As a movement, Every Nation has always given emphasis on making disciples of the next generation. We believe in reaching the campuses because we believe that every student has a chance to change their lives through the gospel, and in the future, positively change the world too.
That is why we celebrate this recent milestone for one of our churches in a restricted nation in South Asia. Last June 30, they launched their first youth service, which is also the first worship service catering to young people that happens on a weekly basis. Typically, churches in this nation can only hold a youth service once a month. Scheduled at 7:30 PM, the service aims to accommodate students after their classes, before they end their day.
We believe that God is opening new doors into the mission field for the next generation. We are in faith that many young people will receive Jesus as their Savior, and will be discipled through these services. Let us intercede for our Every Nation church in this restricted nation as they break barriers and boldly preach the gospel.
- Pray for the worship team and other young people serving as volunteers to the worship services, that they may delight in their work and be refreshed as they serve.
- Pray for new volunteers and leaders to step out, so that the current teams will be spared from exhaustion and fatigue.
- Pray for new preachers among the youth, so that the gospel may be preached in a manner that will resonate most with their fellow young people.
- Pray for protection against any kind of attack–be it physical or spiritual–as our missionaries continue to serve in this restricted nation.
Together, we believe that we can reach every student, on every campus, in every nation.
Our Every Nation missionaries in this creative access nation continue to boldly preach the gospel, disciple locals and raise leaders. If you would like to support our missionaries with monthly or one-time gifts, please click here.
Note: The image used here is from a Buddhist temple in Thailand. It does not represent the nation referred to in this missions update.
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