Brigada Eskwela 2024: God’s New Mercies in the Campuses

Brigada Eskwela 2024: God’s New Mercies in the Campuses

After Typhoon Carina caused widespread devastation across Metro Manila, schools had to resume a new school year. Many embraced the start of the school year with heavy hearts amidst the storm subsiding.

Despite it all, we find hope in the truth that God’s mercies are new every morning.

Through God’s grace, we are grateful for the hundreds of volunteers eager to serve about 50 campuses across Metro Manila during the Brigada Eskwela. This program brings together local communities, parents, teachers, and students to help clean and prepare public schools and facilities for the coming school year.

Willing hearts and ready hands helped clean and provided cleaning materials.

In all these—from donations and cleaning up initiatives, we are grateful for every person who selflessly gave all for something that we hold last: the gospel.

The storm may have taken away many valuable things, but through your service and prayers, we know that the eternal love of God is something that the students gained and will treasure beyond this lifetime.

Hebrews 13:16

And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices, God is pleased.

But it is precisely at these times that we are urged to be the hands and feet of Jesus and embody Christ’s presence in our society. Every act of compassion, every raised prayer, and every extended hand is evidence of our Creator’s unquestionable love for us and others.

As the campuses open for a new school year, continue to stand with us in prayer as we build stronger partnerships with the faculty and administrative staff, seek more open doors to serve more campuses, and most importantly, preach the life-transforming message of the gospel to every student.

New Series: New Gen

New Series: New Gen

God’s heart always goes out to the new generation. And as a church, God calls us to raise them according to His word.

God never hesitated to put young people at the center of His purpose, regardless of cultural norms and preferences. Without hesitation, God has used young people throughout church history to participate in His mission.

May we see every new generation the way God sees them: as the greatest untapped mission force—bringers of Christ’s hope in our broken world.

Over the next four weeks, let us look more deeply into God’s calling for us to prepare, empower, and remind the new generation of their purpose and identity in God.

Week 1: David and Saul

Week 2: David and Jonathan

Week 3: David and Nathan

Week 4: David and Solomon

See you at our weekend services!

You may check the worship service schedules here or by visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page.

Pray for God’s healing and hope in light of the rising HIV cases

Pray for God’s healing and hope in light of the rising HIV cases

The Philippines is currently experiencing the highest rate of new HIV cases globally, with an average of fifty-five new cases reported daily. The majority of cases involve young people. 

The Department of Health (DOH) reported 1,224 new HIV infections and 12 deaths. Nearly half of these new infections were among individuals aged 25–34, with almost a third occurring in those aged 15–24. Out of the 396 youth cases reported, 394 (99 percent) contracted HIV through sexual contact. Additionally, 80 (20 percent) of the youth cases were diagnosed with advanced HIV infection.

While HIV is no longer an incurable disease, access to antiretroviral treatment can be difficult for minors who need parental consent. Most minors often hide their condition, delaying treatment for years until it progresses to full-blown AIDS.

As a church that values the next generation, let’s continue to reach the campuses, minister the depths of Christ’s unconditional love, and encourage them to live set-apart lives. We pray that the next generation lives according to God’s word and walks free from sin and shame. 

While culture and society aim to alleviate the stigma and shame, only in Christ’s power do we find transformation and healing. 

In Him, our brokenness is made whole. 

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for divine healing and restoration of health for those infected with HIV, especially the young people suffering from this disease. Pray also for the elimination of stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV, so that they may be treated with compassion, dignity, and acceptance.
  2. Pray for families to be strengthened and guided to uphold God’s ways in their households. Pray for endurance for those who have family members with HIV and that they will continue to provide unwavering support and care. Surround them with a community that will support them in their journey.
  3. Pray for our campus ministry, especially student discipleship. May the students be empowered to make a positive difference on their campuses, being the salt and light among their classmates. Let them move in love and compassion as they share Jesus and His message of hope and salvation within their sphere of influence.
  4. Pray for our government officials as they collaborate and strategize their efforts in their campaign for adolescent health. Pray that God will grant them wisdom, unity, and effectiveness in their actions, bringing about positive change and better health outcomes for our youth.

To learn more about the current situation in our nation, you can read the resources through the links below:

Future Leaders Ignited to Change the World


We’re gearing up for the new school year! Over the break, we invited our students to come together, through our leaders’ and youth camps across the country. These gatherings become a key milestone in their faith journey and build strong relationships within the church community. 



Student camps highlight God’s love for young people. During the sessions, they understood the depth of God’s love for them and others, prompting them to live in a way that honors Him.




These fun and unforgettable moments help foster a strong sense of community among the young people, encouraging them that they are not alone in their walk with God.




They had a meaningful time building stronger and more purposeful relationships with one another. May these relationships deepen through continuous shared lives, accountability, and encouragement.



As they go back to the campus, may their burning passion for Jesus compel them to tell others about His great love! May God use them to be catalysts for change in our nation.



We thank all our volunteers and the rest of our church community for making all these possible. Together, let’s continue to change the campus, and change the world!

