Victory Conference

Victory Conference

Last June 27 and 28, our church family joyfully gathered at the SM MOA Arena for the Victory Conference. Distance couldn’t keep nearly 30,000 people from across the nation from coming together to celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of God.

We were truly blessed to witness a heartfelt reunion of friends and families, all united with one purpose—to worship Jesus.

How we started: Mission Field

From our leaky basement beginnings in the Tandem Cinema in 1984, Victory has held on to the same and ultimate purpose of making no other name known—Jesus.

Now, forty years later, our founding pastor, Pastor Steve Murrell, stood before the church, with gratitude for God’s unfailing love and faithfulness. He shared the timeless message that has led thousands to the saving knowledge and audacious love of God. Joining him was his son, Dr. William Murrell, who inspired us to embrace God’s call to be witnesses, guided by the power and leading of the Holy Spirit.

Together, they reminded us of the beautiful journey we are on and the incredible future God has in store for His people.

“With all the sacrifices of the world combined, the ultimate sacrifice is what the Father did when He sent His Son to come, to live, and to die for us.”

— Pastor Steve Murrell (Founder, Victory)

“To embrace God’s call to be a witness, we need a Bible, a submitted life, and a passport.”

— Dr. William Murrell (Dean of Academics, Every Nation Seminary)

Pastor Dennis Sy also  joined in our celebration, inspiring and empowering us all. He passionately urged everyone to proclaim the gospel—the only good news that will matter for eternity.

“The mission field is hungry for an encounter that will change their lives. Are you ready to be His mission force?”

– Pastor Dennis Sy (Senior Pastor, Victory Makati)

The excitement and anticipation continued into the second day of the conference. It was a sight to see more students come with passionate hearts and eagerness to encounter God.

Even as our call to preach about Jesus has remained steadfast, it’s never been without obstacles. Despite the hardships of carrying our cross, Pastor Mye Nunag encouraged us to persist in our calling, no matter how challenging, as long as Jesus is preached. Bishop Gilbert Foliente reinforced this message, reminding us that nothing else can truly transform the world like the gospel.

“Would it be enough for us to remain unnamed as long as Jesus is proclaimed?”

— Pastor Mye Nunag (Lead Pastor, Victory U-Belt)

“The gospel is the highest hope of the world. Only the gospel has the power to bring true and lasting transformation.”

— Bishop Gilbert Foliente (Bishop, Victory Metro Manila)

The Campus Run was brimming with young students whose hearts burned passionately for Jesus. It was a vivid picture of the hope and faith we hold for the next generation. With hands and voices lifted in worship, these students responded to His call to be salt and light across over 1,500 campuses they represent.

Pastor Dave Estrera, Pastor Rico Ricafort, and Elle Cabiling Tumaliuan made the final run a Spirit-filled encounter for our students. They preached on the transformative power of the gospel and emphasized how working together with our spiritual family makes us unstoppable.

God’s call to make disciples and pass it on to the next generation resonated clearly, a message the students will carry back to their homes and campuses.

“There is no greater cause that has an eternal impact than preaching the gospel and making disciples.”

— Pastor Dave Estrera (Executive Director for Every Nation Campus, Victory Metro Manila)

“Let your generation be so in love with the word of God that you will meditate on it, speak it, and live by it.”

– Elle Cabiling Tumaliuan (Campus Missionary, Victory Katipunan)

“We’re going to turn the world upside down by preaching the gospel together.”

— Pastor Rico Ricafort (Senior Pastor, Every Nation Panama)

How we can keep going: Mission Force

This conference reignited our passion to reach the lost — for future generations to hear the victory that Christ has won over sin and death, with His grace empowering us to live according to His purpose.

Thank you to over 1,000 volunteers who have served selflessly and wholeheartedly so that the next generation will know about Jesus.

As we continue to thank God for His faithfulness in the past forty years, we remember that every victory has been given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)

May the Holy Spirit empower us to press on and become His mission force.

Together, let’s change the campus and change the world for the next 40 years and beyond.

What’s your #CelebratingVictories highlight for this conference?

New Series: From Mission Field to Mission Force

New Series: From Mission Field to Mission Force

We often hear the saying, “There is no growth in comfort,” and we took this to heart from the beginning. We were once recipients of a short-term mission outreach in Manila. If we stayed with a mission-field mentality, we would never become the mission force we are today. 

