019, let us continue to believe God for greater things with great faith! This coming July 2 to 4, we will commit to pray and fast once again as a church.


You can find updates about the midyear fast and prayer meeting schedules in the coming weeks through our worship services, social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), and the Victory app. You can also read testimonies from our prayer and fasting week early this year.

Just like in previous years, a devotional for kids ages 10 to 12 will also be available. We believe that allowing the next generation to participate will give them an opportunity to grow and be established in the faith. We encourage you to walk with them and guide them as they join the fast.

To help us study God’s Word during the midyear fast, here are our downloadable devotionals that are based on the lives of men and women in the New Testament who exhibited great faith.





As we seek God and His will—above all else—this year, let us be in faith that His purposes for us will be fulfilled.

When Bad Things Happen

When Bad Things Happen

When bad things happen, will you continue to anchor your faith in God and be grateful? In this article, Gigi shares how she chose to thank the Lord and fill her heart with gratitude despite the hardships that tested her faith.


My journey of knowing Christ was long and tough. I had the opportunity to hear the gospel early on, but it took me decades to really take everything to heart. All the while, God had been longing to break the walls in my heart and take the wheel off my hands.

When my mother came to know Christ in 1983, she immediately preached the gospel to our family and hosted Bible study meetings in our home every week. After four years, I accepted Christ in my life as my Savior, but I did not really allow Him to be my Lord; I did not fully let go of the things that are not pleasing to Him.

In 2003, I accidentally learned that there are worship services being held at Victory Ortigas. After more than a year of attending, I joined a Victory group, and another year later, I finally had my Victory Weekend. It felt like finally coming home after wandering away for so long.

However, while I was growing in my faith in 2006 and my family was trying to recover from a major financial crisis, my husband suffered a major stroke. He had to undergo three brain surgeries and stay in the hospital for almost two months. It rendered us all financially crippled. It tried to weaken my faith.

With 4 children in school and debts multiplying, another “big rock” hit our family just nine months after my husband had a stroke—we lost our third child to cancer. He was only 19 years old, and we were all clueless that he was sick. All we knew then was that he had a long-standing cough, which the doctors thought was caused by asthma. Things happened really quickly; we were caught off guard by a really bad surprise. My husband survived, but my son passed away. It did not make sense to us.

In 2009, Ondoy came, and it destroyed everything we had. One bad thing happened after another; it was beyond painful and difficult. As if everything that had happened was not enough, my salary was cut in half in 2012, and it was my youngest son who really felt its impact. Due to an unpaid balance in his tuition, we were unable to get his transcript of records. It took us three years to pay for everything, so my son was out of school for three years. And finally, in 2013, my husband passed away. It was one of the hardest things to accept.

Despite all the things that had happened, God never made me feel alone. He gave me the strength I needed to endure all the pain that went with my husband’s and son’s deaths and with all the other trials that came along. I held on to His Word in Psalm 23 and allowed it to reassure me every time I would feel weak and weary. I would still cheerfully serve Him as an usher in church and allow His strength to carry me through every single day. In the midst of everything, He revealed to me that there is always something to be thankful for.

My son, who was out of school for three years, passed a Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) and managed to enroll back to school. He graduated from senior high school with honors and is now a dean’s lister in his college. Though we are still in the process of getting out of debt, God recently blessed me with a company car and a new home for my family. I knew it was Him working and making things possible. It was Him reminding me that there are little victories along the way—and more. He turned our mourning into dancing and our weeping into joy. His strength, indeed, is always more than enough. I can always smile in the midst of trials because of Christ.

Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

When trials come and really bad things happen to us, we can always anchor our faith in God and allow His strength to carry us through. Despite what may come our way, there is always a reason for us to remain grateful because Christ is with us.

When God Heals

When God Heals

Chari went under the knife last year for a growing tumor in her brain. It was a high-risk operation, but God proved how faithful He is throughout the whole ordeal. Here is her inspiring testimony about God’s greatness and faithfulness.


It was in 2017 when I came to know Christ. It was a time when trials were piling up, and I was hardly coping up with all the problems that were coming my way.

Early that year, I was dealing with a painful breakup from a six-year relationship. It took a hard toll on me emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Just a few months after the breakup, I was diagnosed with right vestibular schwannoma. It is a benign tumor on the right side of the brain.

