New Series: All-Weather

New Series: All-Weather

You may know by now that life is not always about good times—sometimes we are faced by challenges that seem to cripple and sidetrack us. At the same time, our lives aren’t just about suffering, because there are always reasons to celebrate and be thankful.

Join us this weekend, May 18 and 19, as we kick off our newest series, “All-Weather.” Together, we will learn and understand that through Christ, we can live lives that honor God, in spite of anything that comes our way. We can also trust that God is present in any and every situation we face.

Here are the weekly topics for “All-Weather:”

  • Stormy (Joy in Christ)
  • Sunny (Glory in Christ)
  • Windy (Hope in Christ)
  • Cloudy (Peace in Christ)
  • Rainy (Blessings in Christ)

Victory is a church that meets in multiple locations in Metro Manila and at different venues in provinces across the Philippines. Visit our national directory for more details on our locations and services.

Invite your family and friends to join us! See you at our services!

New Series: Unpopular

New Series: Unpopular

Join us this weekend as we kick off our newest series entitled, “Unpopular!”

In this message series on leadership, discover how Jesus set the example for godly leadership in how He lived His life, and how He compels us to follow His example.

For the month of April, we’ll take a closer look at different aspects of Jesus’s life and leadership. Check out our weekly topics:

Week one: An Uncommon Attitude
Week two: An Unwelcome View
Week three: An Unlikely Posture
Week four: An Unwanted Burden

Victory is a church that meets in multiple locations in Metro Manila and at different venues in provinces across the Philippines. Visit our national directory for more details on our locations and services.

Invite your family and friends to join us! See you at our services!

New Series: Timeless

New Series: Timeless

Many of us are familiar with the word, ‘gospel.’ We may have heard about it in school or in church. But do we fully understand what it is — that it is more than just ‘good news?’ Learn the true meaning of ‘gospel’ in our new series, “Timeless!”

At the end of our series, may each of us understand that the gospel is not only the power of God to save us, but it is also the power to change and transform us.

Check out our list of weekly topics:

Week one: Gospel in the Past
Week two: Gospel in the Present
Week three: Gospel in the Future

We would love to have you come join us at a Victory center nearest you! We are one church in Metro Manila that meets in fifteen different locations. You may also visit us at our Victory churches across the Philippines.

Invite your loved ones and let’s know more about the gospel together! See you at our services.

New Series: The Gap

New Series: The Gap

Jesus exemplified a life of servanthood while He was here on earth. What does it mean to follow His example in caring for other people’s needs?

In our new series, “The Gap,” each of us will understand God’s compassion, as taught and exemplified by Jesus. After our series, may each of us learn to be socially responsible, exhibiting His qualities through action and works of service.

Here is our list of weekly topics:

Week one: Compassionate God
Week two: Compassionate People

Victory is one church in Metro Manila that meets in fifteen different locations. We also meet in various venues across the Philippines. Find the Victory location nearest you by visiting our national directory.

We hope each of us will have a deeper understanding of Christ’s love and compassion. Invite your family and friends to join us! See you at our services!

Let’s Talk About Love: “Will You” series recap

Let’s Talk About Love: “Will You” series recap

For the whole month of February, we talked about the different seasons of a love relationship in our series, “Will You.” We asked our attendees what their biggest takeaways were from our three-week message, and here’s what everyone shared on our social networks:

New Series: Will You . . .

New Series: Will You . . .

We are kicking off our February series, “Will You…” After this series, we look forward to having a biblical perspective in every season of a person’s love life. May each of us have Jesus in the center of all our relationships!

Here is the list of weekly topics for “Will You . . . ”:

Week one: . . . be my Friend?
Week two: . . . be my Valentine?
Week three: . . . Marry me?

Invite your family and friends to a Victory location nearest you! We are one church meeting in fifteen locations in Metro Manila. We also meet at various congregations across the Philippines.

Let’s know more about love this February! See you at our services!

