Macau and Hongkong Hold Discipleship Conference

Macau and Hongkong Hold Discipleship Conference

Last month, leaders from our churches in Every Nation Macau and Every Nation Hong Kong converged for their first Discipleship Conference. Following the theme, “Charge!”  the event aimed to empower our current and upcoming leaders to be missional in honoring God and making disciples in their respective territories.

Pastor Jun Escosar, Every Nation World Missions Asia director, kicked off the conference by encouraging our leaders and interns to be more missional in preaching the gospel, especially to the locals of Macau and Hong Kong. Our leaders, Macau and Hong Kong Discipleship Conference tent-makers and full-time ministers were also reminded to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit when they reach out to the people in these two cities. The participants also heard from Victory executive director Pastor Gilbert Foliente, who talked about the role of the Holy Spirit as we evangelize people and reach out to the lost.

The conference also emphasized the importance of going to the campuses and reaching the next generation because we believe that the youth of Macau and Hong Kong will lead their country to be missionary-sending nations in the future. The participants also listened to updates regarding the progress of missionary efforts in Macau and Hong Kong. The 4Es–Engage, Establish, Equip, and Empower–were also discussed in the context of the lifestyle and culture in the two cities.

The conference was also an opportune time for our leaders in our two congregations to fellowship and enjoy each other’s company during breaks and meal times by taking photos, sharing snacks and exchanging stories. At the end of the event, our leaders and interns were recharged and refreshed to preach the gospel as they go back to their respective communities.


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