Hope from the Ashes: Helping Las Piñas Fire Victims Recover from A Tragedy

Hope from the Ashes: Helping Las Piñas Fire Victims Recover from A Tragedy

With March as a Fire Prevention Month, continue to pray for our nation’s protection from further devastating fire incidents.

Just over a week ago, a second-alarm fire struck the Maligaya Compound in Barangay Pilar, Las Piñas City.

This fire tragically impacted 30 homes, displacing 125 families and roughly 400 individuals. Thankfully, there were no reported casualties or injuries. 

An overwhelming number of volunteers from various organizations across the city joined forces with us—including the body of Christ in Las Piñas.

We are also grateful for our leaders who readily offered help and provided meals to those affected.

What a sight of grace to behold—that despite the tragic event, we were led to an open door, an unexpected opportunity to demonstrate and proclaim the gospel. 

We were also given the privilege to pray for and minister to our barangay officials.

May our hearts of compassion continue to burn with fire, to be vessels of things of eternal worth, unlike a physical fire that consumes and destroys.

Let’s continue to stand in prayer and faith together.

  • Pray for our second wave of efforts to provide counseling and medical support for the fire victims.
  • Pray for continued protection and recovery for the affected families. Just recently, another fire broke out on Wednesday (March 6) morning, displacing another 170 families.

Love—in Quezon City

Love—in Quezon City

We are called to serve others like how He did and be faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10-11).

In Quezon City, we serve as faithful stewards of God’s grace by sharing the value of family. We believe in God’s mandate and design for marriage, and we have been given the privilege to serve the families in Quezon City by providing seminars promoting biblical values on marriage.

Through these events, we are able to speak hope and encouragement towards building strong foundations as husbands and wives. This is key to changing communities and even the course of our nation.

Godly marriages will surely bless generations after generations that come after us. May we never tire of passing on the word of God and the baton to the next generation!

We are grateful for volunteers serving with us — and we ask God to give us sincere and utmost compassion that can continually transform lives. May we create a culture of growth and service that reflects the heart of God for all.

Let us continue to serve others, just as Jesus did. 

The Message of Reconciliation—Sharing God’s Hope in San Juan

The Message of Reconciliation—Sharing God’s Hope in San Juan

The blood of Jesus makes us whole and alive—with all the joy that is set before him, He still chose to bear the cross in our place, so that we may have a restored relationship with a holy God.

This is the love that compels us to action.

Before 2023 ended, we spent Christmas within the walls of a juvenile detention center in San Juan City. Despite their past, we have the privilege to share the hope of salvation and reconciliation. Christ’s love and His church is not a place of condemnation but of restoration. 

We shared laughs, enjoyed meals, and ministered to their needs as a church community. 

This simple act of generosity also enabled us to extend our service to women in correctional facilities.

Let us always remember that God’s love is always looking after the least, lost, and the last. May we always find ourselves kneeling at the foot of the cross—the only place that qualifies us to be ministers of reconciliation to the world that seeks true and lasting hope.

All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. — 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 ESV

From Our Hearts to the Cities: God’s Love Experienced in Pasig

From Our Hearts to the Cities: God’s Love Experienced in Pasig

God calls us to be His hands and feet here on earth, to love and serve His people, and to live out the gospel wherever we may be.

In December 2023, we were given the privilege to partner with the local government of Pasig to bless and minister to those in need at the Kanlungan sa Pasig facility. This place provides a space for healing and recovery for those in crisis—including children at risk, teens, victims of violence, and abandoned elderly.

A Christmas party was held where Noche Buena packages and hygiene kits were given to 180 families, as the children enjoyed a time of fun and games.

More than the tangible gifts, sharing the most beautiful gift of all—the gospel of Jesus Christ was the best thing that happened that day. It was such a joy to witness the children lift hands as they gave their lives to Jesus.

Just before we closed the year, a blood donation drive in partnership with the Philippine Red Cross called “Give Blood on Christmas Day” was also held in Victory Pasig. This allowed us to be an answered prayer for those in need of help; our act of faith and obedience surely made a huge difference in many lives.

