Daring to Believe for Miracles

Daring to Believe for Miracles

“I said yes, even if I had no idea what I’m supposed to do.”

These were the words of Troy Alvarez, a 17-year old student at Lyceum of Alabang, who joined our Dare to Believe prayer and fasting week last January 2016. On the first day of fasting, he felt God speak to him to pray for someone in church. It was the first time he heard God tell him to pray for someone. He didn’t know any special prayers, and he didn’t know how to approach strangers. Still, he said yes.

The next day in Victory Alabang during the first session of prayer and fasting, he scanned the crowd for someone he could pray for, and his eyes fell on an elderly woman. He couldn’t shake the feeling that this woman had cancer. Troy prayed for confirmation from God, and a feeling of certainty washed over him. “This is her. God wants me to pray for this woman,” he told himself.

After praise and worship, Troy started approaching the woman but before he could get near her, he was suddenly overwhelmed with fear and uncertainties. He couldn’t move a step forward and found himself retreating to his seat. Doubtful and defeated, Troy headed home instead. During his commute, there was a gnawing feeling inside him. He couldn’t take his mind off the elderly woman who needed his prayers. “I could feel there was something wrong,” he confesses, “I didn’t obey God because I was thinking more of what other people would say. I didn’t trust Him.” Feeling humbled, Troy prayed that the woman would be there tomorrow and he resolved to approach her, so he can do what God has been telling him to do.

The next day, Troy immediately looked for the woman. God answered his prayer, because he had no difficulty finding her. Gathering courage, he approached her and introduced himself. He found out that his name is Ester, and she was fighting breast cancer. At the time she met Troy, the cancer had spread to her lungs.

“I asked her if I could pray for her,” he narrates, “I told her that God has been telling me to pray specifically for her.” As Troy was praying, he suddenly felt very cold and goosebumps overwhelmed him. He felt the presence of Jesus in their midst. He shared with her his life verse from Mark 11:24, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Before long, he found himself crying with Tita Ester. “After praying for her, I was speechless and I felt really cold,” Troy shares, “I felt a mix of emotions, but the most overwhelming thing is the joy that is overflowing in me.”

The next day, Troy went to church again and the first thing he did was look for Tita Ester. To his dismay, she wasn’t in church. Troy couldn’t help but worry and feel anxious about her absence. Remembering how he felt Jesus’ presence yesterday, Troy was comforted. At home, he continued to pray and fast for Tita Ester’s healing. He knew nothing is impossible with God. He is sovereign, and He can cure any sickness in a blink of an eye.

On the last day of prayer and fasting week, Troy prayed to see Tita Ester once again. To his relief, she was in church and he ran towards her once he saw her. Tita Ester was in high spirits. She had wonderful news that she couldn’t wait to tell Troy about. Doctors were dumbfounded to discover that the cancer in her lungs seemed to have disappeared!

Upon hearing the news, Troy felt a wave of peacefulness wash over him. God did not only give him front row seats to witness a miracle, but He used him to be an instrument of blessing to someone he didn’t even know when the week began. Troy wasn’t spared from the voices in his head telling him that his faith is not enough to heal, but he clung to his life verse and was reassured that God can do the impossible. Ester’s daughter, April, agrees; her mother recently underwent laser surgery to remove a small tumor discovered in her brain.

“Though we know Mom’s fight with cancer isn’t completely over,” she shares, “we know that the victory is already ours because of Jesus. We’re so blessed because God gives her so much strength; she’s a fighter.” Ester’s courage has made quite the impression on Troy.

“This experience taught me to be brave,” Troy shares, “It showed me that when God declares something, it will happen. We’re not the miracle workers, we’re just the instruments, so we need not fear. We just have to dare to believe.”

Having Faith to Serve:  Join us at Volunteer Week 2016!

Having Faith to Serve: Join us at Volunteer Week 2016!

Join us this weekend as we officially kick off Volunteer Week!

Each of us can serve God and His people through the skills and talents He gave us. As we step out in faith to serve, let’s believe God for the strength, grace, and wisdom to carry out the tasks He has called us to do!

