This has been the heart of our church—God’s honor above ours, and to bring people to Christ through relational discipleship.
Discipleship is coming together and following Christ in life’s shared joys and challenges, helping others know Him more deeply, and following Him in all of our days—whether during the best, worst, or ordinary times.
Once again, we will come together as God’s people and gather as a spiritual family to worship God and encourage one another.
See you on March 15, 2025, for our Discipleship 2025 in your local church!
Get in touch with your local church to learn more.
As we welcomed 2025, our church family came together for our annual prayer, fasting, and consecration, with the theme “The Cross.” This theme aligns with our current weekend series, deepening our understanding of the profound impact of the cross on our lives and enabling us to surrender ourselves fully to God and His purposes.
The cross is the foundation upon which our relationship with God is built. This week, we delved further into it, drawing strength from Scripture. We have seen how Jesus’ great love and grace were perfectly displayed on the cross.
And together as a spiritual community, we once again believed and sought God in prayer.
Together, we asked God for the nations, believed for the welfare of the Philippines, prayed for the unity of the church, revival on our campuses, and the fulfillment of His promises in our lives.
We pray that you powerfully encountered God this week and savored His presence once more.
May we wholeheartedly say “Yes” to God’s call in our lives this year and take up our cross with all joy, daily.
Encourage someone with your testimony! Send it here.
Watch this video to see how we came together with our Every Nation global family in seeking God in the past week.
The last month of the year was met with a series of powerful storms. From Typhoon Kristine to Pepito, these six devastating typhoons — Kristine (October 22), Typhoon Leon (October 27), Typhoon Marce (November 7), Typhoon Nika (November 11), Typhoon Ofel (November 14), and recently, Super Typhoon Pepito – have left widespread destruction in several areas, causing over P478 million in damages. Many Filipinos fled to evacuation centers during the series of storms, with 115,000 families occupying the 3,267 evacuation centers across eight regions.
Severe Tropical Storm Kristine (October 22): Brought heavy rains, flooding, and landslides, particularly affecting Regions 5, 4A, and 2.
Typhoon Leon (October 27): Intensified into a super typhoon, passing near the Batanes Islands and worsening the impact of the previous storm, Super Typhoon Julian.
Typhoon Marce (November 7): Made landfall in northern Luzon, prompting Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal #4 and causing significant damage.
Typhoon Nika (November 11): Hit northern Luzon, leading to heavy rains, high storm surges, and coastal infrastructure damage.
Typhoon Ofel (November 14): Moved towards Luzon, heavily impacting Cagayan and Isabela.
Super Typhoon Pepito (November 14): Made landfall in Catanduanes and Aurora, causing widespread devastation, especially in northern Luzon.
With the help of our church community, our different Victory churches extended immediate aid and assistance to nearby families and communities.
Families impacted by Super Typhoon Julian receive food packs.
Families impacted by Super Typhoon Kristine receive food packs, ready-to-eat meals, and bibles. Our volunteers prayed for them as well and preached the gospel to the communities.
Families impacted by Super Typhoon Pepito were prayed for and received relief bags with ready-to-eat meals, toiletries, and laundry materials.
Through your generosity and collaborative efforts, we have extended help to 2,299 families, 3 campuses, and 55 local communities nationwide. These families and communities received relief bags, financial assistance, ready-to-eat food items, laundry materials, and hygiene kits.
Amidst this, we thank the Lord for His steadfast love during these challenging times. His strength has sustained our nation as we slowly made progress in restoring homes and livelihoods together.
Let us continue to pray for everyone affected by these typhoons, as well as for our nation and our leaders. Be in faith that the Lord will grant them wisdom as we recover from the aftermath of these typhoons. Pray for provision, restoration, and hope throughout the rebuilding process.
In all things and circumstances, may the Lord continually be our strength and our song.
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” These words from Psalm 46:1 have echoed through time, a testament to God’s faithfulness as a promise-keeper. His presence continues to offer comfort and hope in suffering.
It was a privilege to serve as His hands and feet by reaching out to the vulnerable residents of Kanlungan sa Pasig on October 5, 2024.
This facility provides shelter and support to children, women, the elderly, adults, teen moms, and victims of violence and abuse. It offers temporary residential care, diagnostic services, basic social services, and quality healthcare.
We were blessed to engage with the shelter residents, offering encouragement, prayer, and a listening ear.
