In spite of everything we have been through in 2020, we are looking forward to celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ again. Our Christmas celebrations in our homes and churches are different and many of us are longing for better days in time. But in all this we have hope, because the Savior of the world came in time for us, bringing light and life to His people.
Join us in the next three weeks as we look at the coming of Jesus through the gospel of John. More than a baby in a manger, Jesus is Lord—Creator and pre-eminent—and the source of all life and light for us in these troubled times. Here is the schedule of our Christmas series:
Week 1: Jesus, the Logos (December 6)
Week 2: Jesus, the Life (December 13)
Week 3: Jesus, the Light (December 20)
Following health and safety protocols, we have resumed some worship services onsite while continuing to meet online. You may join us by checking schedules here.
May we be a witness of Christ’s light and love to our families and communities this Christmas, in order that all may believe. See you at any of our services!
What makes this day special? To the world, it appears to be all about special celebrations, magical moments, gift-giving, and spending time with family. For Christians, what makes Christmas special is the incarnation—eternal God becoming man. It is a season to remind us that Jesus, who is fully God and fully man, left the comforts of heaven to save us. The dividing line between Christianity and other religions is this double nature, and Christmas is a celebration of the Savior with two natures—divine and human.
Today, let us take time to remember what Jesus did and learn from His incarnation. Through it, Jesus reveals what matters to Him.
1. Lost humanity matters.
And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name . . . (Philippians 2:8-9, ESV)
Every lost person matters to Jesus. He took the form of man and spent time with the lost to the point that people accused Him of being a friend of sinners. His response to the accusations hurled at Him were the three parables about the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. Each parable made it clear that lost people are valuable to Jesus. In economics, the value of a thing is determined by the price it will bring. Jesus declared the value of all sinners in the world in the manger. He gave up heaven to become man on earth and rescue the lost.
2. Social responsibility matters.
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. (Philippians 2:5-7, ESV)
The incarnation tells us that Jesus is God and He was not always man. He just became man when He came to our world. A truth that is somehow lost in translation in Christian teachings is that Jesus is still man today. He was resurrected with a physical body, He ascended with a physical body, and He will return with a physical body. When the time comes, all of God’s children will also be raised up with a physical body. This teaches us that everything God created matters. Our physical body matters, not only our spirits or souls. This truth directly refutes the idea of gnosticism—the belief that everything in the physical world is evil. The incarnation of Jesus proves that it is not. This is why we work to alleviate physical suffering and care for the physical wellbeing of people.
3. Church community matters.
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus . . . (Philippians 2:4-5, ESV)
Jesus showed that He looks out for interests beyond Himself through the incarnation. He did not allow His divine nature to cause Him to say, “No, I would not do that for man.” Instead, He demonstrated humility, service, and sacrifice. Because of Him, we could have the same mindset in our relationships with each other. In Hebrews 4:15-16, we are reminded that God became man, and this means He understands us. A lot of people do not speak and express much because they feel that nobody understands. The Christmas season is an opportunity for us to let people know that God understands. It is also a reminder for us to treat everyone with sympathy, mercy, and grace. Our relationship with one another matters deeply to God and it should matter to us.
Amidst the hustle and bustle today, let us not forget the reason for our celebration. Jesus is not just divine—He became man like us and lived with us because He cares for us and loves us deeply. Because of Him, we can do the same for others. Jesus becoming man—this is why we celebrate Christmas.
Pastor Gilbert Foliente serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Every Nation Philippines and a lead pastor in Victory. Hear more from him on Twitter (@Gilbs007) and Instagram (@gilbs007).
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8, ESV)
By God’s grace, we have the privilege of working for the good of many communities. The Christmas season is a time to express this grace and demonstrate the love of Jesus to people from all walks of life.
For the past four years, we have had the pleasure of adding joy to the Christmas celebrations of families in need with Noche Buena packages. Last year, around 650 Noche Buena packages were given out. This year, we partnered with the local government of Taguig to reach out to a wider group of people. Through the generosity of leaders and volunteers from our church, we were able to give out around 5,000 packages and share joy at schools like Ninoy Aquino Benigno High School. We also blessed and thanked public servants from the Bureau of Fire Protection, Bonifacio Global City traffic enforcers, and Taguig City police, as well as pastors from different churches across the Body of Christ in Taguig. Each package, filled with all kinds of food for Noche Buena, brought a smile to the members of these communities.
Yesterday, we distributed 80 packages to the community in Barangay Fort Bonifacio that was affected by a fire a few weeks ago, with many residents displaced into surrounding areas as a result. Some of them are still recovering from the tragedy that hit them. Hearing people like Grace, one of those who received a Noche Buena package, say “Malaking tulong po ito sa amin,” reminds us of the impact of an act of kindness. Grace had lost her home in the fire; she had to move temporarily to a house nearby with her family. Now, she looks forward to a joyful Christmas celebration with food on the table.
Grace (second from left) receives a Noche Buena package with other residents of Barangay Fort Bonifacio.
There are many more communities to reach and many more people to touch, but we can start with the communities in our backyards. Let us continue to demonstrate the hope we have in Christ and His love, which is for people from all kinds of backgrounds.
If you would like to join us in helping more communities this Christmas season, feel free to ask the pastors and staff in our church locations this weekend.
In the Philippines, Christmas is celebrated through the Noche Buena, a dining tradition that most families look forward to. Sharing a meal is one of the ways to share lives and make this season more memorable, and Christmas is a chance to bless others as Christ has blessed us.
This Christmas season, we celebrate our Lord and Savior by sharing Noche Buena packages with communities across Metro Manila, including street vendors, guards, street sweepers, students, and tricycle drivers, knowing every bag of goods for a Christmas dinner brings joy to a family.