New Series: RSVP

New Series: RSVP

Christmas is coming! Many of us are looking forward to giving and receiving gifts, spending time with family and loved ones, and attending Christmas gatherings. Yet what does Christmas truly mean, as what the Bible says?

Check out the list of weekly topics:

Week one: Believe
Week two: Celebrate
Week three: Worship

Victory is one church in Metro Manila meeting in fifteen different locations across the city. We also meet in over fifty-five different churches around the Philippines. Invite your family and friends to join us!

See you at our services!

New Series: Unlimited

New Series: Unlimited

Join us this weekend as we start our series on finances entitled, “Unlimited.” We’ll be talking about the life of Elijah and Elisha in this four-week series.

At the end of this series, we look forward to having greater faith to obey God, our faithful and powerful Provider, in spite of the most difficult circumstances.

Here’s the list of weekly topics:

Week one: The Brook and the Raven
Week two: The Flour and the Oil
Week three: The Oil and the Jar
Week four: The Barley and the Grain

Victory is one church that meets in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in over fifty-five provinces across the Philippines. Check out our directory to find the Victory location nearest you.

Invite your family and friends to join us! See you at our services!

New Series: The End

New Series: The End

Any discussion on the end times is always received with fear and anxiety. Yet as believers, we ought to have the right response to this truth which is to approach Christ’s return with much faith and expectancy.

Join us on our new series, “The End,” and discover how we can be prepared for Jesus’ return.

We hope that after this series, each of us would get a glimpse of eternity that will transform their daily lives. We look forward to receiving fresh insight on the holiness of God and the hope of eternal life.

Here’s the list of weekly topics:

Week one: The Incredible Hope
Week two: The Return of the King of Kings
Week three: Dark Night
Week four: Never-ending Story

Catch “The End” at a Victory location nearest you! We are in one church meeting in fifteen locations in Metro Manila. You can also join us at our Victory churches outside Metro Manila.

Invite your family and friends to join us. See you at our weekly services!

New Series: Glocal

New Series: Glocal

Thanks to technology, our world is getting much, much smaller. Approximately 2.1 billion people around the world are online nowadays. Social media has been helping us to connect more to one another. And more and more, world events are shaping local happenings as local happenings are influencing world events.

With all of these happening around us, what is stopping us from bringing the gospel message to the ends of the earth?

Join us as we kick off our missions series entitled, “Glocal!” For the next two weeks, know what it means to think global in our local setting.

Here’s the list of weekly topics:

Week one: Trip Essentials – Each of us is called to pray for the nations.
Week two: Itinerary – Our local churches are launching pads for the gospel.

Glocal will be our preaching message for the next two weeks at all our Victory locations. We are one church in Metro Manila. We also have various churches in different provinces.

Invite your family and friends to join us! See you at our services!

New Series: Ako, Ikaw, Tayo

New Series: Ako, Ikaw, Tayo

Being a follower of Jesus takes more than just reading our Bibles, praying, and fellowship. We are also called to serve our communities and be a positive influence to those around us.

How can each of us make a positive impact in our spheres of influence, our community, and our culture? Find out in our four-week series, “Ako, Ikaw, Tayo!”

We are excited to start our new series this weekend! Invite your family and friends to join us at a Victory center nearest you.

New Series: That Thing you do

New Series: That Thing you do

The small choices we make influence the habits we develop, and ultimately, our lives. But what does it mean to develop new habits for our good? Find out this weekend, as we kick off our new series entitled, “That Thing you do!” At the end of this series, may each of us embrace a devotional lifestyle that results in a thriving relationship with Jesus, and with the church. Here’s the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Read – Know what it means to love God’s Word
  • Week two: Share – Find out the importance of true biblical relationships
  • Week three: Pray – Discover the value of prayer

Catch “That Thing you do” at a Victory location nearest you! We’re one church in Metro Manila that meets in fifteen locations. We also have different Victory churches across the Philippines. Check out our list of locations at our national directory. Invite your family and friends to join us. See you at our weekly services!