Real LIFE to Conduct National Scholars’ Conference

Real LIFE to Conduct National Scholars’ Conference

From October 24 to 26, 2016, more than 260 Real LIFE Foundation scholars from Metro Manila and the provincial areas will gather for their annual National Scholar’s Conference. This event aims to equip the scholars for L.I.F.E. (leadership, integrity, faith, excellence) and to encourage them in their faith.

The conference is also a great opportunity for our Real LIFE scholars to be connected, build relationships with fellow scholars from other Philippine cities, and be inspired to make a difference in their own ways.

The scholars will hear from different Victory pastors, namely Pastor Joseph Bonifacio, who will talk about leadership; Pastor Gilbert Foliente, who will speak about integrity; Pastor Joey Bonifacio, who will expound Huddle copyon faith; and Bishop Ferdie Cabiling, who will tackle the topic of excellence.

There will also be workshops focused on different course tracks like engineering, accountancy, communications and information technology, and business management. These sessions will be done in a classroom set-up, with the goal of preparing our students for their respective fields after graduation. Every Nation campus missionaries will also speak to our high school scholars about identity, character and developing good habits.

We are in faith that when our Real LIFE scholars go back to their respective homes and campuses after the conference, they will be refreshed, energized, and encouraged to live lives of leadership, integrity, faith, and excellence, and inspire others to do the same!

If you would like to know more about Real LIFE Foundation and make a difference in the lives of these scholars, visit






Serving God in Your Youth

Serving God in Your Youth

Clarisse Tagayun Clarisse Tagayun is a thirteen-year old high school student who volunteers at KIDS Church in Victory Pioneer. Her parents, Cris and Lhite, actively serve in church, and their passion rubbed off on Clarisse and her siblings.

“I became active in church last year,” she shares, “I started teaching in KIDS church.”

She soon got connected to a Victory group, where she met her Victory group leader, Rachel Ching. Fueled by her passion to talk about God’s word, Clarisse would volunteer to lead their Victory group when Rachel was not available. Seeing this desire in Clarisse, Rachel empowered her to lead by letting her facilitate their group. “I was nervous because I didn’t know what to do,” she reveals, “But I would just study the Victory group material and my parents would help me. I prayed to God that he will teach me to facilitate.”

The desire to preach the gospel continued to grow in Clarisse’s heart. Discipling pre-teens felt natural for her. It was easy for her to relate with people in her age group and talk about things they have in common. Last May, she she met Florence Panizales, an elementary student who wanted to know more about Jesus. Wasting no time, Clarisse immediately led her through ONE 2 ONE.

Florence and ClarisseEncouraged by her parents and inspired by Florence’s openness to know God more, Clarisse also started engaging Florence’s parents, Willie and Reggie. She was able to connect them to a Victory group for couples, led by her parents. Asked if she felt scared engaging people older than her, Clarisse said she was nervous but she knew she was also fulfilling God’s calling for her. “Age is just a number,” she says, “Being young, you could show lots of people that even if you’re young, God can still use you.”

Her efforts certainly bore fruit. Today, Florence has undergone ONE 2 ONE, and she is excited to be part of the next Victory Weekend for pre-teens. At ten years old, she has started preaching the gospel to her friends and classmates, and she is now leading a small group in her school. Her parents, Willie and Reggie, are growing in their faith, meeting regularly with a Victory group for couples. They have also undergone Victory Weekend recently.

14536990_1393375380691313_316904288_oAsked how she would encourage other people to make disciples, Clarisse strongly recommends getting discipled and joining a Victory group, “Discipleship is important and your Victory group would be there to help and listen to you.” As young as she is, Clarisse has fully embraced her calling to make disciples. She doesn’t see the person’s age, instead she focuses on their need for a Savior. “God wants us to have a relationship with Him,” she states simply, “He wants it for other people, too.”

Clarisse agrees that the youth is the hope of the future. As early as now, she is expectant of the great and mighty things God will do in her generation. “It doesn’t matter how young you are or how old you are,” she says, “God called us to make disciples.”

No More Comfort Zones

Angel Gomez family “I looked down on myself,” confesses sixteen-year old Angel Gomez when asked if she had always thought of herself as a leader, “I kept overthinking and I didn’t want to get out of my comfort zone.”

Growing up in a Christian family, Angel heard the gospel at an early age. By 2007, her family started attending Victory, which eventually introduced her to KIDS Church. By the time she was ten years old, she got discipled and met her first mentor, who also became her Victory group leader. “I grew up a Christian,” she shares, “But it was at Kids Church where I finally understood the gospel.”

Fueled by her newfound passion towards Jesus, Angel would attend prayer meetings and discipleship conferences, apart from the usual worship service. It was during those times that she developed a yearning to share the gospel to other people and mentor them, too. “I would stand up every time the pastor would pray for those who want to be Victory group leaders,” she reveals.

Angel Gomez VGShe eventually transitioned to another mentor when she moved on from KIDS Church. Now a teenager, the thought of leading other people her age became more daunting, but Angel couldn’t ignore God’s call. Empowered by her Victory group leader and encouraged by her parents, she finally started doing One 2 One with her friends.