We see more of His generosity overflow through us, wherever God sends us!

Thank you for praying and giving so others can experience the power of the gospel. Let us continue to believe in God for more open doors to serve our cities and allow Him to set us apart for His purpose this year.

A City Embraced: Bringing The Gospel To Taguig

A City Embraced: Bringing The Gospel To Taguig

Just like a father’s heart aches for his child in need, God’s love knows no bounds, especially for the lost, the least, and the last (Psalm 140:12). 

Here in Taguig, a city of vibrant yet painful contrasts, we want to echo that very heart of Christ—not just within our church’s walls, but in the least, unseen communities.

Remember the joy of those Noche Buena gift packs we shared nearly two decades ago? That simple, compassionate act from our volunteers ignited a fire, a passion to be God’s hands and feet, to proclaim His love in a greater capacity—to even embed social responsibility in our vision as a church.

And that is where our Love the City initiative started—just from a desire to bless and embody the gospel within and beyond our city walls. By God’s grace, we strive to live out our faith not just in words, but also in acts of generosity and service. Taguig, amidst its divides, has brought us closer to those who need it most. We’ve joined hands with these organizations that are beacons of light and hope in our city:

  • Generations–Home: Their heart is to end the orphan crisis and give orphaned children a chance to be loved well by raising awareness about foster care and adoption. They do this by reaching out to families through forums, discussions, and more. Currently, twelve families from our church have already opened their hearts and homes—good news to celebrate as we start the year!
  • Zonta‘s Kababaihan Project: They advocate for women’s rights and support women in need; we serve alongside them by building bridges of mental health support and sharing Christ’s love with the moms and their children. Because of our volunteers’ efforts, at least three women are now on their discipleship journey with us!
  • Marillac is a government facility that houses sexually abused and neglected young people. As a church, we partner with them by offering platforms of God’s healing through art therapy sessions, group discussions, and fun activities to spend time getting to know and building friendships with them.
  • Wipe Every Tear: They rescue victims of human trafficking. We stand beside them by starting small group sessions with the women and children—talking and being with them, helping them process their thoughts and emotions, and just simply, hearing their stories.

We believe in starting small, in the ripple effect of a single act of love. Every shared meal, every listening ear, every word of blessing, and every prayer of hope matters. 

To all our Victory BGC and Taguig volunteers, may the Lord bless you a hundredfold for all the time and effort you’ve given to minister to our communities.

Thank you for serving with us and loving on people just as Christ loves, wherever you are!

Salt & Light

Salt & Light

Pain, troubles, and suffering are part of life. And often, we can be consumed by these difficulties we face. However, God’s word shows us a different way: Jesus heals us, restores us, and gives us the power to overcome our difficulties. But it doesn’t stop with us. We can help others do the same. We are the salt and light that can reach out to others and extend the love and power God has given to us (Matthew 5:13–16).

Now that we are God’s people, our understanding of our realities stems from the truth of His word and a desire to advance His kingdom. His word allows us to apply His truths, helps us respond in faith, and causes us to actively take part in discipling a nation.

For the next six weeks, we will talk about God’s restoration plan for the world through the book of Isaiah. Join us as we learn more about these topics for our upcoming series:

  • Week 1: God versus False Religion (March 14)
  • Week 2: God versus Oppressors (March 21)
  • Week 3: Jesus, The Righteous King (March 28)
  • Week 4: Jesus, The Suffering Servant (April 4) 
  • Week 5: God’s Righteous People (April 11)
  • Week 6: God’s Plan of Renewal (April 18)

We hope that this series will help us continue to be the salt and light, actively reaching people and taking part in what God is doing to restore the world to Himself.

Following health and safety protocols, we have resumed some worship services onsite while continuing to meet online. You may join us by checking the schedules here or your Victory location’s Facebook page.