New Series: Let us

New Series: Let us

Jesus made disciples not just in a one-on-one setting but also in groups. In the same way, we believe that one of the best ways for each of us to grow together is in small groups.

Want to know what being part of a Victory group is all about? We’ll find out in our new series this weekend, entitled, “Let us!”

Here’s the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Approach God
  • Week two: Encourage one Another
  • Week three: Run the Race

Invite your family and friends to join us! Victory is one church in fifteen locations in Metro Manila. We also meet at various venues across the Philippines. You surely wouldn’t want to miss this series!

See you at our services!

New Series: Get in the Game

New Series: Get in the Game

Whatever your age, you have a responsibility for the next generation! Know more about your role in our new series, Get in the Game. Starting June 3, join us as we know about God’s heart for the next generation. We’ll also discover what it means to disciple students and reach the campuses in our respective communities.

Check out the list of weekly topics here:

  • Week one: Continue – Know how the older generation can equip and empower the younger generation!
  • Week two: Power up – Discover the next generation’s responsibility to respond to the call of God in their lives.

Join us at a Victory location nearest you! We’re one church in fifteen locations in Metro Manila. We also meet at various venues across the Philippines. Check out our directory for the Victory location nearest you.

Do invite your family and friends to our services! See you!

New Series: Love Different

New Series: Love Different

Join us at a Victory location nearest you, as we talk about love this February! “Love Different” is a three-week series that will discuss what love is according to God’s Word as opposed to what the world is saying, leading to relationships that will bring God honor.

Check out Victory’s weekly topics for “Love Different:”

Week One: Love at First Sight. Learn about why appearances should not reign supreme as we debunk the myth of “love at first sight.”
Week Two: Follow Your Heart. Learn about why emotions should not reign supreme, and what awaits people who “follow their hearts.”
Week Three: Love is Blind. See what happens when one views love through the lens of truth.

Victory meets in multiple locations in Metro Manila and in provinces all over the Philippines. We’d love to have your family and friends join our church in the Philippines for three weeks of talking about love!


Download free “Love Different” wallpapers here:

Love Different (1280 x 1024)

Love Different (1280 x 800)

Love Different (1440 x 900)

Love Different (1600 x 1200)

Love Different (1680 x 1080)

Love Different (1920 x 1200)

Love Different Version 2 (1280 x 1024)

Love Different Version 2 (1280 x 800)

Love Different Version 2 (1440 x 900)

Love Different Version 2 (1600 x 1200)

Love Different Version 2 (1680 x 1080)

Love Different Version 2 (1920 x 1200)

Love Different Version 3 (1280 x 1024)

Love Different Version 3 (1280 x 800)

Love Different Version 3 (1440 x 900)

Love Different Version 3 (1600 x 1200)

Love Different Version 3 (1680 x 1080)

Love Different Version 3 (1920 x 1200)

Love Different Version 4 (1280 x 1024)

Love Different Version 4 (1280 x 800)

Love Different Version 4 (1440 x 900)

Love Different Version 4 (1600 x 1200)

Love Different Version 4 (1680 x 1080)

Love Different Version 4 (1920 x 1200)

New Series: Thrive

New Series: Thrive

We welcome the new year with a brand new series entitled, “Thrive.” For the next four weeks, we will learn more about the benefits that were made available for us by Jesus because of what He did on the cross: a life of victory over sin and freedom to walk in God’s ways. This might be just what you need to actually tick off that resolutions list!

Check out the list of weekly topics:

Week one: Dead or Alive – Our new life
Week two: Sin or Righteousness – Our new status
Week three: Law or Spirit – Our new relationship
Week four: Old or new – Our new nature

Victory meets in various locations in Metro Manila and in several provinces across the Philippines. We’re excited to have your family and friends join any one of our worship services!

Biblical Finance 101

Biblical Finance 101

Four weeks at the Abraham’s School of Finance gave us a meaningful review on what our attitude should be towards God’s resources. Here’s a lowdown on our major learnings, including actual insights from fellow learners, from the recently-concluded series. 