At that time, the tumor was already two centimeters big (about the size of a lime), and the doctors were recommending immediate surgery. Because of its size, I eventually lost all my hearing in my right ear. I easily fell into depression and asked God so many questions about why it was all happening to me.

In the midst of a seemingly hopeless situation, a cousin reached out to me on October 22, 2017 and invited me to attend a worship service at Victory Santa Rosa. During the service, God spoke to me through the preaching and the songs that were sung in church. I could not stop myself from crying.

Right after the service, a girl—who would turn out to be my Victory group leader—Norie, came up to me. She invited me to join her group and eventually guided me in my walk with God. I went through ONE 2 ONE with her and attended Victory Weekend.

As I walked through life with God, I had to fend off a lot of doubts and negative thoughts and purely anchor my faith in Him. It was a year-long process for me. But it was a process worth taking.

In January 2018, I joined the prayer and fasting week and asked God for physical healing. I also asked Him to increase my faith as I battled with my disease. After that, God led me to people who helped me raise funds for my operation. It was hard, but it would have been more difficult if it were not for all the people who voluntarily took the time to help me get through a tough ordeal.

At exactly 6:00 a.m. on May 28, 2018, I was brought to the operating room. Every ounce of faith in my heart then battled with all the anxious thoughts in my head. I was afraid, but instead of letting it engulf my faith, I used it to seek courage and strength from God. At 5:00 p.m. on the same day, I woke up and felt God’s presence embracing every part of me. I cried with so much gratitude in my heart. I was glad to be alive—and I was beyond thankful to have been given a second chance.

The succeeding days were not easy. I had a mild stroke after the operation, so every single day that followed was a battle against an indescribable pain. But despite what I felt, I knew that each waking moment was a precious gift from Him. I kept that in my heart as God slowly restored my body and brought back the strength I thought I had already lost.

Now, after seven months of recovery, I am working again and volunteering in church as an usher. God healed me from everything that had caused me pain in the past—be it physical or emotional—and restored me completely. Though I thought it was impossible to recover from such ordeal, God revealed to me that truly, nothing is impossible with Him.

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26

When God heals, He heals completely and leaves no trace of what used to hurt us in the past. He is mighty to deliver us from any form of sickness and from any hopeless or painful situation. He is a God who restores.

Saying “Yes” to God

Saying “Yes” to God

There are moments in life when saying “yes” to God is difficult. This powerful testimony of Jansen and his wife, Khamille, proves that following God is always worth it. Read how they chose to obey God, even if what He was asking them to do did not make sense at first.


I am married with two children. My wife, Khamille, just gave birth to a healthy baby girl last December 9, 2018. Though our child’s birth is a miracle and a wonderful gift from God, there was something far more special that God did in and through us before and after she was born.

In the days leading to her childbirth, my wife told me that God had impressed on her heart to give birth in a public hospital. She did not know why, but she knew in her heart that God had a plan, and she completely trusted Him.

When the time came for my wife to give birth, we rushed her to a public hospital. There were so many patients at that time, so there were no rooms available anymore. When she gave birth, a space opened up for her in a ward. There were six other patients there, so the room was a little cramped. It was a little uncomfortable for her, but my wife did not mind. While looking at the pitiful condition of all the other patients, we slowly understood why God brought us there.

One of the patients in the ward, Ate Emma, lost her baby while she was giving birth. We both felt her pain, so we took that chance to pray for her and encourage her. What she went through was not easy, but we reminded her that God is always with her, and she can seek comfort from Him anytime.

Aside from Ate Emma, we also met another patient: Louie. A blood clot formed in her brain after she fell from a motorcycle. Like what we did for Ate Emma, we prayed for Louie and preached the gospel to her.

After praying, my wife told me to give a portion of the money we prepared for her childbirth to the two women we met. I was hesitant at first since we also had bills to pay and medicines to buy for our baby, but God was very clear about what He wanted us to do.

After we agreed on helping the two women financially, I checked our bill and was so surprised to know that it was way lower than what we were expecting. Even though we already gave a big chunk of what we had to Ate Emma and Louie, we were still left with more! Knowing that it was God who made it all possible, we deemed it fitting to give them all the money that was left to us. It was a bold act of faith and gratitude.

Now, my wife and I are handling a couples Victory group at Victory Malate, and we know that God will continue to use us in every situation; we just have to make ourselves available and always say “yes” to Him.