As God empowers us to carry out His mission, let us step out of our comfort zone into the unknown by faith.

May we press on with the same passion, pursue His call to make disciples, and be His mission force for the next 40 years and beyond. 

Join us in the next four weeks as we go through these:

Week 1: The Motive—Honor God

Week 2: The Mandate—Make disciples

Week 3: The Manifesto—Change the campus. Change the world.

Week 4: The Mission—Every Nation

You may check the worship service schedules here or by visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page.

2023: A Year of Miracles

Let us recount the great things that the Lord has done in and through us as we welcome 2024.

6,105 people gave their life to Christ and were baptized

26 new churches were planted across the nation

975 campuses opened their doors for the gospel

Over 20 communities and 70 campuses in Metro Manila experienced God’s love as we partnered with school administrators and local government units

1,475 Real LIFE scholars faced the future with hope, and 164 graduated this year

196 missionaries were sent to preach the gospel to 35 nations, and 19 Ten Days teams were sent to 12 nations

109 ministers (pastors, cross cultural and campus missionaries) were commissioned to bring the gospel to the campuses, cities, and nations

95 pastors and leaders from 35 nations came together at the Every Nation building for the residential intensives of the Every Nation Seminary

But nothing is greater than the miracle of knowing Christ together.

Let us enter 2024 with the same hope–that we have a God who fulfills promises and sets us apart for His purposes.

Got a miracle story? Click here to share it with us!

See You On Sunday: Victory Locations Near You

See You On Sunday: Victory Locations Near You

Something beautiful happens when we seek God together with others. We find our faith strengthened and our hearts encouraged – knowing that we are never alone in this life. 

Wherever you are, may you find a church community who will help you grow. 

We hope there’s a Victory location near your campus, city or in any of these new locations:

We look forward to seeing you! 

Here and Now Series

Here and Now Series

God’s plan is to bring His kingdom on earth and redeem all of creation. As we celebrate Victory’s 35th anniversary, we will talk about the kingdom of God and the part that our church plays in it—here and now.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: The Parable of the Weeds
  • Week 2: The Parables of the Mustard Seed and Leaven
  • Week 3: The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Value
  • Week 4: The Parable of the Net

At the end of this series, we hope to have a clearer grasp of what the kingdom of God is and be inspired to persevere in our faith together.

See you at our worship services across the Philippines!

We’ve got free apps for you!

We’ve got free apps for you!

Great news! You may now download the Victory app on iOS and Android, and the official ONE 2 ONE Android on the Google Play Store.

Victory AppThe Victory app includes free resources such as series podcasts and Victory group materials from our Metro Manila locations. It also has our national directory, so you can find the Victory location nearest you! Through the Victory app, you can also get connected to a Victory group based on your desired schedule and availability.



One 2 One AndroidYou can also download ONE 2 ONE Android for your Android smartphone! Share the gospel anytime, anywhere with our seven-lesson booklet.





These apps are free on iOS and Android! You may download them from the following links:

Victory app:


Once you install these apps, don’t forget to activate push notifications so you can receive in-app updates from us!

Download our free apps today, and share them with your friends, too! We hope our resources help you honor God and make disciples.

Passing on the Baton

Passing on the Baton

Our Central Luzon churches held their first Discipleship Convergence in April 13. Over 750 discipleship group leaders from Bataan, Bulacan, Cabanatuan, Pampanga, Tarlac, and Zambales gathered in Clark, Pampanga, for an event that equipped, empowered, and encouraged them to continue honoring God and making disciples.

Our Victory group leaders were able to see a new perspective of their Discipleship Journey. Brand-new discipleship tools, such as, were also introduced to our Victory group leaders.

Our delegates from Victory Subic, one of our newest church plants!
Our delegates from Victory Subic, one of our newest church plants!

Pastor Steve Murrell shared a message about passing the baton of the gospel, reminding the leaders to act as “funnels” and invite people and lead them through the discipleship process.

Amy Dabu, one of the Victory group leaders from Victory City of San Fernando, cites Pastor Steve’s message as one of her personal takeaways. “(As a leader,) I learned that I have to pass on what I received.”

