Pray for God’s healing and hope in light of the rising HIV cases

Pray for God’s healing and hope in light of the rising HIV cases

The Philippines is currently experiencing the highest rate of new HIV cases globally, with an average of fifty-five new cases reported daily. The majority of cases involve young people. 

The Department of Health (DOH) reported 1,224 new HIV infections and 12 deaths. Nearly half of these new infections were among individuals aged 25–34, with almost a third occurring in those aged 15–24. Out of the 396 youth cases reported, 394 (99 percent) contracted HIV through sexual contact. Additionally, 80 (20 percent) of the youth cases were diagnosed with advanced HIV infection.

While HIV is no longer an incurable disease, access to antiretroviral treatment can be difficult for minors who need parental consent. Most minors often hide their condition, delaying treatment for years until it progresses to full-blown AIDS.

As a church that values the next generation, let’s continue to reach the campuses, minister the depths of Christ’s unconditional love, and encourage them to live set-apart lives. We pray that the next generation lives according to God’s word and walks free from sin and shame. 

While culture and society aim to alleviate the stigma and shame, only in Christ’s power do we find transformation and healing. 

In Him, our brokenness is made whole. 

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for divine healing and restoration of health for those infected with HIV, especially the young people suffering from this disease. Pray also for the elimination of stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV, so that they may be treated with compassion, dignity, and acceptance.
  2. Pray for families to be strengthened and guided to uphold God’s ways in their households. Pray for endurance for those who have family members with HIV and that they will continue to provide unwavering support and care. Surround them with a community that will support them in their journey.
  3. Pray for our campus ministry, especially student discipleship. May the students be empowered to make a positive difference on their campuses, being the salt and light among their classmates. Let them move in love and compassion as they share Jesus and His message of hope and salvation within their sphere of influence.
  4. Pray for our government officials as they collaborate and strategize their efforts in their campaign for adolescent health. Pray that God will grant them wisdom, unity, and effectiveness in their actions, bringing about positive change and better health outcomes for our youth.

To learn more about the current situation in our nation, you can read the resources through the links below:

Pray for the Ongoing Academic Calendar Shift

Pray for the Ongoing Academic Calendar Shift

The Department of Education (DepEd) has made it official –  we are shifting back to the old school calendar of June-March from the current August-May calendar.

Many public school teachers and students have been suffering from extreme heat, which has resulted in the sacrifice of school calendar activities. 

The shift is expected to complete its transition by the school year 2027-2028. Yet, DepEd received calls for an immediate return to the old school calendar instead of having a 2-year transition period.

There are concerns that the senior high school students going to college may experience potential learning loss due to the long 5-month break.

Some experts even suggest that reverting to the old calendar is only a temporary solution and that the heat problems must be addressed differently—this could include limiting class size, ensuring good room ventilation, and equipping teachers with remote learning teaching skills to avoid learning loss.

As a church, our heart has always been to reach and disciple the future leaders of our nation. Let’s continue to pray for our government officials as they embark on this two-year transition, in view of providing quality education for the next generation. Let’s also pray for grace upon the teachers, students, and parents as they adjust to this academic calendar shift. And of course, let us pray for churches all over the Philippines as we carry out student evangelism and discipleship in their context while adapting to changes in the academic calendar.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for the Department of Education. Pray for wisdom and guidance as they plan and implement strategies that will truly benefit students, teachers, and the entire education system in our country. 
  2. Pray for the grace and well-being of teachers, students, and parents as they adjust to this academic calendar shift.
  3. Pray for wisdom, creativity, and flexibility for our campus missionaries as they preach the gospel and disciple students despite the changing schedules.
  4. Pray for God’s favor for more partnerships with high school and university teachers, professors, and school admin in discipling the next generation.

To learn more about the current situation in our nation, you can read the resources through the links below:

Pray for God’s Mercy and Intervention during the El Niño

Pray for God’s Mercy and Intervention during the El Niño

Summer is almost here. While we’ve enjoyed cooler weather in the previous months, we may soon find ourselves facing warmer temperatures than usual. PAGASA defines El Niño as characterized by unusually warmer than average sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. 