And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it. 2 John 1:6

Sometimes, God asks us to do something we do not understand. It may not make sense to us right away, but we should bear in mind that He always has a plan. There is a bigger purpose for every little thing that He wants us to do. And as we obey, let us allow Him to be our Lord in every situation and in every area of our lives.

More than Just a Job

More than Just a Job

Naj used to work in a company where almost all employees have temporary or project-based contracts. She already left two years ago, but God somehow brought her back to the same workplace. This year, God surprised her by showing exactly what His plan was all along.


I am an engineer by profession. I used to work in a company where almost all employees have project-based contracts. Two years ago, I left that company and found myself in another firm that has regularization options for their staff.

My new company is near Victory Pioneer, so when I transferred there, I started to become active in church again. I volunteered for the ushering ministry, and everything seemed to be going well—until I got an unexpected call from my former company last year.

I was told through phone that my former company was hiring again, and it hoped to employ those who used to work there before. Knowing its regularization process, I was settled to say no; I knew I wouldn’t trade the stability that my new company gave.

So I prayed hard to God and asked Him to help me decide. A few months later, I got a call again from my former company. Instead of a temporary contract, they offered probationary employment. It was something I never thought was even possible.

During our midyear prayer and fasting week last year, I asked for clear direction from God. And His answer to me was “yes.” Though I had doubts and I also had to let go of the stability I already found in my new company, I followed what I believed God was asking me to do.

When I accepted the offer and started working again in my former company, God slowly revealed to me why I was brought back there. I remembered that it was in that office where I was reached out by a former colleague. Just a few months before I resigned in 2016, a workmate invited me to join their group. She helped me in my walk with God through ONE 2 ONE and guided me until I publicly declared my faith during Victory Weekend.

When I came back, I found out that the old group that I used to join two years ago is still there and active. Before, I was the only female in our team, but now, there are a lot of female employees in our company—and they are also in need of someone who will minister to them. God made it clear to me that being planted in that office is more than just a work opportunity but an avenue to fulfill His purpose. As such, not long after, I started doing the exact same thing that my former colleague had done for me. I am currently going through ONE 2 ONE with one of my workmates and humbly sharing the love of Christ to her. God’s turning point for me turned out to be a twist filled with so much purpose.

Aside from giving me the privilege to advance His kingdom by sharing His Word to others, God also answered a little prayer in my heart. On January 11, 2019 (right after the prayer and fasting week), my manager informed me of my regularization in the company. It was like God taking away every bit of doubt and worry in my heart and just reassuring me that He is with me as I obey. There is nothing sweeter than that.

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. Proverbs 19:21

God always has a bigger plan for everything. And we also have a purpose that is way bigger than what our jobs entail. Our main job on earth is to share God’s Word and show His love to the people around us. It is a job like no other; it is humbling and very fulfilling.

Holding Fast While Waiting

Holding Fast While Waiting

How can we continue to believe with great faith while waiting for our prayers to be answered? Be inspired as Gloryfe shares her powerful testimony of faith and courage to believe for great things while waiting for God to heal her son from hypotonia.


My son has hypotonia. It is a medical word for low muscle tone. He is already one year old, but he still cannot sit on his own—and there is no sign of him walking anytime soon.

When he was born, the doctors immediately noticed that there is something wrong with him. Unlike most babies, he does not move a lot, and his body feels limp when held. His doctors recommended several tests, but they were unable to determine the real cause of his condition.

The whole situation was difficult for me and my husband. My husband, who was not yet a Christian then, had a hard time accepting the fact that something is wrong with our baby. But through this rough patch, he developed an earnest desire to seek God and hear from Him. He eventually made the decision to follow Christ and went through Victory Weekend last year.

After my husband accepted Christ, he and I found renewed courage to face our family’s situation. We made our son, Matt, participate in physical therapy sessions to help reverse the effects of his condition. It is difficult, but I know in my heart that Matt is slowly getting there, and God will strengthen him every day.

Despite our situation, God gave me the confidence to not lose hope. I know that through all this, He will provide for all our needs. The cost of my son’s medicines and therapy sessions may be overwhelming, but God will surely meet all of them. I am also claiming that no other delay or disorder will be diagnosed as we complete all the tests and examinations for Matt.

As my family and our church community in Victory Ortigas continue to pray for my son, my faith in God deepens and grows as well. God impressed in my heart that the name we gave to our son, Matt Zion, declares who He is and the faith that we have in Him.