We invite you to join a Victory volunteer ministry You can sign up for:


  • Administrative Support. We handle the registration of event participants, provide information, and assist in data gathering and information management.
  • Communications. We provide creative support through photography, video production, graphic design, and content for print, online media, and various church events.
  • Kids. We work in partnership with parents to equip and develop kids to be next generation leaders with godly character and a lifelong love for the Word of God.
  • Music. We usher people into an intimate worship experience and provide music in church events.
  • Production Design. We add a creative touch to every event with carefully crafted set designs and props that visually enrich our worship services and various church events.
  • Technical and Stage Management. We work behind the scenes to ensure a smooth program flow and provide the necessary audio-visual support to enhance the worship services and various church events.
  • Ushering and Security. We maintain order and security, help people find seats, and distribute materials needed for worship services and church events.


We’re excited to have you be part of this year’s Volunteer Week! Approach the volunteer booths at any of our Victory Metro Manila locations this weekend to sign up for our ministries.

We Dared to Believe!

We Dared to Believe!

We dared to believe God for healing, breakthroughs, financial provision, and restoration of relationships! Here are some of the testimonies shared with us during the 2016 Prayer and Fasting.



I used to have high cholesterol, but my doctor have already advised me to stop taking maintenance medicines because my cholesterol levels are now normal. I had also been diagnosed with diabetes, but my doctor have instructed that insulin levels be reduced. All my lab tests for diabetes also show normalcy in their results. Praise God!
Bebet, Victory Metro East


Personal Breakthrough

After three months of applying for a job abroad, I lost hope and was close to giving up. On the third day of Prayer and Fasting, I received my working visa and started my new job on January 10. Indeed, God fulfills His promise!
Carlo, Every Nation


Provision and Finances

We’ve been trying to sell two of our properties since last year so we can acquire a condo unit for our son in Makati. On the first day of the fast, we closed the sale of our first property. The purchase for the second one was finalized at the end of the fast—and received the reservation money, too! We will be paid for the two properties as soon as we’ve secured the necessary titles in the next few weeks! God is good!

– Estela, Victory Greenhills


Two of our faith goals have already been answered. My husband will be receiving two airplane tickets to Hong Kong as an incentive for hitting his targets. Because of this, we were thinking of buying another ticket so our daughter can join us. This will be our first time to travel as a family, and it has always been our dream to visit Hong Kong Disneyland. Last Sunday, someone from our church approached us and told us that she will be giving her plane ticket to us so our daughter can join us. This happened even if we did not tell anyone of our plan to buy another ticket for our daughter!

Also, today, finally, I am debt-free after five years. Credit card bills never seem to be unending, but with God’s grace, I was able to successfully pay off all my debts and have started to have some savings.

– Tessie, Victory Greenhills

Restoration of Relationships

Our family is now complete after 14 years! I’ve been praying about this for a long time, and God was able to make a way for all of us to be together. Praise Him!

– Regine, Victory Metro East


My family and I prayed and fasted as one this year—something we’ve never done as a family before. We also attended the last day of the prayer meeting together. My relationship with my older sister has also been restored.

– Mae, Victory Metro East


God used my husband and I as a channel to restore my brother’s relationship with his wife. This also paved the way for their family to be part of one of our upcoming Victory church plants.

– Florida, Victory Ortigas

Let’s dare to believe God for more of Him in 2016! If you would like to share an answered prayer from our five-day Prayer and Fasting last January 4-8, please visit http://victory.org.ph//mystory. Thanks for sharing your story with us!

New Series: Dare to Believe

New Series: Dare to Believe

As we make a fresh start in 2016, we’re kicking off our newest series entitled, “Dare to Believe”!

In the next five weeks, join us as we learn about audacious faith, as exhibited in the lives of ordinary men and women in the Old Testament. After our series, may each of us be filled with courage to step out in faith, overcome challenges in our lives, and believe God for the impossible!

Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Faith to be Delivered
  • Week two: Faith to Declare
  • Week three: Faith to Conquer
  • Week four: Faith to Claim
  • Week five: Faith to Serve

Join us at a Victory location nearest you! Victory is one church meeting in fifteen congregations across various locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in multiple venues across the Philippines.

If you’re tweeting about the “Dare to Believe” series, please use our official hashtag #DareToBelieve2016.

Invite your family and friends! See you at our services!