Beyond the Series: Expressing the Truth of the Gospel

Beyond the Series: Expressing the Truth of the Gospel

Now more than ever, we find ourselves in situations where we can demonstrate the reality of the gospel. In this article, Pastor Marc Constantino tells us the importance as well as practical ways of expressing God’s love to people around us.


What does expressing the gospel mean and what is the importance of doing a series on it?

Sometimes, when we think of the gospel, it’s all about preaching the good news. We know that we should declare the good news that Jesus came to live among us and paid the full penalty of our sins by dying on the cross so that we can be restored to a right relationship with God. In our ongoing study of the book of Romans, we see that from chapters 1–11, the apostle Paul explained how God showed us mercy, forgave us, and made us righteous through the death of Jesus on the cross. As a church, we have always been passionate about preaching this truth.

Through The Gospel Expressed, we are shifting our focus to gospel demonstration. From Romans 12, Paul started talking about ways to express the truth of the gospel, which can be summarized this way: love one another. Paul explained that we are to do this purely, sincerely, and sacrificially. We all know how difficult this is, especially if we consider the person unlovable. That’s why Paul frames this instruction in view of God’s mercy. We can express genuine love to others because we’ve received God’s abundant and sacrificial love first. It is this love that He now wants us to demonstrate to those around us.

Paul gave practical ways we can do this: in our attitude toward each other (especially to those who are different from us), by helping those in need, and even by loving our enemies. Paul devoted several chapters on expressing God’s love to people in our church and community. This series on expressing the gospel is very important, not to mention timely, knowing how this pandemic is affecting all of us.


Last weekend, we offered our Victory Kapasigan facility for the Pasig City government’s temporary use. How did this come about, and why did the church decide to do it?

It all started when the Every Nation Building was converted into temporary housing for health care workers back in April. At Victory Pasig, we thought of doing the same.

Then several weeks ago, I was in a meeting with Mayor Vico and other pastors from different churches in Pasig. While Mayor Vico was discussing his research about the pandemic and pouring his heart out to us, I asked him how the body of Christ can help at this time. He gave two ways: food distribution and housing facility.


When he said this, I knew it was time to push through with making our venue in Pasig available for the use of our health workers. God gave us this facility, and in this season, we can use it to bless the community. It is a privilege for us to be given the chance to serve and express love to those in our city. It will be used by nurses and other medical practitioners from a hospital right beside our facility. Our Kapasigan location now has 18 beds, a makeshift room to be used as a cafeteria, and a shower room. We are grateful that these front liners will have a safe place to rest after their long shifts each day. The joy our local government and front liners have expressed for this is our joy, too.




What other initiative is the church doing in this season of pandemic to express the gospel?

We’ve had several initiatives as a church in Metro Manila and even in the Philippines. Most of these are started by our church members. Even before The Gospel Expressed series came out, people in our church have been helping those affected by the pandemic, like front liners, jeepney drivers, and other people who’ve lost their source of income. Victory group leaders have organized fundraising activities, cooked and distributed food to communities, distributed medical supplies, and visited hospitals to ask how they can help. On their own, they went out of their way to demonstrate the gospel and be a blessing in this difficult season. This brings me great joy and we honor those who are serving as God’s hands and feet to our world.


How can a regular church member take an active role in expressing the gospel?

As a church, this is our opportunity to be salt and light to the world. Yes, there are fundraising activities and other initiatives that we can be part of, but we can also do simple gestures to reach out to someone. There are a lot of people who are going through depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. We can be sensitive and intentional about reaching out to people—our friends, relatives, classmates, or workmates. You’d be surprised at how much a call or simple text message would mean to people nowadays. Intentionally setting time in your day to meet with people on whatever platform to pray for them and encourage them is an expression of love.


Pastor Marc Constantino is the senior pastor of Victory Pasig. He also oversees Victory Metro East and Antipolo. He and his wife, Rizzel, have been married for 22 years now and are blessed with 3 wonderful children. 

Beyond the Series is a set of interviews on topics related to our sermon series.