Our outreach volunteers at the Kanlungan sa Pasig facility
These meaningful conversations paved the way for us to preach the gospel—the good news about Christ’s love that is available to all, regardless of the circumstance. This love welcomes those who place their faith in Christ to an eternal hope and a secure home forever.
Currently, Kanlungan sa Pasig is home to 149 individuals: 48 Children with Conflict with the Law (11-18+ years old), 80 Children in Need of Special Protection (0-18+ years old), and 21 Adults and Elderly (20-89 years old).
Let us continue to pray for them and trust in God’s power to nurture the seeds we have sown. We look forward to serving with more volunteers in our next outreach in December.
May we all remain vessels of God’s refuge and strength, a present help that endures in and out of troubles—through all of life’s seasons.
A team of volunteers had a desire to serve the residents of Camarin, North Caloocan—and this birthed from a simple prayer of sharing joy by giving better smiles to the community.
Just this September, the team partnered with dentists and held a dental mission for the community. They were stationed at the counseling stop where patients had to be before being treated. By God’s grace, the team listened, encouraged, prayed, and preached the gospel to 138 patients, face-to-face and one-on-one.
They were also able to pray for and encourage some of the dentists who served alongside them who did not yet have a relationship with Jesus.
Praise God for this privilege of proclaiming Him and comforting others through listening and prayer! These are some testimonies from the dental mission:
An elderly man with a speech disorder found hope and confidence in Christ after one of our team members prayed for him. It was the first time in his 62 years that someone had prayed for him.
A teenager who was longing for her parents’ presence and care received Christ’s perfect love for the first time. This perfect love casts all her fears now through one of the volunteers who shared a word of encouragement with her.
A married woman found her greatest love in the Lord when she heard the gospel, and many others found the greatest joy in Christ’s salvation.
As a church, whatever way or platform it may be, may everything we do to serve the community lead us back to God’s Great Commission for us: to go and make disciples of all nations wherever we may be. And it starts with preaching the gospel—the good news that brings true and lasting joy.
Do you have a testimony to share? Share it with us here.
Our God is a God who can turn tragedies into stories of redemption.
After nearly a month of devastation caused by Super Typhoon Carina, our nation is slowly recovering. Yet, amidst the rebuilding, we remember how the flood of God’s grace poured into the hearts of our communities, even as the floodwaters filled their homes.
Two days after the flood receded, affected families in a town in San Pedro returned to their homes to face the challenge of cleaning up. One volunteer from Victory San Pedro teamed up with a couple from Victory Alabang to serve their neighborhood and offer prayers during the cleanup. Pastor Rein to join them in ministering to the people. The small team was driven by a heart to bless the community and share God’s love.
They went door-to-door, offering assistance wherever needed. Little did they know that this would become an open door for God to touch hearts and invite people into a relationship with Him. On each visit, they asked about each family’s well-being. While no casualties were in their midst, the calamity brought fear and despair. The team heard stories of great fear as the floodwaters rapidly rose, an unprecedented event for the community.
The team encouraged the residents and reminded them of God’s protection for their families. These conversations led to a revelation of who Christ is and what He has done -His work on the cross covers and preserves; but more than anything, Christ has provided a solution for all eternity, giving us eternal hope.
From one family hearing the good news of the gospel, filled with great joy, word spread quickly, and soon, neighbors from across the street requested prayers as well. Around 12 families received prayer and ministry, and much later, people from the community flocked the streets and opened their hearts to receive God’s love in their midst.
It was undeniable that there was an outpouring of God’s spirit, a flood of grace that surpassed any physical floodwaters. The same hunger for Jesus was evident from one street to another.
Although the floodwaters invaded their homes, the overwhelming flood of God’s grace poured into their hearts at that very moment.
Please continue to pray for our teams in Alabang and San Pedro as they continually support the rebuilding — not just of homes but lives that are touched and transformed by Christ.
After Typhoon Carina caused widespread devastation across Metro Manila, schools had to resume a new school year. Many embraced the start of the school year with heavy hearts amidst the storm subsiding.
Despite it all, we find hope in the truth that God’s mercies are new every morning.
Through God’s grace, we are grateful for the hundreds of volunteers eager to serve about 50 campuses across Metro Manila during the Brigada Eskwela. This program brings together local communities, parents, teachers, and students to help clean and prepare public schools and facilities for the coming school year.