More than anything, I really praise God for strengthening my faith through His Word. My son did not have instant progress or healing during the fasting, but I gained the faith that will sustain me as I continue to believe for the best. The “great faith” that I have now is a miracle and a breakthrough in itself. And for that, I am really thankful to God. All the glory belongs to Him alone.

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. Psalm 125:1

Even as we wait for our prayers to be answered, we can hold fast to God and believe for great things. God is working in our waiting, and as we wait, let us allow His promises to increase our faith and give us the courage to face each day with so much hope.

34 Years Later

34 Years Later

If our prayers do not get answered right away, will we continue to trust God? Read how June waited for more than three decades to finally meet her father and be reunited with him. Here is her inspiring testimony.


I was only two years old when my father left me and my mom. When I turned 11, I started asking about my dad, but my mom would always refuse to talk about what had happened. Because of that, there had been an eagerness in my heart to see him and ask all the questions I had been asking myself all these years.

In 2001, I found my dad’s social media account and learned that he lives in the United States. We started communicating through email, but a few things happened here and there, which further widened the gap between us. I started to harbor resentment against him because of that.

When I went through Victory Weekend in January 2014, my resentment against my father came out. I tried to ignore it, but a few years later, while I was going through a counseling session, my abandonment and rejection issues resurfaced. Unable to take it any longer, I made a resolve to finally deal with all the hatred and unforgiveness in my heart. During our time of prayer and fasting last year, I asked God to make a way for me to see my father. I wanted to finally meet him and tell him all the hurts and pains that I had been struggling with all along.

I knew that releasing forgiveness is a process, and I couldn’t do it overnight. In August last year, while praying to God, the Holy Spirit prompted me to finally release the hatred I had been harboring in my heart for years. I cried out to God and let it all out. A month after that, an opportunity for me to go to the US came about. I knew it was the chance I had been waiting to get since I was kid, but I knew I did not have the resources to go there anytime soon. I prayed hard to God and even fasted about it.

Not long after, my half-sister in the US told me that she and her husband were willing to pay for my round trip ticket—and my family’s, too. (I am now married with two kids.) She offered a place for us to stay and even arranged a surprise meeting for me and my dad. I was beyond grateful. I knew it was God working through them. As if that were not enough, God also provided for my family’s visa expenses through my mother-in-law. Our interview went on smoothly and we were granted a ten-year multiple entry visa to the US.

Finally, on June 20, 2018, we flew to San Francisco and stayed in Tracy, California. My dad drove all the way from Vallejo to Tracy on the day of our arrival. We were all excited but at the same time anxious. After 34 years, I finally met him. We hugged each other, and he whispered “I love you” to me. I did not know what to say for a while because it all felt surreal. It felt as if all the hatred in my heart melted at that moment.

During our brief stay in the US, God made a way for me and my father to have a heart-to-heart talk. He said sorry, and we both cried. I learned about what had happened when he left us, and hearing everything straight from him somehow pieced together the puzzle in my head.

Until now, I am still in awe of how God worked in our midst and made a way for me to finally be healed from all the bitterness and hatred I had kept in my heart for years. God is not just a healer of illnesses. He is a healer of relationships.

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10

God can heal the wounds in our hearts. He makes all the pain-filled parts new with His love. We can surrender all our broken parts to the Lord and allow His grace to restore every ailing piece.

Faith that Endures

Faith that Endures

When trials mount, will you still trust God? Read how Tina continued to hold on to God despite the trials that came her way.


After I got annulled from my first marriage, I told myself that I would never marry again. But in 2008, God surprised me by introducing me to the man who would become my second husband, Ramon.

I was actively volunteering in church when I met Ramon. At that time, I was so sold out to the idea that I would grow old without a partner. But God had other plans. During one of our worship services in Victory Cabanatuan—right after praise and worship—Ramon asked me to marry him.

I was already 45 years old at that time, and I have four kids. That’s why marrying again was something I never planned. But I prayed about it and eventually considered the idea of being a wife again to someone. Not long after, I remarried and have never felt that happy.

I thought all the painful times were over because of my new beginning with my husband. But seven years later—on April 11, 2015—an unexpected news broke my heart. Ramon was diagnosed with liver cancer; the doctors told us that he only had three months left to live.

