New Series: Place of Grace

New Series: Place of Grace

Rest is a promise available for everyone. Many try to find rest by going places, isolating, and reflecting. 

This Holy Week, may we find ourselves resting in Christ—where we are and will always be in a place of grace; a place where we will receive what God intends for our good, even if we don’t deserve it.

Discover the redemption story of our lives in the next three weeks:

Week 1: Three Denials, Thrice Asleep

Week 2: Third Appearance, Three-fold Restoration

Week 3: Third Person of the Trinity (Pentecost Sunday)

You may check the worship service schedules here or by visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page. See you!

Invite your family and friends to join us as we go through our Holy Week devotionals starting March 24 to 31. You may access these devotionals’ English and Filipino versions on YouVersion or through our Victory Groups App.

Holy Week Devotional 2021

Holy Week Devotional 2021

As Filipinos, celebrating the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ every year is culturally ingrained in us. Holy Week has become a tradition for most, if not all, of us as it affects what we eat, how we act, and what we say for about a week or so. Even though most of us know the why in our minds, we tend to miss upholding the why in our hearts. 

From March 28 to April 4, let us reflect on and dive deep into the passion of Jesus Christ, the reason for our salvation, and see what it means for us today. The monumental event that happened more than 2,000 years ago is not just a historical fact; it can and will change the way we live and bring us back to our original purpose in God. More than a time to mourn or reflect, we can celebrate because we know that through Jesus’ sacrifice, we can experience His love, healing, glory, and victory in our lives.

We have provided devotional materials for you to use as you observe the Holy Week in your homes safely. You may download them here:

We hope and pray that as we reflect on the finished work of Christ and His mission for us, we can be salt and light to others and bring God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

Holy Week Devotional — A New Hope

Holy Week Devotional — A New Hope

In many contexts, Holy Week is traditionally a time for reflection on the suffering, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. And in this season where most of the world is reeling from a pandemic, as believers, we can take this time to be in God’s word like never before.

We have prepared a four-day devotional to help you understand and appreciate Christ’s finished work on the cross and His resurrection. The English and Filipino versions of the devotional are available in the links below and the Resources tab on the Victory app.

Holy Week Devotional

We also encourage you to read the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Let’s come before God and focus on His unchanging character and promises amidst the news and noise.

We pray that this will be a time where we will find new hope in Christ for our lives, our families, our communities, and our nation.

A New Hope Series

A New Hope Series

In a time of fear, uncertainty, and grief, we can find new hope in Jesus Christ. He is the hope of our salvation and our hope in every situation.

For the first two Sundays, we are looking at the life of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. Then, on May 31, June 7, and June 14, we are going to learn about the Holy Spirit and how we are empowered to minister. The Holy Spirit enables us to live godly lives, heals our brokenness, and fills us with boldness to proclaim God’s Word.

Here are the topics for this series:

  • Week 1: April 5 (Palm Sunday)
  • Week 2: April 12 (Resurrection Sunday)
  • Week 3: May 31 (Pentecost Sunday)
  • Week 4: June 7 (Spirit-Empowered Prayer for Healing)
  • Week 5: June 14 (Spirit-Empowered Prayer for Boldness)

We pray that this series will encourage, strengthen, and give you new hope during this global crisis. May God keep you and your families safe!


Due to the enhanced community quarantine, our worship services are temporarily online. Visit this page to check the schedules of our online services or follow your local church on social media. 

Download our free Holy Week Devotional!

Download our free Holy Week Devotional!

Journey with us on this Holy Week as we reflect on and tell others about what Jesus did for us on the cross! Download our free four-day devotional entitled, “The Greatest Act”. Together, let’s discover what it means to live a life of freedom through Jesus’ death and resurrection!

We encourage you to use this devotional from March 24 to 27. It may be used for personal reflection or group discussion with your families, friends, and loved ones.

Click on this link to download the devotional.

May you and your families have a blessed and restful Holy Week. See you at all our weekend services!

Holy Week Devotional Now Available!

Holy Week Devotional Now Available!

In line with our “Biyaheng Semana Santa” series, you can now download a four-day devotional for the Holy Week. This material is meant to be used from April 2-5, and includes guide questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Since the Holy Week is a great opportunity to reflect and tell others about what Jesus did for us on the cross, we invite you to journey with us through daily devotionals. Together, let’s discover what it means to live a life of freedom through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Click on this link to download the devotional. May you and your families have a blessed and restful Holy Week!

New Series: Biyaheng Semana Santa

We are excited for our Holy Week series, “Biyaheng Semana Santa.” Join us starting this weekend as we discover the truth and significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection, according to what the Bible says. After this series, may each of us have a genuine faith and relationship with God.

Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Balic-Balic (“Holy Week’”)
  • Week two: Paco (“Sakripisyo”)
  • Week three: Bagong Pag-Asa (“Patay ang Diyos”)

Join us at a Victory location nearest you! Victory is one church meeting in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in multiple locations across the Philippines.

If you’re tweeting about our “Biyaheng Semana Santa” series, please use our official hashtag #HolyWeekSeries.

See you at our services!

New Series: Access Granted

New Series: Access Granted

Do you know every benefit that Jesus’ work on the cross has made available for us? There is so much more about the cross that we have yet to discover! Join us this weekend as we kick off our newest series, Access Granted, and let us enjoy the fullness of walking with Him.

Here is the list of weekly topics:

Week One: The Table
Week Two: The Temple
Week Three: The Tomb

You can download the Desktop Wallpaper Set, too. Share it with your friends!

Victory is one church meeting in fifteen different locations across Metro Manila and forty-five churches in the provinces. Check out the Victory location nearest you at our national directory.

Please invite your family and friends at our services! See you then!