Willing hearts and ready hands helped clean and provided cleaning materials.
Our team of volunteers in Greenhills and Pasay
Medical mission in partnership with Operation Blessing at Parañaque National High School – Main that served 274 students, parents, and educators with medical, dental, and optical care.
The start of the school year welcomed more open doors to bless the campuses in the U-Belt and Santa Rosa area
In all these—from donations and cleaning up initiatives, we are grateful for every person who selflessly gave all for something that we hold last: the gospel.
The storm may have taken away many valuable things, but through your service and prayers, we know that the eternal love of God is something that the students gained and will treasure beyond this lifetime.
Hebrews 13:16
And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices, God is pleased.
But it is precisely at these times that we are urged to be the hands and feet of Jesus and embody Christ’s presence in our society. Every act of compassion, every raised prayer, and every extended hand is evidence of our Creator’s unquestionable love for us and others.
As the campuses open for a new school year, continue to stand with us in prayer as we build stronger partnerships with the faculty and administrative staff, seek more open doors to serve more campuses, and most importantly, preach the life-transforming message of the gospel to every student.
What started as a survey of where our church members are residing provided opportunities to share God’s love and reach out to the city–one barangay at a time.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” — Psalm 127:1 With this verse as an anchor, our church in Las Piñas prayed for wisdom on how to best serve the people in this city.
From the start of the year, we gathered our key leaders and formed volunteer teams into three clusters that will cover and serve each barangay in Las Piñas. Each cluster will serve the city by praying in faith, moving in hope, and expressing love to the areas assigned to them. The three phases, faith, hope, and love, have also become our way to determine the specific needs of each cluster and how we can preach and demonstrate the gospel to them.
A leaders’ gathering and formation of volunteer teams that will serve barangays in Las Piñas
Prayer walks with the leaders at SM Southmall (Cluster 1) and regular prayer meetings held in the Villar Sipag area (Cluster 3)
Different families we visited in hospitals and their homes in clusters 1, 2, and 3, throughout the year
Brgy. Pilar Fire Victims outreach last March 4, 2024 and Brgy. Talon Uno outreach last December 19, 2023
Currently, Brgy. Pilar, Las Piñas has requested assistance towards mental health awareness in their small communities. Part of our service includes HOPE (House of Prayer and Encounter), where we reach out to residents through organized house visits and gatherings, to pray for them and share Jesus to them.
Weekly Bible study with Talon Uno barangay officials, participation in the Jesus Festival parade with our pastors and worship team volunteers
In all these, we believe that God has more great things in store for the city of Las Piñas—by faith, we hope that His love will be magnified and glorified.
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13 ESV)
Last June 27 and 28, our church family joyfully gathered at the SM MOA Arena for the Victory Conference. Distance couldn’t keep nearly 30,000 people from across the nation from coming together to celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of God.
We were truly blessed to witness a heartfelt reunion of friends and families, all united with one purpose—to worship Jesus.
How we started: Mission Field
From our leaky basement beginnings in the Tandem Cinema in 1984, Victory has held on to the same and ultimate purpose of making no other name known—Jesus.
Now, forty years later, our founding pastor, Pastor Steve Murrell, stood before the church, with gratitude for God’s unfailing love and faithfulness. He shared the timeless message that has led thousands to the saving knowledge and audacious love of God. Joining him was his son, Dr. William Murrell, who inspired us to embrace God’s call to be witnesses, guided by the power and leading of the Holy Spirit.
Together, they reminded us of the beautiful journey we are on and the incredible future God has in store for His people.
“With all the sacrifices of the world combined, the ultimate sacrifice is what the Father did when He sent His Son to come, to live, and to die for us.”
— Pastor Steve Murrell (Founder, Victory)
“To embrace God’s call to be a witness, we need a Bible, a submitted life, and a passport.”
— Dr. William Murrell (Dean of Academics, Every Nation Seminary)
Pastor Dennis Sy also joined in our celebration, inspiring and empowering us all. He passionately urged everyone to proclaim the gospel—the only good news that will matter for eternity.
“The mission field is hungry for an encounter that will change their lives. Are you ready to be His mission force?”
– Pastor Dennis Sy (Senior Pastor, Victory Makati)
The excitement and anticipation continued into the second day of the conference. It was a sight to see more students come with passionate hearts and eagerness to encounter God.