In week one, we were reminded of the long-term, multi-generational covenant that God spoke to Abraham about His limitless provision, a timeless promise that still applies to us at the present time.

We can trust that we will always have what we need because of who we have a covenant with.
– Yane B.


Week two of our series helped us realize that we are just stewards, not owners, of God’s endless resources and provision.

(I learned) that God owns EVERYTHING and we are stewards of His wonderful creations. This really removed all my worries. God is so great!
– Lucille C.

(I learned how to) be a good steward (of) all the blessings of the Lord, and to faithfully return what’s really due to Him.
– Marilyn A.

God owns everything. I don’t. I’m thankful for His trust and (will) obey His will for what I have been entrusted with.
– Daryl C.

Stewardship honors the covenant (we have with God). When we become good stewards, it follows that we will be faithful in (our) giving.
– Ronnie R.


In our lesson about tithing, we learned that it isn’t just about giving 10% of our wealth to God. It’s about giving Him our all.

Tithing is an evidence of a life in Christ. (I also learned) that “poverty is not an issue of the wallet, but an issue of the mind and heart.”
– Rachelle L.

Tithing is not giving . . . it’s returning.
– Angelo M.


The last installment of our series helped us understand that generosity starts from a heart that’s willing to sacrifice.

Don’t be (tight-fisted) on the blessings that God is giving you, but learn how to . . . share those blessings to others.
– Samantha I.

When you understand how generous God is to you, it will automatically produce generosity in your life.
– Robert B.


Now that our four-week course on biblical finance has come to a close, we are presented with many opportunities to apply all that we have learned.

In every aspect of our lives, including how we deal with our finances, we can and should find ways to honor God.
– Ardie A.

Let us be faithful stewards and use our finances to bring honor and glory to God!

If you missed this series, you can download our podcasts and Victory group materials for free.

Living up to God’s Design

Living up to God’s Design

Isn’t it empowering to know that God has an intended design for how we are to live? Blueprint, our recently concluded series, laid out God’s design for biblical manhood and gave all of us a guide on how we can live our lives to the full!

On our Facebook page, we asked people to share the most important lesson they learned from Blueprint. Here are some of their insights:


  • “We learned that we are made in the image and likeness of God, that we are designed to trust Him and to walk in His ways.”

“God has a specific design for me. When I don’t trust God’s design and I rely on my own ways, I fall into pride. But when I trust His design, I become more . . .  blessed.”

— Ronald C.

“God did not design us to fail. He is perfect and He created us in His own image. All we need to do is open our eyes and see how perfect His will is for each and every one of us.”

— Patricia D.

“God created me in His likeness. His imprint is in me. I should seek His plan for me.”

— Paul A.


  • “We learned that we are made to be faithful stewards of the work we are blessed with. Work is designed by God to be His channel of blessing. It is also an avenue through which we can worship Him.”

“I work to glorify God, not men. I serve Him in all of my ways.”

— Jzca R.


  • “We learned that we are made to live our roles according to God’s design.”

“Leadership is about authority, direction and accountability.”

— Elaine S.

“I need to take care of my family and my presence is very important in order to raise a godly family. As an OFW, I’m praying that God will lead me to a work where I could be with my family. I believe in miracles!”

— Jose T.

“Wonderful message about the role of husbands. As head of the family, they should be the spiritual leaders, not the wives, though the wives (with the right attitude) should perform their duties as helpmates to their husbands. Wives need to pray more for their husbands.”

— Maria Theresa O.


How about you, what was the most important lesson you learned from Blueprint? Let’s put God’s Word to practice and live up to God’s biblical design every day!

New Series: Blueprint

New Series: Blueprint

Just as a structural blueprint gives rise to a majestic structure, God has crafted a blueprint which gives us an idea of how we could live our lives to the full. Knowing what His blueprint holds aids us in developing a changed mindset and a positive impact to our relationships, our community, and our nation.