“I kept thinking, ‘I can’t do it yet’ or ‘I’m not good enough,’” she shares. “I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to lead well. But when I finally stepped out of my comfort zone and took a step towards what God wants me to do, He made me see His greatness!”

This year, Angel stepped out in faith and started leading her own Victory group, composed of girls in their preteen and teenage years. Whenever she needed coaching, she would consult her parents, and asks them to comment on how she shares the Word. Angel didn’t take her new role lightly. For her, it’s a privilege to be called to lead.

With her Victory group, she learned the importance of journeying with other female Christians, and being accountable to them. For Angel, being able to share her life, and being part of other people’s lives, too, is a blessing. “I like encouraging other people and walking with them in their Christian life,” she shares, “It’s also really fun!”

A volunteer worship leader at Victory Greenhills’ Kids Church who was part of the worship team at the Every Nation Campus 2016 Conference, Angel believes that she needs to step out of her comfort zone more by making disciples inside her campus. She credits her Victory group leader for making her realize that she can lead, not because she’s qualified, but because God qualifies those He calls. “I may not be there yet, I may not be the best, but I am reminded that despite who I am, God is still using me,” Angel declares, “He chose me, and He’s willing to use me!”



Courage, and Doing the Unexpected

Courage, and Doing the Unexpected

Krishna Garcia is a 17-year old student from Far Eastern University who leads her own Victory group at Victory Fort. Last week, she attended the Leaders’ Camp in Batangas, a three-day out-of-town experience for student leaders, designed to equip them when they return to school after summer vacation. Refreshed, empowered, and blessed, Krishna didn’t waste any time when she got back to Manila.

It was the Saturday night after the camp when she and two of her Victory group members saw Lola Melly. She was hunched over a garbage bin at Family Mart in Market Market. Seeing the old lady’s pitiful state, Krishna and her friends approached her. “I was amazed,” she shares proudly, “it was actually the two girls I was discipling that saw her, and they didn’t hesitate to reach out to her.”

Looking up from her rummaging, Lola Melly was surprised to see the young girls talking to her. “We said, ‘Hello po, lola, kumusta po’ and she was a bit shy to answer,” Krishna recalls. They gave her food and water, and started asking her how she’s doing. Before long, they found out that she only lives with her sister, who has diabetes. She has four children, who each have their own families now. At the age of 81, she is now jobless, and scavenging for food from the garbage bins of restaurants and convenience stores is what she does to survive.

While talking to Lola Melly, Krishna was overwhelmed with a strong desire to share the gospel to her. There were doubts in her head, but they were momentary. “I was filled with a burden to share Jesus to her,” she explains, “so that whatever happens to her in this world, she will be with Him until the end.”

Krishna asked her if she knows Jesus, and started talking to her about God’s love and His promises. Right then and there, the girls sensed the Holy Spirit working. They prayed for Lola Melly, and her sister with diabetes. They shared comforting words, and told her that God is sovereign in every situation. It was at that moment that Lola Melly surrendered her life to God. Before the prayer ended, everyone had tears in their eyes.

“After the camp, we were expecting something like this to happen in campus,” Krishna admits, “we didn’t really expect to encounter God’s grace this way.” Before they parted ways, one of her friends decided to financially bless Lola Melly. They also invited her to attend worship service, to which she said yes. This coming Saturday, they will go to Lola Melly’s usual spot to check how she’s doing, and engage her some more.

As Krishna recounts the incident, she couldn’t help but be amazed at how God uses us to further His kingdom. He used the next generation to reach out to the older generation, proving that no matter the age, the Great Commission is for every Christian to uphold. She is also in awe at the ways that God spurs us to keep the faith and run the race. “My Victory group members are now more encouraged to share the gospel as much as possible,” Krishna says.

For them, it was a simple decision to step out of their comfort zone, but for Lola Melly, it meant encountering God’s redeeming love in the most unusual place.

New Series: Get in the Game

New Series: Get in the Game

Whatever your age, you have a responsibility for the next generation! Know more about your role in our new series, Get in the Game. Starting June 3, join us as we know about God’s heart for the next generation. We’ll also discover what it means to disciple students and reach the campuses in our respective communities.

Check out the list of weekly topics here:

  • Week one: Continue – Know how the older generation can equip and empower the younger generation!
  • Week two: Power up – Discover the next generation’s responsibility to respond to the call of God in their lives.

Join us at a Victory location nearest you! We’re one church in fifteen locations in Metro Manila. We also meet at various venues across the Philippines. Check out our directory for the Victory location nearest you.

Do invite your family and friends to our services! See you!

New Series: NXT

New Series: NXT

We hear about it in songs and even from our national hero, but how convinced are we that the future rests in the hands of today’s young people?

Join us this weekend as we start our new series, “NXT.” We’ll find out about God’s heart for young people and His plans and purposes for them. We’ll also know our part in making their God-given destinies happen.

Here is the list of our weekly topics:

Week One: What do you see?
Week Two: Who do you see?

Victory is one church meeting in fifteen different locations across Metro Manila and forty-five churches in the provinces. To know where the Victory location nearest you is, check out our national directory.

Do invite your family and friends at our services! See you then!