Victory Tarlac: Going Strong at 20!

Victory Tarlac: Going Strong at 20!

From a handful of students to a church tremendously growing in numbers, Victory Tarlac is celebrating exponential growth over the past two decades!


It all started when a group of church planters, led by Pastor Jun Escosar, began meeting with some students at the Diwa ng Tarlac Convention Center in November 1991. From Bible studies to rock ‘n roll seminars, the team used various strategies to build relationships with the students in the vicinity. Edwin Mejia, one of their pastors, got to know Christ during these outreach activities.

A Victory Tarlac leader, ministering to students at the school grounds

In 2009, after strategically moving its location near campuses and the main road, Victory Tarlac reached a milestone, hitting a fivefold increase in number from its founding year to the present time. Currently, the church is composed of 68 Victory groups from all walks of life–students, single professionals, and families.
Victory Tarlac single professionals at a singles event
On November 27, 2011, Victory Tarlac is commemorating 20 years of honoring God and making disciples. Entitled “Dalawang Dekadang Saya: Going Strong,” the church is taking a walk down memory lane by celebrating God’s faithfulness for the past twenty years. Together, they will recount twenty fulfilled faith goals and look to the future with much expectation.
Victory Tarlac kids, in Christmas costumes

Let’s celebrate with Victory Tarlac! If you have family or friends in the area, invite them to the anniversary celebration on Sunday, November 27, 3 PM. It will held at the Victory Tarlac Center, at Unit 3, Alison Commercial Building, Zamora St., Cutcut, Tarlac City. See you there!


Victory Tarlac is one of our many locations meeting in various parts of the country. Get updates on Victory via Facebook and Twitter.


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