This year, El Niño is bringing drought, leading to three consecutive months of significantly below-normal rainfall conditions. Based on PAGASA’s projection, provinces will continue to be affected over the next three months. Six areas have already been declared to be in a state of calamity.

Task Force El Niño spokesperson Assistant Secretary Joey Villarama stated that currently, 67 provinces are experiencing the effects of El Niño, with 30 of them facing drought conditions. Assistant Secretary Arnel de Mesa, the spokesperson of the Department of Agriculture, reported nearly 30,000 farmers have already experienced a decrease in crop yield and harvest. These damages to our agriculture could adversely affect our entire economy with decreasing supply and rising commodity prices. Which is why we must pray for our nation at this time.

Drought and famine are familiar concepts, even dating back to ancient times. The Bible alone recounts numerous instances of drought and famine. Just as God faithfully provided in those times, we can rest assured that abundance is not far from us.  Let us be in faith that the God who gives rain for the seed with which we sow the ground, will make our land rich and abundant (Isaiah 30:23). 

“In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.”Psalm 37:19 (NIV84)

Even in the droughts and famines of our lives, we declare for restoration of inheritance, as there will be rain in abundance, ready to quench the greater thirst of the human soul (Psalm 68:9).

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for God’s mercy and intervention in mitigating the effects of El Niño. Let us believe Him for a supernatural provision of rain and relief for affected regions, praying for an end to the drought and recovery of everything that was lost.
  2. Pray for those impacted directly by El Niño – farmers, producers, livestock keepers, and communities facing food and water shortages. Pray for their health and protection, provision of basic needs, and resilience amidst another challenging circumstance.
  3. Pray for wisdom for our government as they seek solutions to mitigate the impacts of El Niño. May they come up with innovative strategies and long-term solutions to combat this drought.
  4. Pray that our church will continuously be God’s hands and feet during this time of El Niño. May the church be a beacon of hope to those in need by proclaiming and demonstrating the gospel to them.

To learn more about the current situation in our nation, you can read the resources through the links below:

Pray for the New School Year 2023-2024

Pray for the New School Year 2023-2024

A smooth opening of classes is seen today, with more than 22 million elementary and high school students expected to troop to school, based on the Department of Education (DepEd)’s enrollment figures. This marks the first time, since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, that schools nationwide will conduct full face-to-face sessions on the first day of classes. In Metro Manila, the opening of classes is one of the key factors to the increased volume of road traffic.

The DepEd’s data indicated that 22,676,964 students are enrolled in public and private kindergarten, elementary, and high schools across the country for the school year (SY) 2023-2024.

The agency earlier said it is expecting around 28.8 million students for this school year, a little over the 28.4 million enrolled in public and private schools in SY 2022-2023.

Today, as we see the millions of students returning onsite to school, we see the harvest of students that we can win for Jesus. We also see a great opportunity for our churches and campus ministries all over the Philippines to make an impact in the lives of these next generation leaders. 

Let us pray for God’s mighty move in the campuses this school year! Let us believe that revival will take place on the campuses and students will turn their hearts to God and His purposes! Let us believe together for the visible fruits of the work of God on the campuses and in the lives of the students!

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray that students will encounter and know God on the campuses this school year. Let us pray that the hearts of the students would be open to receiving the message of the gospel and making a life-changing decision to follow Jesus.
  1. Pray for a revival to take place on the campuses this school year. Let us pray that students will turn their hearts and minds to God and His purposes. Let us ask God to ignite a passion for prayer, worship, devotion, and evangelism among the students.
  1. Pray for the safety and protection of all the students on the campuses, physically and spiritually. Let us ask God to shield them from any diseases, or negative influences, and guide them away from harmful situations.
  1. Pray for our churches all over the nation to actively and passionately take part in campus ministry. Let us pray that all generations will come together as one in reaching the students for Jesus!

To learn more about the current situation in our nation, you can read the resources in these links below.

DepEd: 22 million students returning to school today

DepEd: All systems go for Aug. 29 opening of classes despite shortage of 159k classrooms

DepEd expects 28 million enrollees for SY 2023-2024

Back to School 2023: Bare walls and persistent issues

DepEd: Enrollment for School Year 2023-2024 begins

DepEd sets SY 2023-2024 class opening on Aug. 29