Over the past weeks, individuals, Victory groups, and families have been generously taking part by giving whatever they are capable of – from one can of corned beef to a whole Noche Buena package. They also volunteered in packing and distributing the goods.
It’s Christmas time once again! Join us this December as we learn more about who Jesus is as our Savior and Lord in our Christmas series, “Unboxed.” After this series, may each of us gain deeper insight on who He is and learn to worship, be grateful for, and walk more closely with with Him!
Here is the list of weekly topics:
Week one: Wonderful Counselor
Week two: Mighty God
Week three: Everlasting Father
Week four: Prince of Peace
Join us at a Victory location nearest you! Victory is one church meeting in fifteen congregations across various locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in multiple venues across the Philippines.
If you’re tweeting about the “Unboxed” series, please use our official hashtag #UnboxedSeries.
Invite your family and friends! See you at our services!
Christmas is here! We are so excited to celebrate Jesus’ birth with our newest series, “BC.” Through this series, may each of us discover the magnitude of God’s great love for us, as evidenced in His sacrifice on the cross.
Here is the list of weekly topics:
Week one: The God who Became Man
Week two: The Shepherd who Became a Lamb
Week three: The King who Became a Servant
Join us at a Victory location nearest you! Victory is one church meeting in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in various locations across the Philippines.
If you’re tweeting about our series, “BC”, use our official hashtag #VictoryChristmas.
Christmas is here! It’s a joyous time for us to be thankful for God’s faithfulness and goodness in our lives for the past year. More importantly, let’s take time to remember how God keeps His promises to us—not only in our personal lives, but in our nation.
Let’s take this opportunity to be a blessing to others this Christmas. We are in a timely season to share about God’s love, goodness, and faithfulness in our lives—to believe in what Jesus has done, celebrate His birth, and worship Him for who He is.
Which of God’s promises to you have come to pass this year? Share the highlights of the past year with us by leaving a comment below. We are excited to hear from you!
Christmas is here again! With that, we invite you to join us for our newest series entitled, “Just in Time.” Discover how God fulfilled His promise to send Jesus to the world to save us all. At the end of our series, may each of us realize and be assured that God is never late in fulfilling any of His promises to us.
Here is the list of weekly topics:
Week one: Despite Lost Opportunity
Week two: Despite the Natural
Week three: Despite Adversity
Invite your family and friends to a Victory location nearest you! We are one church meeting in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila, and in various churches across the Philippines.
Christmas is here! More than being reunited with our families and friends, Christmas is about honoring the real reason for the season—Jesus. It is also a time to celebrate triumphs and rejoice over battles won, a time to look back at a fruitful year of honoring God and making disciples. Indeed, we have so much to be thankful for!
This Christmas, let’s be on the lookout for opportunities to be a blessing to others. We are in a timely season to share about God’s love, goodness, and faithfulness in our lives—to believe in what Jesus has done, celebrate His birth, and worship Him for who He is.
What are you most grateful for in 2012? Share the highlights of the past year with us by writing a comment below. We are excited to hear from you!
It’s Christmas once again, and what better way to spend Christmas than to celebrate it with our loved ones? Victory Metro Manila wants you to know that we will be having Christmas celebrations in the following locations:
Local Center
Sambang Gabi (December 15)
Christmas Eve Service (Monday, December 24)
12 PM, 2 PM, and 4 PM
Victory Center, 4/L Festival Supermall
5 PM
Victory Center, 6/L Victory Mall
Fort Bonifacio
5 AM
Every Nation Assembly Hall
2 PM (Youth), 4 PM (Taglish), and 6 PM (English)
Every Nation Assembly Hall
5:30 AM
Victory Center, Village Square, Harrison Plaza
3 PM and 5 PM
Victory Center, Village Square, Harrison Plaza
5 AM
Victory Center, La Rychean Building
4 PM
Victory Center, La Rychean Building
3 PM and 5 PM
Victory Center, 4/L EDSA Node, Robinson’s Galleria
7 PM
Victory Center, Brgy. Kapasigan
4 and 6 PM
Victory Center, 3/L Forum Robinsons
Be sure to visit the local Victory church nearest you, and tell your family and friends about it, too! Merry Christmas!
Christmas is coming! Many of us are looking forward to giving and receiving gifts, spending time with family and loved ones, and attending Christmas gatherings. Yet what does Christmas truly mean, as what the Bible says?
Victory is one church in Metro Manila meeting in fifteen different locations across the city. We also meet in over fifty-five different churches around the Philippines. Invite your family and friends to join us!
The most-awaited holiday season is here once again! More than being reunited with our families and friends, Christmas is about honoring the real reason for the season—Jesus. It is also a time to celebrate triumphs and rejoice over battles won, a time to look back to a promising year of honoring God and making disciples. Indeed, we all have much to be thankful for!
This Christmas, let’s be on the lookout for opportunities to be a blessing to others. We are in a timely season to share about God’s love, goodness, and faithfulness in our lives.
What are you most grateful for this year? Share to us the highlights of your 2011 through the comment box below. We are excited to hear from you!
Christmas is here once again! It’s another time for us to give gifts to one another, attend parties, catch up with old friends, and be reunited with our loved ones. But surely, there’s more to Christmas than all the activities we do!
Find out the real reason for the season as we launch our series, “Colors of Christmas.” Learn what Christmas truly means, and how Jesus’ birth has been making a difference in people’s lives even until today.
Here’s the list of weekly topics:
Week one: Green – The life Jesus gave
Week two: Red – The sacrifice He made
Week three: Gold – The promise of His birth
Week four: White – Our standing in Jesus
Victory meets in different locations in Metro Manila. We’re also in different provinces across the Philippines. Check out our national directory for the Victory center nearest you.
Invite your family and friends, and have a colorful Christmas with us! See you at our services!