What’s more, God’s blueprint touches on essential topics such as biblical manhood, the ownership of it, and the responsibility and authority that comes with it.

Join us in the next couple of weeks and discover what this Blueprint says specifically about God’s intended design for biblical manhood!

We will be hearing about the following topics:

Week One: In God’s Image
Week Two: In the Garden
Week Three: In the Lead

Victory holds weekly services in fifteen locations across Metro Manila and sixty locations in the provinces. Drop by our national directory to find out where the local Victory church nearest you is.

Spread the word to your friends and family, and we hope to see you all at our services!

Victory is now on iTunes!

Victory is now on iTunes!

Did you miss last weekend’s preaching? Now, you can subscribe to Victory’s podcast and not miss any of our weekend messages!

Please keep posted as we publish our podcasts from the previous weekend’s preaching, every Wednesday at 12 NN.

Start subscribing with iTunes by clicking on the button below.

You can also subscribe to the podcasts from our different Victory local churches here:

No iTunes? No worries! You can download the iTunes installer to your computer at this link.

If you’re not an iTunes user, use the following web address to subscribe with other audio manager programs such as Juice and Amarok.

Not into subscribing? No sweat! Browse, download, and listen to your selected audio message from our library and into your mp3 player.

We hope our messages help you honor God and make disciples! Subscribe to the Victory podcast today!

New Series: All in

New Series: All in

What does it mean to live a “complete” life, having everything that we need and want?

Find out this weekend as we kick off our new series, “All in.” We’ll all be studying the book of Ephesians for the next six weeks. We hope that each of us would understand more what Jesus did for us, and would result to a renewed perspective in the way we live.

Check out the list of weekly topics:

Week one: Blessings
Week two: Grace
Week three: Mystery
Week four: Unity
Week five: Living
Week six: Strength

Victory meets in fifteen locations in Metro Manila and in forty-eight locations in the provinces. Do invite your family and friends in any one of our services! Check out our national directory to find out where the Victory location nearest you is.

See you at our services!

New Series: Crave

New Series: Crave

What are you really longing for?

Join us this weekend as we start our newest series, “Crave!” After this series, we hope that all of us would have a deeper understanding of the Bible, that in turn would help us grow in dependence and desire for God.

Check out the list of weekly topics:

Week one: Something to sustain me
Week two: Something to change me
Week three: Something that makes me grow

For this series, journey with us as we learn to love God’s Word more! Check out our Crave Devotionals to know what it truly means to desire the Word of God.

Read through our daily lessons and share them with your friends, too!

Invite your family and friends to join us at a Victory location nearest you! We meet at fifteen different locations in Metro Manila, and fifty-nine venues in the provinces.

See you at our services!

New Series: Ordinary

New Series: Ordinary

All of us are called to be a disciple and make disciples. We don’t need to be famous or successful to let people know about Jesus. But what does it mean to do extraordinary things in a normal and ordinary world?

We are starting a new series this weekend entitled, “Ordinary.” We hope that this series will help us renew or strengthen our perspective on making disciples—that God uses ordinary people like you and me to make disciples and do extraordinary things.

Weekly topics include:

Week one: Philip and the Ethiopian
Week two: Ananias and Paul
Week three: Peter and Cornelius

Catch this series at a Victory location nearest you! We’re one church in many locations in Metro Manila and we also have Victory churches all over the country.

Invite your family and friends this weekend! See you then!

New Series: NXT

New Series: NXT

We hear about it in songs and even from our national hero, but how convinced are we that the future rests in the hands of today’s young people?

Join us this weekend as we start our new series, “NXT.” We’ll find out about God’s heart for young people and His plans and purposes for them. We’ll also know our part in making their God-given destinies happen.

Here is the list of our weekly topics:

Week One: What do you see?
Week Two: Who do you see?

Victory is one church meeting in fifteen different locations across Metro Manila and forty-five churches in the provinces. To know where the Victory location nearest you is, check out our national directory.

Do invite your family and friends at our services! See you then!