Even as our call to preach about Jesus has remained steadfast, it’s never been without obstacles. Despite the hardships of carrying our cross, Pastor Mye Nunag encouraged us to persist in our calling, no matter how challenging, as long as Jesus is preached. Bishop Gilbert Foliente reinforced this message, reminding us that nothing else can truly transform the world like the gospel.
“Would it be enough for us to remain unnamed as long as Jesus is proclaimed?”
— Pastor Mye Nunag (Lead Pastor, Victory U-Belt)
“The gospel is the highest hope of the world. Only the gospel has the power to bring true and lasting transformation.”
— Bishop Gilbert Foliente (Bishop, Victory Metro Manila)
The Campus Run was brimming with young students whose hearts burned passionately for Jesus. It was a vivid picture of the hope and faith we hold for the next generation. With hands and voices lifted in worship, these students responded to His call to be salt and light across over 1,500 campuses they represent.
Pastor Dave Estrera, Pastor Rico Ricafort, and Elle Cabiling Tumaliuan made the final run a Spirit-filled encounter for our students. They preached on the transformative power of the gospel and emphasized how working together with our spiritual family makes us unstoppable.
God’s call to make disciples and pass it on to the next generation resonated clearly, a message the students will carry back to their homes and campuses.
“There is no greater cause that has an eternal impact than preaching the gospel and making disciples.”
— Pastor Dave Estrera (Executive Director for Every Nation Campus, Victory Metro Manila)
“Let your generation be so in love with the word of God that you will meditate on it, speak it, and live by it.”
– Elle Cabiling Tumaliuan (Campus Missionary, Victory Katipunan)
“We’re going to turn the world upside down by preaching the gospel together.”
— Pastor Rico Ricafort (Senior Pastor, Every Nation Panama)
How we can keep going: Mission Force
This conference reignited our passion to reach the lost — for future generations to hear the victory that Christ has won over sin and death, with His grace empowering us to live according to His purpose.
Thank you to over 1,000 volunteers who have served selflessly and wholeheartedly so that the next generation will know about Jesus.
As we continue to thank God for His faithfulness in the past forty years, we remember that every victory has been given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)
May the Holy Spirit empower us to press on and become His mission force.
Together, let’s change the campus and change the world for the next 40 years and beyond.
What’s your #CelebratingVictories highlight for this conference?
Whether in a hot, leaky basement or an air-conditioned hall, God’s faithfulness never wavered—not even once. As we obey His call to go and make disciples in every city, He has never failed to open hearts and change lives.
We thank Him for establishing us in new locations across the nation to bring the gospel to more campuses and communities.
We hope that our church community can be a home and place where you can grow in your faith.
Victory Marikina
Led by Senior Pastor Jerry de Sagun
GCN Building
3F, Events Place 240 N.W. Narra St., Marikina Heights, Marikina City
359 National Highway, Brgy. Nueva, San Pedro, Laguna
Sundays 10 a.m., 1 p.m. (Youth), and 4 p.m.
Victory Sta. Mesa
Led by Senior Pastor Paul Herrera
SM Sta. Mesa, Cinema 4
Sundays 9 a.m and 11 a.m.
God is continually at work in people’s lives. Therefore, we will press on in every city—one foot on the campus and one foot on the community—transforming the nation with the gospel.
During Jesus’ time on earth, He walked with His disciples, involving them in His life and ministry.
This series will explore stories where Jesus exemplified how we are to journey together through the highs, lows, and everything in between as His church while glorifying God and carrying out His mission.
Let’s journey through this series together, and ask God for wisdom and softened hearts as we respond to His word.
Week 1: Follow Him together
Week 2: Life Together
Week 3: On Mission Together
Just like the African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.”
Don’t walk alone.
You may check the worship service schedules here or by visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page. See you!
Something beautiful happens when we seek God together with others. We find our faith strengthened and our hearts encouraged – knowing that we are never alone in this life.
Wherever you are, may you find a church community who will help you grow.
We hope there’s a Victory location near your campus, city or in any of these new locations:
We had a time of fun and fellowship where we thanked each church member who contributed to running our worship services and helped us build our local churches.
If you are a leader, a volunteer, or anyone who has helped our church grow this year in whatever way, we sincerely thank you for your service.