I was a practicing doctor before so when I saw the biopsy result, I knew right then and there that what the doctors told us was right. But I still prayed hard to God and begged Him to give my husband more time to be with us.

That day, I got a call from an old classmate who is a doctor. He offered to handle Ramon’s case and do an operation as soon as possible. Ramon went under the knife and the operation went smoothly. Despite the ordeal he went through, my husband did not look like he was stricken with an illness; it seemed as if nothing had happened.

However, as months passed by, his cancer relapsed. Though his sickness was slowly trying to overcome his body, he continued to serve the Lord and even volunteered to be an usher in Victory Cabanatuan. Every now and then, he would tell me that it’s okay even if he ends up dying soon—because eventually, we will all get there someday. He would comfort me and prepare my heart for his passing every single day.

While my husband was slowly succumbing to his sickness, my father and my brother were also going through a tough ordeal at that time. (My father’s foot had to be amputated because of diabetes, while my brother had an angioplasty.) It was difficult, but it was during this time that God revealed Himself to me in a deeper way. On January 28, 2017, my father died, and exactly 40 days later—March 9, 2017—my husband passed away.

When my father and my husband died, God gave me comfort through our spiritual family. He surrounded me with people who encouraged me to press on despite all the trials that were trying to break me inside. I surrendered everything to Him and allowed His love to fill all the empty spaces in my heart. Instead of sulking, I learned not to be afraid of death because I know God will be right there in front of me the minute I die. Ramon’s death made me look forward to eternity in God. And it made me grateful, because instead of three months, He gave me almost two years to show how much I love my husband. Not everyone gets that chance.

Now, I’m 55 years old and every day, I try to make the best out of whatever time I have left to serve God and share His love to others. Everything on this earth will come to pass—our relationships, our pains, our loved ones—but God’s love will not.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. Matthew 24:35

We can have great faith even when trials are mounting on every side because we have a God who’s way bigger than all the problems we will ever face. His Word will always remain true, no matter what situation we find ourselves in. His love will always be there to comfort us. His love will always stay.

Biggest Breakthrough

Biggest Breakthrough

Edlyn Celestial of Victory Antipolo shares how her long-ago prayer was answered last year and became her biggest breakthrough to date.


I came to know Christ eight years ago. One of our campus missionaries in U-Belt shared the gospel with me, and not long after, I made a decision to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

Since then, for the past eight years, I would pray and fast at the start of each year and believe God for my family’s salvation. I wanted them to experience the same joy I felt when I came to know Christ. As such, since 2010, my faith goal had always been the same: to see my entire family in one church, choosing to follow Jesus.

In 2016, Victory planted a church in Antipolo. Though it is just five minutes away from our place, it was not until May 13, 2018 (Mother’s Day) that I mustered the courage to invite my family to our worship service. Not knowing what to expect, I was filled with overwhelming joy when my father responded to the challenge of the pastor at the end of the message. I had no idea that a big part of my long-ago prayer would be answered that day.

After accepting Christ in his life and going through Victory Weekend in August, my dad took different discipleship classes to grow more in his walk with God. His bold act of faith eventually inspired my mom and my younger brother, too. Just three months later, they also made a decision to follow Jesus; they finished their Victory Weekend last November.

After eight years of praying and waiting, my long-awaited faith goal became my biggest breakthrough to date—and since then, there have been many more. Currently, even my uncle’s family is regularly attending a worship service in Victory Antipolo; he and his wife are also now part of a couples’ Victory group.

Though I never saw it coming and lost faith countless times, God proved to me that He had never forgotten His promise.

And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household. Acts 16:31

God’s gift of salvation indeed extends to us all—it is made available to anyone who has faith in Him. Let us not grow tired of praying for our loved ones and believing God for breakthroughs this year.

Great Faith Series

Let’s enter the year with great faith in our great God! As we begin 2019, we will study the faith of men and women throughout Scripture that will inspire and encourage us to believe God with great faith this year.

Here are the topics for our upcoming six-week sermon series starting on the first week of January.:

  • Week 1: The Hebrew Believers
  • Week 2: Enoch
  • Week 3: Noah
  • Week 4: Abraham and Sarah
  • Week 5: Moses
  • Week 6: The Others

Let us all have great faith, and believe for great things from our great God in 2019!

See you at our worship services in Metro Manila or at any of our churches across the Philippines!