Every Nation Music holds songwriters’ workshop in Manila

Every Nation Music holds songwriters’ workshop in Manila

Every Nation Music recently held a workshop for songwriters from January 14 to 16, 2014, at Victory Pioneer in Mandaluyong City, Manila, Philippines. Seventeen Filipino delegates from all over the Philippines joined eight other delegates from Guam, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and the United States, for the three-day training.

The Worship Writer’s Workshop (W3) is an integral part of Every Nation Music’s goal to develop great songwriters, produce Every Nation music, and promote Every Nation songs. W3 Manila featured well-known Christian songwriters Mia Fieldes (“All For Love,” “Saviour King”) and John Katina (“Thank You,” “So Good”), as well as noted Contemporary Christian producer Otto Price.

Fields, Katina, and Price shared their thoughts in lessons dealing with theology and practical songwriting, and challenged the delegates to put to practice what they learned through group songwriting sessions. They also provided one-on-one coaching for all the groups, who ultimately wrote a total of 14 songs over the course of the three-day workshop.

“The Worship Writer’s Workshop is inspiring and equipping Every Nation songwriters to reach their potential,” says Steve Murrell, president of Every Nation. “It’s our desire that our songs glorify God, have congregational appeal, and capture the mission, vision, and values of our organization.”

Every Nation Music exists to produce, distribute, and promote multi-generational, multi-cultural worship music that communicates the Every Nation mission, vision, values, and culture. for more information about Every Nation Music.


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