The details of your work may not be fully seen by the eyes of men, but we want to assure you that the God we serve is a Rewarder, and your reward in heaven is full.
Thank you for keeping your most important and esteemed audience, your audience of One—Jesus, our Greatest Reward.
May you be blessed abundantly, and may a thousandfold of what you give be returned to you by His grace. Your gifts are a blessing to many and have helped people come to know Christ more!
“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” — Hebrews 6:10
Shoutout to all our small group leaders and volunteers! Great job to you!
Weeks after enduring a series of typhoons, a lot of our countrymen are still facing great difficulties. But God is using His people to give them the strength to rebuild. Here is the story of a group of mountaineers who served as God’s hands and feet to bring hope to the people of Daraitan.
The destruction brought about by Typhoon Ulyses was beyond what the people in Daraitan expected. The normally calm river flowed with rage, completely washing out houses along the riverbanks and bringing despair to communities that are already suffering from the temporary pause of tourism in the area.
Joharee is one of the mountain hikers who has marveled at the pristine beauty of Daraitan and its famous river during its peaceful days. He is part of a mountaineering group composed of Victory group leaders from Victory Metro East. After the typhoon, they immediately organized relief operations to serve the people they had come to love. “Napamahal na sa ‘min ‘yung Daraitan community ever since nagsimula kami umakyat. Madalas kami dun pumunta dati. Nung nalaman namin ‘yung condition nila after the typhoon, nag-initiate talaga kami ng fund-raising drive para makatulong.”
When they called for donations, they were believing to come up with 100 bags of relief goods. “It’s amazing how God moved para magawa namin ‘to. Because of His provision, we were able to distribute 250 bags of relief goods. ‘Yung iba dun galing sa donations ng mga friends namin, ‘yung iba galing sa church. The day before our scheduled trip, hindi pa namin alam kung pa’no namin madadala ‘yung mga bags sa Daraitan.Tapos biglaan lang, nakatanggap kami ng tawag from a friend who has a trucking business. Ayun, sinagot na n’ya yung transpo namin.”
When the group arrived at the evacuation center, they prioritized giving to some senior citizens. “Yung ibang senior citizens sa community, sila pa rin ‘yung breadwinner ng pamilya nila. They work as guides for the mountaineers. Since the lockdown, marami sa kanila ‘yung walang source of income. Tapos nangyari pa ‘yung bagyo at nawalan pa ‘yung iba ng bahay.” They went beyond the evacuation center and gave relief goods to those who have started to put up makeshift houses to have temporary shelter.
In spite of their seemingly insurmountable difficulties, the people of Daraitan are hopeful and very grateful for the help they’ve been receiving. The relief goods will certainly make several days ahead better than other days, but more than that, they give the people hope and strength to start rebuilding.
Joharee acknowledges that it is God who wants to bring hope and comfort to the people in Daraitan. He said that all they did was present themselves for His service, and God made it happen. In the midst of everything that is happening this year, God is reminding all of us that He is in control and that He will never leave us nor forsake us.
“When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue is parched with thirst, I the Lord will answer them; I the God of Israel will not forsake them.”
Isaiah 41:17
Joharee has been part of Victory Metro East since 2011. He is also a Victory group leader and Kids Church volunteer.
We can all be vessels for God’s use. Let’s keep on praying for our countrymen who are still recovering from the destruction brought about by recent typhoons. If you want to help, you may visit for more information.
Darkness hovered over Luzon at the onslaught of Typhoon Ulysses, as electricity was cut off in most parts of the island. But the light that broke through the darkness continues to illuminate the homes and hearts of people weeks after the devastation.
The Bicol region is one of the areas severely affected by the series of typhoons that blew through the country in the past month. Since Typhoon Rolly hit almost a month ago and until now, there’s still no electricity in some areas. Officials say it might take at least two to three more weeks for everything to be restored. Hundreds of families lost their homes and will be celebrating Christmas this year in evacuation centers.
Clay and John are two of the hundreds of volunteers that immediately got involved with repacking relief goods and distributing them to different municipalities in Bicol. Clay is an elementary school teacher and John is a third-year college student. They actively participate in the relief operations of Victory Legazpi, the church they are part of, and other volunteer groups.
