New Series: New Gen

New Series: New Gen

God’s heart always goes out to the new generation. And as a church, God calls us to raise them according to His word.

God never hesitated to put young people at the center of His purpose, regardless of cultural norms and preferences. Without hesitation, God has used young people throughout church history to participate in His mission.

May we see every new generation the way God sees them: as the greatest untapped mission force—bringers of Christ’s hope in our broken world.

Over the next four weeks, let us look more deeply into God’s calling for us to prepare, empower, and remind the new generation of their purpose and identity in God.

Week 1: David and Saul

Week 2: David and Jonathan

Week 3: David and Nathan

Week 4: David and Solomon

See you at our weekend services!

You may check the worship service schedules here or by visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page.

Love that Compels Service

Love that Compels Service

In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church of Corinth, he speaks to the community about the most excellent way that surpasses all spiritual gifts—and that is the way of love.

This is what compels our church in Cainta to bless the surrounding community—the love that Christ exemplified in his sacrifice on the Cross.

Initially, there was a burden that there were not enough event places in the area, which led to the idea of offering our venue to serve the campuses in Cainta.

Since then, we opened our venue as a co-study space for students, offering coffee and snacks.

This initiative birthed friendships with the students, and eventually, God opened the door for the very first event held in the center—which was the Cainta Senior High School’s ABM night.

This led to another open door and another.

Last academic year, Cainta Senior High School had its retreat for the graduating students in the center—and there were almost 800 participants whom we were also given the opportunity to minister.

An event called UpSKale was also held where the SK (Sangguniang Kabataan) aspirants shared their plans and advocacies. Surprisingly, there was an overflow of attendees during the UpSKale, and our leaders were able to engage with and even pray for the barangay captains.

Some of the graduating students of Cainta Senior High School also set up a DIY graduation photoshoot in the center for their batchmates who could not afford the studio photoshoot.

As we look back on the success of these events, our leaders are fully convinced that it all happened because of God’s grace that built meaningful connections with the students. Even now, they continue to journey with many of these students in their faith.

But above all, more than offering the center as an events venue, it’s the extra mile that every person took—the extra mile that starts from the love that compels us to do whatever it takes—

to reach every student in every campus, in every city, and every nation.

A Story of God’s Faithful Provision

A Story of God’s Faithful Provision

The University Belt is a mark of our roots as a church. It holds a special place in our humble beginnings.

Looking back, we are inspired by the next generation of students with humble beginnings—studying in the surrounding campuses in hopes of a promising future.

While many students find scholarship opportunities in U-Belt to help them achieve their dreams, a growing number of them still need further financial assistance.

This year, we’ve been given the opportunity to partner with the local government through the student leaders who are part of the Sangguiang Kabataan. They led us to students in need of financial support.

Through God’s faithful provision, 75 students are now receiving financial aid. We are praying that beyond the hope of a promising future, we impart a lasting hope that cannot be shaken—that is Christ.

Thank you for holding the ropes for us!

Please continue to believe with us for the following:

  • Pray that this program will lead more students to Christ.
  • Pray for wisdom as we continually improve the program so we can serve more families in more communities. 
  • Pray for synergy and stronger collaboration among our local churches to initiate more programs that will bless more students.

Future Leaders Ignited to Change the World


We’re gearing up for the new school year! Over the break, we invited our students to come together, through our leaders’ and youth camps across the country. These gatherings become a key milestone in their faith journey and build strong relationships within the church community. 



Student camps highlight God’s love for young people. During the sessions, they understood the depth of God’s love for them and others, prompting them to live in a way that honors Him.




These fun and unforgettable moments help foster a strong sense of community among the young people, encouraging them that they are not alone in their walk with God.




They had a meaningful time building stronger and more purposeful relationships with one another. May these relationships deepen through continuous shared lives, accountability, and encouragement.



As they go back to the campus, may their burning passion for Jesus compel them to tell others about His great love! May God use them to be catalysts for change in our nation.



We thank all our volunteers and the rest of our church community for making all these possible. Together, let’s continue to change the campus, and change the world!