Ten Days Cambodia: Journey of Hope

Ten Days Cambodia: Journey of Hope

A team of young single professionals from Victory Quezon City took part in a Ten Days mission trip in Cambodia last April. Know more about their exciting adventure below!


Praying for the nation
We began our mission trip by blessing the nation. The team conducted a prayer walk at Cambodia’s government offices, cultural landmarks, and schools. We also had the chance to pray for two survivors of the 1970s Khmer Rouge genocide during our visit to one of the notorious security prisons at that time.

Praying for the nation and the two survivors filled us with hope and a joyful expectation for the great things that are up ahead for Cambodia!

One of the Cambodian locals shares the gospel to his friends
One of the Cambodian locals shares the gospel to his friends


Engaging the locals
In our efforts to bring more locals to Every Nation Church Cambodia (ENCC), we went around one of the largest premier universities in the country, the Royal University of Phnom Penh. We engaged several students and invited them to the free English classes that are being conducted weekly by the local church as a strategic activity to connect with the youth.

All of the students we invited attended the English classes and some even brought their friends with them! We had the opportunity to serve as teachers that week and it was a joy for us to see them learn and get acquainted with other students.

Cambodians are naturally friendly. Aside from the students, we also had an enjoyable time connecting with tuktuk drivers, restaurant clerks, and local merchants.

Enjoying a meal with some members of our Every Nation church in Cambodia
Enjoying a meal with some members of our Every Nation church in Cambodia

Serving the church
Other than blessing the nation and its people, it was also our goal to serve the local church. It was part of our agenda to refresh and encourage the local church in whatever way we can, so our team helped in the preparations for ENCC’s 3rd anniversary celebration, cleaned their new church center, and cooked Filipino food for the church members.

We also served in the various volunteer ministries during the Sunday worship service.  We also had a fun time facilitating LifePlus, the weekly Friday activity that aims to equip students for life.

It was a fruitful and fulfilling two-week mission trip, and we thank God for the privilege and opportunity to honor Him and advance His kingdom in Cambodia! Aw-khun charan! (Thank you very much!)

One of the ways we engage with locals is through conducting English classes, like this one
One of the ways we engage with locals is through conducting English classes, like this one

If you would like to be a part of a Ten Days mission trip, please contact your local church administrator or visit http://tendaysmissions.org.ph.

1 Comment

  • Like September 12, 2018 at 6:38 pm

    Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.

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