Clay was part of a group that went to Pioduran. One of the things in the package they gave that made the people overflow with joy was the solar lamp. “Malaking tulong po sa ‘min ‘to sa araw-araw. Medyo matatagalan pa daw po ‘yung pagbalik ng kuryente.” This was what people often said. Clay will never forget the images of teary-eyed faces, eyes beaming with hope, as they distributed relief goods. “Nakapag-bigay din kami ng mga Bibles. Hindi ko ma-explain ‘yung joy. It’s really a privilege to be used by God to help our fellow Filipinos. Kaya nagpapasalamat din kami sa mga nagbigay kasi malaking tulong talaga ‘to sa kanila.”
John was part of the team that went to Ginubatan. Boulders and lahar washed from the slopes of Mayon Volcano buried hundreds of houses in this area, forcing families to stay in evacuation centers. Since there are a lot of NGOs giving food, the church gave not only relief goods but also practical items like solar lamps, butane gas, pots and pans, and blankets. “Nagulat nga po ako, pagdating namin sa evacuation center, kasi very orderly po. At ‘yung mga tao, makikita mo na hopeful kahit na nawalan sila ng bahay. Nararamdaman daw po nila yung pagmamahal ng mga tao at lalo na po ‘yung pagmamahal ng Diyos.”
Both Clay and John saw the importance of putting our faith in God in this time. In God, there’s always hope, no matter what happens. We can see God’s light even in the midst of a dark and challenging season. We have the assurance that God is always at our side, taking good care of us.
You, LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
Psalm 18:28
Claydes is an English teacher and an active member and volunteer in Victory Legazpi. She has been part of our church since her first year in college.
John is a third-year civil engineering student and has been part of Victory Legazpi all his life. He got to know Jesus in Kids Church.
God is calling His people to be carriers of His light to the world. Let’s all stand in prayer with our fellow Filipinos who are still experiencing the aftermath of the recent typhoons. If you want to help, you may visit for more information. Thank you for your generosity and prayers, and God bless you and your families!
The series of storms that hit Luzon has left the whole island under a state of calamity. Floodwater rose in different regions, completely submerging houses and causing damages worth billions. But as people faced the devastation, an overflow of help and support came from volunteers and organizations, causing hope to triumph above all.
Carmela is a third-year college student studying Public Health in Tuguegarao. The night Typhoon Ulysses battered the island with its strong winds, she and her family did not sleep. They spent hours packing important belongings and keeping a watchful eye on the rising water from the river. Some time during the night, she urged her parents to ask their neighbor if they could transfer some of their belongings to the second floor of their neighbor’s house. Before the typhoon had passed completely, waist-deep flood water had entered their compound. Carmela spent hours on their neighbor’s roof looking for cell signal to join the call for help to save Cagayan and give prepaid load credits to other students who needed to be rescued.
“Nakakadurog ng puso talaga. Kaya kahit pa-low batt na ‘yung phone ko at walang kuryente, nag-repost ako to call for help. Nagpapasalamat ako sa Diyos na may kapitbahay kaming may second floor. Marami ‘yung lumubog talaga ‘yung buong bahay nila at kailangang ma-rescue.”
The very next day, Victory Tuguegarao, the church she is part of, called for volunteers to help distribute hot meals to people affected by the flood. In spite of her own ordeal, Carmela joined and served. She had to walk on rooftops to get to the venue. She knew that God was calling her to serve His people. It was God’s compassion that gave her the strength and enabled her to rise above her own needs to minister to others. “Ako rin naman po, hindi ako pinabayaan ng Diyos. This is my way to share God’s love,” she said.
Carmela is actively volunteering not just in the relief operations organized by her church but also those organized by a youth group in her town. Because her father’s crops were completely destroyed during the typhoon, the future of her family looks bleak. But Carmela knows that God is trustworthy and He is always in control. “Itong buong taon, kahit na may pandemic, makikita natin na kasama natin ang Diyos. Hindi naman po tayo iiwan ng Diyos nang ganito lang. Hindi naman po sa pandemic o sa baha matatapos ang lahat. God is strengthening our faith in Him.”
In the midst of the calamity, God’s goodness and love are becoming more evident as His people rise up to serve as beacons of hope.
“. . . let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works
and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16
Carmela is an active member and volunteer in Victory Tuguegarao and a Real LIFE scholar. She became part of our Kids church at 5 years old.
God can use all of us to help our fellowmen. No matter how small, our help is significant. Let’s all pray together to stand with our fellow Filipinos who are currently facing the flooding and destruction brought about by the recent typhoons. If you want to help, you may visit for more information.