Amy considered herself “reluctant” when it came to sharing about what Jesus did for her. “I did not want to go to another level of my faith. I was content where I was,” she admits. Little by little, she was reminded of Jesus’s commission to go and make disciples. “Leadership is not about the titles or the perks I receive, but leading them to Christ.” Now, she is ready to go and make disciples in her hometown, armed with a big vision and putting her trust and confidence in God!

Amy (right) is excited to share the gospel wherever God brings her!

Amy’s story is just one of the many others we’ve heard from the conference. As our leaders go back to their workplaces, campuses, and families, we are excited to hear more stories of engaging, establishing, equipping, and empowering others for Jesus!

You can join any one of our eleven Victory churches in the Central Luzon region. If you have family and friends who live there, invite them to a Victory church within the area!

Victory is one church that meets in different locations in Metro Manila, and in other locations across the provinces. For more information on our locations and services, please visit our national directory. See you at our services!


Special thanks to Bing Tajon for our photos!

New Series: WikiChurch

New Series: WikiChurch

Victory as a movement exists for two things: to honor God and to make disciples. Know more about who we are and what we value in our series, WikiChurch!

This two-week series starting June 23 and 24 will tackle our values as a movement and how each of us can apply the principles that our church embodies.

Here’s the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Empowering Church
  • Week two: Making Disciples

Limited copies of Steve Murrell’s “WikiChurch,” the re-titled international edition of his book, “Accidental Missionary,” will also be made available at Victory Fort Bonifacio, Victory Greenhills, Victory Metro East, Victory Pioneer, and Victory U-Belt. From June 23 to July 8, these books will be sold at a special price of PHP 350.00. Get your copies today!

Victory is one church in fifteen locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in various provinces across the Philippines. Check out our national directory to know the Victory location nearest you.

Victory Tagum and the Siopao

Victory Tagum and the Siopao

Who would have thought that siopao can be instrumental in the saving of many lives?

Pastor Manny Mintal (center) during one of the siopao outreaches

Ask Pastor Manny Mintal, the senior pastor of our Victory Tagum church plant. Through the power of God and His Word—plus Pastor Manny’s delicious home-cooked siopao—the team of church planters were able to connect with several students in Tagum, Davao, and eventually led them to having a relationship with God.

What started as an outreach project in July 2010 gave birth to a fruitful church plant right in the capital province of Davao del Norte. From outreach activities in nearby parks and “siopao outreaches” in the campuses, the growing church began to meet over merienda in carinderias until they eventually settled in their current Victory center.

Some of the students Victory Tagum has reached out to

On October 2011, Victory Tagum experienced a milestone, with their formal launch happening at the Town Country Plaza in Sobrecarey Street, Tagum, Davao.

Currently, several Victory groups are meeting in various venues in Tagum. More and more are going through ONE 2 ONE, while several others have already gone through Victory Weekend. Among the campuses in their vicinity, Victory Tagum is focusing its efforts on the University of Mindanao and the Magugpo Pilot Imelda Elementary School.

Indeed, greater things are up ahead for Victory Tagum! Join us as we pray for the campuses within their area and for more open doors to share the Word of God. Let’s also cover Victory Tagum in prayer, for growth and maturity of the church and of the current Victory groups.

Victory Tagum is one among a group of Victory churches in the Philippines. It holds a weekly Sunday service at 10AM at the Town Country Plaza, Sobrecarey corner Pioneer Street. If you know anyone in the area, don’t forget to let them know about our newest church in Tagum!

New Series: Crossing Cultures

New Series: Crossing Cultures

Victory as a movement believes that each one of us has a part to play in world missions work. After all, we are called not only to make disciples in our nation, but around the world.

Each year, we’re also given an opportunity to be a blessing to the nations through our Every Nation Recommitment Campaign. Not all of us may be called to minister to different nations, but we can take part in what God is doing in the nations.

We’re already starting missions work in this bustling city in Southeast Asia.
Thank you for partnering with us in reaching every nation and every campus!

For all of us to have a deeper understanding of what reaching the nations is all about, join us this weekend as we start our brand new series, “Crossing Cultures.” We’ll know more about the challenges of crossing cultural barriers, and have a greater appreciation for what God is doing through missions efforts in different nations.

