Live to Tell Series

Live to Tell Series

The love of Christ compels us to demonstrate and declare the gospel with urgency. In this series, we will see how we can live in a way that opens doors for us to tell others about the gospel and what Christ has done in our lives.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Demonstration
  • Week 2: Declaration

We hope this series inspires and equips us to demonstrate the love of Christ and declare the gospel to others.

See you at our worship services across the Philippines!

Foretold Series

Foretold Series

The events of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection were not accidents nor coincidences—they were foretold 700 years before they happened. In this series, we will look at the book of Isaiah and how God intentionally planned Jesus’ life, ministry, and death to save us.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: The Wise King
  • Week 2: The Humble Servant
  • Week 3: The Faithful Witness
  • Week 4: The Obedient Sacrifice
  • Week 5: The Righteous Victor

Through this series, may we know Jesus more, have a new perspective on Holy Week, and reflect Christ in the way we live.

See you at our worship services in Metro Manila or at any of our churches across the Philippines!

Cross Check Series

Cross Check Series

Following Jesus does not guarantee an easy and trouble-free life. In fact, it requires denying ourselves and taking up our cross. As we face the reality of great challenges, we can put our great faith in our great God who will carry us through. In the next four weeks, we will look at the words of Jesus that challenge us to reflect and look within.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Self-Denial
  • Week 2: Hard Truth
  • Week 3: Path to Greatness
  • Week 4: Facing Troubles

As we check our hearts, may we be led back to the cross of Christ and allow it to help us embrace a life of sacrifice and obedience.

See you at our worship services in Metro Manila or at any of our churches across the Philippines!

Great Faith Series

Let’s enter the year with great faith in our great God! As we begin 2019, we will study the faith of men and women throughout Scripture that will inspire and encourage us to believe God with great faith this year.

Here are the topics for our upcoming six-week sermon series starting on the first week of January.:

  • Week 1: The Hebrew Believers
  • Week 2: Enoch
  • Week 3: Noah
  • Week 4: Abraham and Sarah
  • Week 5: Moses
  • Week 6: The Others

Let us all have great faith, and believe for great things from our great God in 2019!

See you at our worship services in Metro Manila or at any of our churches across the Philippines!

Unwavering Series

Unwavering Series

In this new series, we will look at the life of Abraham to see what it means to live by faith. His journey of faith was not perfect; he did not always make the best choices while waiting for God’s promise to be fulfilled. But Paul describes his faith in Romans as unwavering, not because it was perfect, but because his faith grew stronger as he continually trusted God in the big and the everyday moments believing that God is able to do what He had promised.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Faith and Relationship
  • Week 2: Faith and the Word
  • Week 3: Faith and Purpose
  • Week 4: Faith and Covenant
  • Week 5: Faith and Waiting
  • Week 6: Faith and Circumstances
  • Week 7: Faith and Testing

God also has promises for you and He invites you to trust Him and His word in all circumstances.

See you at our worship services across the Philippines!

RE:NEW Series

RE:NEW Series

RE:NEW is a three-week series featuring different people in the Bible who experienced rejection, brokenness, and guilt. After they encountered Jesus, their lives were renewed and they testified to others about Him. In the same way, our personal encounters with Jesus renew us and lead us to preach the gospel to others.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (Rejection)
  • Week 2: Jesus and the Demon-Possessed Man (Brokenness)
  • Week 3: Jesus and Peter (Guilt and Shame)

Jesus can also bring wholeness, healing, and victory in your life. See you at our worship services in Metro Manila, or at any of our churches in more than 90 provinces across the Philippines!

New Series: Beyond

New Series: Beyond

We can easily be consumed with the concerns of our lifetime, but God called us to look beyond. Every generation matters to God. In the next two weeks, we will look at the lives of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph to see how God values every generation and uses each one to bless the next.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: Blessing the next generation beyond their circumstance
  • Week 2: Faith beyond our lifetime

We hope to see you at our worship services in Metro Manila, or at any of our churches in more than 90 provinces throughout the Philippines!