As a wife who had lost her husband early on, it was not easy for Emerlita to face yet another loss in the family. But God, through the church community, made His love felt amid all the pain and grief.
I came to know Christ in 1986 through a small community church in San Juan. Having Jesus in my life changed a lot in me. It made me strong in Him amid trials. And it made me find a community that stood with me as I faced some of life’s most painful hardships.
I have been a widow for more than 20 years now. When my husband, Danilo, passed away, I was left with my two sons—Ephraim and Jeremiah. They were only six and four years old then. The thought of raising them alone was painful, but the idea of explaining Danilo’s death to my innocent young boys was far more difficult. I was at a loss for words.
In the midst of all the grief, our family would get visits from the church community, offering comfort in whatever way possible. They made their presence felt every single day just by being there. It didn’t take long for the heaviness I was feeling to dissipate. A big chunk of the pain gnawing at my heart was replaced with peace.
Years passed, and by God’s grace, I was able to raise my sons single-handedly. Both of them grew up with so much faith in the Lord. Ephraim, my eldest, took on the responsibility left by his dad and became the man of the house. He became his younger brother’s source of strength and encouragement. He became an inspiration not just to Jeremiah but even to me.
Ephraim on top of Mount Pulag (January 2016)
Though it never showed, Ephraim was actually diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) when he was 19 years old. Despite that, he lived a life without a trace of cancer. He finished college, worked full-time, climbed up mountains, and actively served in the ministry. Most people who knew him had no clue that he was sick. They were all surprised when—like my husband—Ephraim, who was only 25 years old at that time, bid goodbye to our family, too.
Ephraim’s friends mourning his loss while celebrating his life during his funeral (July 2016)
On the day he passed away, God filled my heart with overflowing love from His people. Ephraim’s friends from Victory Alabang all came to give me and my family the emotional support we needed. His closest friends, without being asked, took the initiative of fixing all the necessary documents related to his death so I wouldn’t be burdened anymore. They raised funds, came every day, and made me feel as if Ephraim was still alive. In every one of them, I saw my son. Being with them was like receiving a big, reassuring hug from Ephraim.
God made His love felt through the church community that comforted me when my husband died, and He did the exact same thing when Ephraim passed away. He filled my heart with so much love through Ephraim’s friends who treated me like family.
Even after Ephraim was buried, his friends continued to check up on me and send me messages from time to time. They would cook up surprises, especially during Mother’s Day, and do everything they could to fulfill Ephraim’s promises to me when he was still alive. It was just overwhelming.
I may have lost a son, but I gained a family.
Every time I see them at church, or even at home when they visit me, I can’t help but thank the Lord. I feel His overwhelming love through them. Instead of being sad about being left behind once again, I feel a sense of joy knowing that I am never alone and there’s a church community that will always draw me closer to God.
Let your steadfast love comfort me according to your promise to your servant. Psalm 119:76
Being part of a church community means being part of a family. Painful trials may come and break our hearts at times, but through the encouragement of people around us, our faith in God can remain strong. We can be steadfast in our faith because there are people who are tirelessly making us feel lovedand welcomed in God’s big family.
Emerlita is part of Victory Muntinlupa and continuously grows in her faith through the help and encouragement of her church community. Her younger son, Jeremiah, just graduated from college this month, fulfilling a long-ago promise he had made to his older brother, Ephraim.
The Book of Acts tells the story of the early church and how it grew by the power of the Holy Spirit in spite of persecution and conflict. In this series, we will look at God’s design and purpose for the church—the trademarks of the church.
Here are the topics for each week:
Week 1: Devotion
Week 2: Service
Week 3: Community
Week 4: Prayer
Week 5: Message
Week 6: Mission
At the end of this series may we, the church, embody a gospel-shaped lifestyle through the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.
The following is a transcript of “Establish in Church Community,” a message delivered by Pastor Gilbert Foliente at Discipleship 2018.
Pastor Steve started off with Acts 2, but how many of you here remember July 16, 1990? Some of you weren’t born; I was two years old, I think, at that time. *laughs* I was in UPLB, I was in a classroom, and our Math professor used to be my classmate, and he became a math professor. Because I loved the campus so much! I believe, when we change the campus, we change change the world, amen?