Here’s the list of weekly topics:

Week one: Beyond Borders
Week two: Breaking Barriers

See you at our services! Victory meets at one church in fifteen locations in Metro Manila and sixty provincial churches all over the nation. To know how you can participate in our Every Nation recommitment, please contact your local church.

Beyond the Expected: Victory Molino

Beyond the Expected: Victory Molino

Our Cavite churches are growing in numbers! After Victory Trece Martires, join us on Sunday, September 25, as we welcome another Victory church in the province of Cavite: Victory Molino!

Small beginnings
Efforts for Victory Molino began in 2007, when a church planting team from Victory Bacoor was sent to engage with the locals in this mostly residential area. Since then, thirty-four Victory groups now meet in different houses in this municipality, all inviting their family members and friends to take part in having a relationship with Jesus.

Their services are currently being held in the Masaito Building, right in the heart of the city. Just nearby are two campuses: Perpetual College and the State Fields High School.

Going beyond the expected
While their members were raising funds for Victory Molino’s center, their story of generosity was encouraging. “People gave more than enough,” Pastor Noel Bibat recounts. As a result, they were able to exceed their financial goal. “God used people to help give (to our facility). Truly, as we step out in faith, God’s provision comes!”

Pastor Noel also excitedly shared how their church plant grew to 200 members in two months, with their facility holding two services every Sunday at the Masaito Building along Molino Road.

Join us on Sunday, September 25, as we celebrate the official launch of Victory Molino! Invite your family and friends, too!

Breaking New Ground in Muntinlupa!

Breaking New Ground in Muntinlupa!

Join us on Sunday, September 18 at 10 AM as we officially launch our newest church plant in southern Metro Manila: Victory Muntinlupa!

Efforts in reaching this city first started in October 2009, when monthly services were being held at the Peoples’ Center, Muntinlupa Municipal Hall. They met weekly shortly after. From 150 to 200 people, they now have 470 men and women regularly attending their two Sunday services.

From there, forty-five Victory Groups are now meeting, and more people are being discipled. In fact, they held their first Victory Weekend last March, preparing others to live a life of freedom and victory.

More families are now attending their services. According to Pastor Jun Divierte, “One member (has been) praying for the longest time that her family will worship with her every Sunday. Her whole family is now attending Victory Muntinlupa (with her).”  Not only that, but they are also being plugged into Victory Groups. “(A mother I got to talk to) is glad to see that her children are now actively involved in church activities and Victory Groups.”

Victory Muntinlupa is also reaching out a number of campuses in the area, including Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa, Pedro E. Diaz High School, and Muntinlupa Science High School.

We are excited to see more families, students, and single professionals in Muntinlupa have a relationship with God and live changed lives!

Pray with us for opportunities to share the gospel with Muntinlupa government officials and business people as we continue to honor God and make disciples in this city.

Invite your family and friends who live in Muntinlupa! We are one church in multiple locations Metro Manila and sixty different locations in the provinces.

Again, see you this Sunday, September 18, 10 AM, as we launch Victory Muntinlupa!

New Church Plant: Victory Trece Martires

New Church Plant: Victory Trece Martires

People started meeting in Victory groups in June 2010 in various locations in Trece Martires, the capital city of Cavite. More than forty men and women are now going through ONE 2 ONE and being trained to make disciples.

Our local churches in Cavite (Bacoor, Dasmariñas, and Imus) have collaborated to reach this area. In fact, the church planting team has made efforts to reach different age groups. Just last May, they set up a medical mission to help the citizens of Trece Martires.

Victory Trece Martires will be holding their services inside the Colegio de Amore campus, home to elementary, high school, and college-level students. The leadership team is also targeting other schools such as the Cavite State University, Trece Martires City Colleges, and Lyceum of the Philippines.

Pray with us as we reach out to the heart of Cavite! Ask God for more families, students, and young professionals would come to have a relationship with Jesus. Pray also that this fresh church plant would not just grow in numbers, but in their relationship with God as well.

See you at Colegio de Amore this Sunday, September 11, at 10 AM! Bring your family and friends to join us, too!

Bigyan natin ng dangal ang Diyos at paramihin ang disipulo Niya sa Trece Martires!