New Series: Make Room

New Series: Make Room

“Make room” is an expression that means to move oneself aside to allow another person to pass or enter. It also means to adjust and yield as a means to give honor. For this series, to make room means that, instead of acting and relying on the flesh, we are stepping aside for the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to lead us, and keeping in step with Him.

For the next six weeks, we will talk about living a Spirit-empowered life by learning who the Holy Spirit is and His works in the life of a disciple.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: The Person of the Holy Spirit
  • Week 2: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
  • Week 3: Sanctification by the Spirit
  • Week 4: Spirit of Sonship
  • Week 5: Walking in the Spirit
  • Week 6: Spirit-Empowered Life

We hope to see you at our worship services in Metro Manila, or at any of our churches in more than 90 provinces throughout the Philippines!

New Series: Gospel Demonstrated

New Series: Gospel Demonstrated

The gospel, which tells us that Jesus died for all and He paid the price for us to have eternal life in Him, is an essential part of our faith. In our previous series, “The Great Exchange,” we learned what it means to be saved and how to tell others about the gospel.

Proclaiming the gospel is important, but God also called His church to do something equally significant—demonstrate it. This is evident in the life of Jesus and in the early church. Their proclamation was often partnered with a demonstration of the power of the gospel through their lives.

One of the most tangible ways of gospel demonstration in the Bible, church history, and our movement, is reaching out to the poor—the people in great need and the oppressed. God cares about everyone, regardless of our status, rich or poor, and He calls us to do the same. In “Gospel Demonstrated,” we will look at the book of James and learn how true Christian living manifests in a biblical perspective of God’s provision and compassion for the poor.

Here is the list of topics:

  • Week 1: The Testing of Faith
  • Week 2: True Religion
  • Week 3: No Partiality in the Kingdom
  • Week 4: Faith Produces Works and Works Serves Others
  • Week 5: The Dangers of Worldliness
  • Week 6: Faith and Patience in Suffering

Through this series, we pray that we will be encouraged to translate our faith in Jesus to action, whether in times of testing or times of abundance.

See you at our worship services in Metro Manila, or at any of our churches in more than 90 provinces throughout the Philippines!

New Series: The Great Exchange

New Series: The Great Exchange

When we surrender our lives to Jesus and receive Him as Lord and Savior, a great exchange takes place. For the next five weeks, we will talk about the life Jesus offers us and the fullness of His plan for salvation through the series, “The Great Exchange”.

Here is the list of topics:

  • Week 1: Salvation Plan
  • Week 2: From Guilty to Forgiven
  • Week 3: From Death to Life
  • Week 4: From Alienation to Belonging
  • Week 5: From Meaningless to Purposeful

At the end of the series, we hope to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of Christ’s finished work.

Come and join us in our worship services to know more about what Jesus has done for us! We meet in multiple locations across Metro Manila and the Philippines.

You can also join and follow this series on social media through #TheGreatExchangePH!

The Word of God is Truth

The Word of God is Truth

Last week, we have learned about the inerrancy and infallibility of God’s Word through the messages preached on the fourth week of the Wordview series. This simply means that the Word of God is not only true, but is the standard of truth. Throughout Scripture, many passages declared this characteristic of God’s Word:


Your righteousness is righteous forever, and your law is true. (Psalm 119:142)


But you are near, O Lord, and all your commandments are true. (Psalm 119:151)


The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever. (Psalm 119:160)


Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. (John 17:17)


In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory. (Ephesians 1:13-14)


Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. (James 1:18)


It is one thing to know that the Word of God is truth, and another thing to live it out in life as the final and ultimate standard of truth. Although this is a hard pill to swallow, we can embrace the Word of God as truth knowing that the Author is reliable and trustworthy. We can believe and depend on God’s Word because of His character. In a world bombarded with lies, we can take comfort and have security in the truth of God’s Word.

