Hope Has Come Series

Hope Has Come Series

People celebrate Christmas for many reasons. But the reason we can and should celebrate Christmas is the good news that Jesus came. Because He came, we have been redeemed, we were adopted as sons and daughters of God, and we have a sure inheritance.

In our Hope Has Come series, we will look at the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians to appreciate the message of the gospel and the hope that it brings.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Born of Woman
  • Week 2: Bought at a Price
  • Week 3: Belonging to Abba
  • Week 4: Blessed as an Heir

We’re excited to see you at our worship services across the Philippines! You can bring your family and friends to celebrate the season with us.

Imago Dei Series

Imago Dei Series

We are all made in a very unique way—Imago Dei meaning “in the very image and likeness of God.” In this series, we will look at how we were created by God. Though culture tells us that we can define ourselves or we were made a particular way, we will only find our real identity and purpose when we understand God’s image in us.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Imago Dei
  • Week 2: Manhood
  • Week 3: Womanhood

Together, let us understand God’s design and purpose for each one of us. See you at our worship services across the Philippines!

Want More? Series

Want More? Series

The world tells us today to pursue money and to set our hopes in it to be satisfied in life. This is the reason why many people end up wanting more than what they have. In this series, we will look at the Apostle Paul’s teachings about money and see that God is more than enough—He is the true source of contentment, security, and generosity.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: How will I know if I love money more than God?
  • Week 2: How will I know if money is the source of my confidence?
  • Week 3: How can I be generous and what will it bring me?

Together, let us discover the answers to these questions. See you at our worship services across the Philippines!


Metro Series

Metro Series

Cities are part of God’s plan to save and redeem man. In just a span of a century, we’ve seen a vast number of people flock and relocate to cities, or metros, which have turned into centers of activity all around the world. While this move may be a means for people to meet their physical needs, God, as revealed in Scripture, has planned this beforehand to carry out His plan of redemption for all mankind. In this series, we will look at God’s purpose for our cities and the role that we play in it.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Why the City?
  • Week 2: Our Eternal City

Together, let us make disciples in every nation by reaching more cities for Christ!

See you at our worship services across the Philippines!

Here and Now Series

Here and Now Series

God’s plan is to bring His kingdom on earth and redeem all of creation. As we celebrate Victory’s 35th anniversary, we will talk about the kingdom of God and the part that our church plays in it—here and now.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: The Parable of the Weeds
  • Week 2: The Parables of the Mustard Seed and Leaven
  • Week 3: The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Value
  • Week 4: The Parable of the Net

At the end of this series, we hope to have a clearer grasp of what the kingdom of God is and be inspired to persevere in our faith together.

See you at our worship services across the Philippines!

Grace Changes Everything Series

Grace Changes Everything Series

The grace of God can change not only a person but also an entire community. In this series, we will look at how an encounter with Jesus—even in the most broken situations—transforms a life and impacts a community.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son
  • Week 2: Jesus Forgives the Sinful Woman
  • Week 3: Jesus Heals the Blind Beggar
  • Week 4: Jesus Changes Zacchaeus’s Heart

May the grace of God and the power of the gospel transform our lives and our communities!

See you at our worship services across the Philippines!

No Filter Series

No Filter Series

In a world where we can put up many filters and hide behind what looks good, we can be real and live the way God has called us to live. We don’t need to seek validation, identity, or purpose elsewhere or even within ourselves. We can look to God who sees us through His lens and confidently live out His purpose.

Here are the topics for our two-week campus series this year:

  • Week 1: Identity
  • Week 2: Purpose

As we study Jeremiah’s life in this series, we hope that we will understand more about our purpose and identity in God.

See you at our worship services across the Philippines!

Church™ Series

Church™ Series

The Book of Acts tells the story of the early church and how it grew by the power of the Holy Spirit in spite of persecution and conflict. In this series, we will look at God’s design and purpose for the church—the trademarks of the church.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Devotion
  • Week 2: Service
  • Week 3: Community
  • Week 4: Prayer
  • Week 5: Message
  • Week 6: Mission

At the end of this series may we, the church, embody a gospel-shaped lifestyle through the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

See you at our worship services across the Philippines!

Great Faith: Midyear Prayer and Fasting 2019

Great Faith: Midyear Prayer and Fasting 2019

As we enter the second half of 2019, let us continue to believe God for greater things with great faith! This coming July 2 to 4, we will commit to pray and fast once again as a church.


You can find updates about the midyear fast and prayer meeting schedules in the coming weeks through our worship services, social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), and the Victory app. You can also read testimonies from our prayer and fasting week early this year.

Just like in previous years, a devotional for kids ages 10 to 12 will also be available. We believe that allowing the next generation to participate will give them an opportunity to grow and be established in the faith. We encourage you to walk with them and guide them as they join the fast.

To help us study God’s Word during the midyear fast, here are our downloadable devotionals that are based on the lives of men and women in the New Testament who exhibited great faith.





As we seek God and His will—above all else—this year, let us be in faith that His purposes for us will be fulfilled.

Unchanging Series

Unchanging Series

God showed Himself faithful to fulfill His promises to Abraham and his son Isaac despite their doubts and failures. In this series, we will see God’s unchanging character through the life of Isaac.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: The Fostered Faith
  • Week 2: Faith Forged through Difficulties
  • Week 3: The Faith to Concede

Through this series, may we have a better understanding of the different ways and circumstances by which faith is formed and ultimately see the gracious, sovereign hand of God behind everything.

See you at our worship services across the Philippines!

Live to Tell Series

Live to Tell Series

The love of Christ compels us to demonstrate and declare the gospel with urgency. In this series, we will see how we can live in a way that opens doors for us to tell others about the gospel and what Christ has done in our lives.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Demonstration
  • Week 2: Declaration

We hope this series inspires and equips us to demonstrate the love of Christ and declare the gospel to others.

See you at our worship services across the Philippines!

Foretold Series

Foretold Series

The events of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection were not accidents nor coincidences—they were foretold 700 years before they happened. In this series, we will look at the book of Isaiah and how God intentionally planned Jesus’ life, ministry, and death to save us.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: The Wise King
  • Week 2: The Humble Servant
  • Week 3: The Faithful Witness
  • Week 4: The Obedient Sacrifice
  • Week 5: The Righteous Victor

Through this series, may we know Jesus more, have a new perspective on Holy Week, and reflect Christ in the way we live.

See you at our worship services in Metro Manila or at any of our churches across the Philippines!

Cross Check Series

Cross Check Series

Following Jesus does not guarantee an easy and trouble-free life. In fact, it requires denying ourselves and taking up our cross. As we face the reality of great challenges, we can put our great faith in our great God who will carry us through. In the next four weeks, we will look at the words of Jesus that challenge us to reflect and look within.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Self-Denial
  • Week 2: Hard Truth
  • Week 3: Path to Greatness
  • Week 4: Facing Troubles

As we check our hearts, may we be led back to the cross of Christ and allow it to help us embrace a life of sacrifice and obedience.

See you at our worship services in Metro Manila or at any of our churches across the Philippines!

Great Faith Series

Let’s enter the year with great faith in our great God! As we begin 2019, we will study the faith of men and women throughout Scripture that will inspire and encourage us to believe God with great faith this year.

Here are the topics for our upcoming six-week sermon series starting on the first week of January.:

  • Week 1: The Hebrew Believers
  • Week 2: Enoch
  • Week 3: Noah
  • Week 4: Abraham and Sarah
  • Week 5: Moses
  • Week 6: The Others

Let us all have great faith, and believe for great things from our great God in 2019!

See you at our worship services in Metro Manila or at any of our churches across the Philippines!