Is there a part of your life that hasn’t been surrendered to the truth of God’s Word? Pray that the Lord will teach you to embrace His truth and delight in it this week.

New Series: Wordview

New Series: Wordview


After a series break this week, we will start 2018 with  “Wordview,” an 8-week series about the Word of God. We are committing ourselves to a deeper devotion in studying and applying God’s Word in our lives. Because God’s Word is true, inerrant, and authoritative, it defines our worldview. As Christians, our views, beliefs, and convictions should no longer be shaped by the world, but by the Word.

Here are the list of topics:

  • Week 1: Devotion
  • Week 2: Benefits
  • Week 3: Inspiration
  • Week 4: Inerrancy and Infallibility
  • Week 5: Canon of Scripture
  • Week 6: Sufficiency
  • Week 7: Clarity
  • Week 8: Application

Join us in the coming weeks as we learn to love and live God’s Word! You may come to any of our worship services across Metro Manila and the Philippines.

You may also share your thoughts on this series by using #WordviewPH on social media!

New Series: The King

New Series: The King

Our new series, “The King,” focuses on Jesus, and what it means for Him to be King. Together, we will discover the different events leading to Jesus’s death and resurrection.

Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: The Humble King
  • Week two: The Risen King
  • Week three: The Returning King

Join us at a Victory location nearest you! Victory is one church, meeting in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in various locations across the Philippines.

If you’re tweeting about our series, “The King,” please use our official hashtag #TheKingSeries.

See you at our services!

New Series: Who Cares

New Series: Who Cares

Join us on March 29 and 30 as we officially kick off our series on compassion, “Who Cares.” In this series, we will discover God’s heart for the poor and needy. We hope that each of us will play a part in meeting their needs in tangible and meaningful ways. Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: He cares
  • Week two: We care

Join us at a Victory location nearest you! Victory is one church meeting in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in various locations across the Philippines. If you’re tweeting about our series, “Who Cares,” use our official hashtag #compassionseries. See you at our services!

New Series: When Questions are Answers

New Series: When Questions are Answers

Jesus asked different questions at different times in light of real and present-day situations. Discover the real answer to these questions in our newest series, “When Questions are Answers.”

After this series, may each of us have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the person and work of Christ, resulting in greater faith in and dependence on Him.

Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Who do you say I am?
  • Week two: Why are you so afraid?
  • Week three: Why do you call me “Lord, Lord?”
  • Week four: Do you want to get well?

Victory is one church meeting in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in various locations across the Philippines. See you at our services!

New Series: It’s NOT That Complicated

New Series: It’s NOT That Complicated

God’s Word does not only show us Jesus’s story—it also includes different love stories that all of us can learn from. What can we learn from the men and women in these stories of the Bible? Discover how we can live a life of love in our new series entitled, “It’s NOT That Complicated!”

After this series, may each of us have a bigger perspective on God’s love for us. We hope that we would all be able to love the same way God showed His love for us.

Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Isaac and Rebekah
  • Week two: Samson and Delilah
  • Week three: Boaz and Ruth

Invite your family and friends to a Victory location nearest you! We are one church meeting in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila, and in various churches across the Philippines.

See you at our services!

New Series: Fight

New Series: Fight

Spiritual conflict is a reality in a believer’s life. Yet how are we to respond in light of what Jesus has done for us on the cross? Discover how we can live victoriously in God’s grace in our newest series, “Fight.” After this series, may each of us learn to fight the good fight of faith and remain surrendered and humbled to the greatest warrior, Jesus.

Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Why?
  • Week two: Where?
  • Week three: How?

Invite your family and friends to a Victory location nearest you! We are one church meeting in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila, and in various churches across the Philippines.
See you at our services!

New Series: Just in Time

New Series: Just in Time

Christmas is here again! With that, we invite you to join us for our newest series entitled, “Just in Time.” Discover how God fulfilled His promise to send Jesus to the world to save us all. At the end of our series, may each of us realize and be assured that God is never late in fulfilling any of His promises to us.

Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Despite Lost Opportunity
  • Week two: Despite the Natural
  • Week three: Despite Adversity

Invite your family and friends to a Victory location nearest you! We are one church meeting in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila, and in various churches across the Philippines.

See you at our services!

New Series: It’s Not About the Money

New Series: It’s Not About the Money

We’re kicking off our newest series this weekend titled, “It’s Not About the Money!” Join us as we discover God’s covenant faithfulness to us. We hope that after this series, each of us would have greater trust in God and live lives of faith and generosity.

Here’s the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Serving Faithfully
  • Week two: Receiving Freely
  • Week three: Managing Wisely
  • Week four: Giving Generously

Invite your family and friends to a Victory location nearest you! We are one church meeting in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila, and in various churches across the Philippines.

See you at our services!

New Series: The God Nobody Wants

New Series: The God Nobody Wants

We know God as a loving and kind Father—but there are three characteristics of His that remain untouched and are not often talked about. How can God be “the God nobody wants?” Know more about it on our upcoming series starting October 12.

Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Holy God
  • Week two: Jealous God
  • Week three: Just God

Victory is one church meeting at different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in several provinces across the Philippines. Join us at a Victory center nearest you. Invite your family and friends to join us, too!

See you at all our services!

New Series: Viral

New Series: Viral

Victory as a movement has a heart to disciple not just our culture and community, but also the world. In our new series, “Viral,” discover God’s heart for the nations and the important part we can play in making disciples of all nations.

Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Every Nation
  • Week two: Every Campus

 Watch our “Viral” series teaser video here:

Victory is one church meeting at different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in several provinces across the Philippines. Join us at a Victory center nearest you. Invite your family and friends to join us, too!

See you at all our services!

New Series: Proof

New Series: Proof

God’s grace is never without evidence in our lives. Join us for “Proof,” our four-week series on grace. At the end of this series, may each of us have a greater understanding of God’s grace and its effect in our lives—resulting in lives of purity, productivity, and generosity.

Here’s the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: HIStory
  • Week two: Exceptional Purity
  • Week three: Extreme Productivity
  • Week four: Extravagant Generosity

A special devotional has also been created for “Proof.” This four-part series is designed to help unravel the richness of God’s grace and understand its powerful outworking in our lives — resulting in a life of exceptional purity, extreme productivity, and extravagant generosity.

Download: [Week 1]

Victory is one church meeting at different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in several provinces across the Philippines. Join us at a Victory center nearest you. Invite your family and friends to join us, too!

See you at all our services!

New Series: More Than a Song

New Series: More Than a Song

This August 3-4, we’re kicking off our new series on worship entitled, “More than a Song!

“More than a Song” focuses on God’s work in our lives and how each of us would grow in deeper understanding of who He is. After this series, may each of us learn to worship God in every situation, and be in faith of what He can do for us.

We’re tackling four different psalms for this series. Check out the topics here:

  • Week one: Psalm 144
  • Week two: Psalm 63
  • Week three: Psalm 7
  • Week four: Psalm 51

Victory is one church meeting at different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in several provinces across the Philippines. Join us at a Victory center nearest you. Invite your family and friends to join us, too!

See you at all our services!

New Series: Hotspot

New Series: Hotspot

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be in relationships in three different levels: with God, with fellow believers, and with the world.

Discover what it means to build relationships on these three levels as we kick off our new series, “Hotspot!”

Here is the schedule of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Source
  • Week two: Sync
  • Week three: Share

Victory is one church meeting in different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in many provinces across the Philippines. Join us at a Victory center nearest you!

New Series: 10x

New Series: 10x

God does not only have a great plan for the young people of this generation—He also compels the youth of today to take a stand for God and the generation after them.

Discover God’s purpose for the next generation in our newest series, “10x!”

Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Stand up for God
  • Week two: Stand up for your Generation

Invite your family, friends, and classmates to join us! Victory is one church meeting in different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in many provinces across the Philippines. Join us at a Victory center nearest you!