And there was this very strong shaking, and then he was teaching mathematical equations, and then he stopped, and everybody was running, and everybody was thinking, “What was happening?” And then he stopped, and then the shaking stopped, and then he just continued with his math equations, as if nothing happened. Then there was another tremor, and we said, “We’re leaving here!”
July 16, 1990 was (the date of) one of the strongest earthquakes that our nation had ever experienced. It was 7.7 in magnitude. And sadly, it cost us more than a thousand lives due to some buildings that collapsed. That was 1990. Three years after, it was August when a friend of mine, an evangelist from Every Nation USA, went to Los Baños, and he said they just came from Guam. It was August 1993, and he said he and Pastor Rice were in Guam to do an outreach. They were in a hotel and their room number was 911. They thought something was going to happen; a day or two after they were there, on August 8, 1993, a very strong earthquake struck Guam. It was 8.1 in magnitude. But amazingly, there was not a single structure that collapsed. It was an earthquake that was stronger than the one we had in 1990. The Guam governor said, “We took it with virtually no major injuries and very little damage, and that is because our structures are built to withstand earthquakes.”
Later on, I found that Guam has one of the strictest building codes. It’s Zone 3, they call it, among the whole of the United States territories, because they know that Guam is located at what geologists would often call, “The Ring of Fire.” The Ring of Fire is an area in the Pacific Ocean where the movement of the earth’s plates cause frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity. Because they were in the Ring of Fire, they thought, needing to be smart, “If there’s going to be shaking in this piece of land, then we need to build strong foundations.”
Well, I want to submit to each one of us today that your spiritual life, my spiritual life, all of our spiritual lives, are in the Ring of Fire, and the question is not, “If shakings come…”, the question is “When shakings come, will your life stand?” Shakings will come, and when shakings come, a good façade will not cut it. No matter how nice we are on the outside, or how nice we look on the outside, a good façade will never cut it. It’s only a good, solid, strong foundation that would make us and enable us to stand when shakings come.
Pastor Steve preached from Acts 2:36. I remember, when I was a student, i was invited to a Rock N’ Roll seminar. Some of you still remember that. I went because there’s this beautiful girl who invited me. I followed her and I went there, and I saw Pastor Ferdie preaching Acts 2 after the Rock N’ Roll seminar, and he said, “Let me tell you this Jesus is both Lord and Christ!” I was cut to the heart, and I said, “I have to give my life to Jesus.” And that’s what happened.
Now, in verse 41, it says, “so those who receive his word were baptized”–Pastor Steve talked about that– “and there were added that day about 3,000 souls.” So the question is this. They were added to what? And as we talk about church community today, I want to submit to you that they were added to more than just an organization. They were added to more than just a religious institution. They were added to more than just church membership. They were added to more than just Victory group or small group attendance. They were added to a people. They were added to a community of God’s people, and that’s what we’re going to talk about today when we say we want to establish believers, we want to establish disciples, we want to establish them, not just in being a member of a church, or attending a small group or a Victory group. We want them to be established in a community of God’s people.
What makes church community unique? We live in the world today where there are several communities that you can join. There’s an online community; there’s a gaming community; there’s associations in villages, and parents and teachers, there’s clubs, there’s organizations that we can all belong to, but what makes a church community unique? That’s what we’re going to talk about in the next few minutes.
As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in Scripture:
“Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone,
a cornerstone chosen and precious,
and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.”
So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe,
“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,”
“A stone of stumbling,
and a rock of offense.”
They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
– 1 Peter 2:4-10
We will not read verse 11, but if you continue reading verse 11, it talks about Peter encouraging and exhorting the Christians one how to live. He was telling them, this is how you should live, and how should we live as Christians in this world. He said, you should live as foreigners; you should live as exiles. ESV says sojourners; another translation says you should live as aliens in this world. There is a certain way to live. If you’re a Christian, there is a certain way to live that’s different from the people of the world. I hope you are living a different lifestyle than the people of the world, because there is a certain way to live.
But in verse 11, before he says, “this is how you should live,” he said this. He laid out for them, “This is who you are,” before telling them how to live. He says, This is who you are because our identity dictates our behavior. Our behavior follows when we know who we are. And what did he say? Who are we? He says, “You are a people of God.” He says, “Once you were not a people.” But now, we are a people of God. This is who we are. We are a people belonging to God. This is the church.
There are so many things that we can talk about here but I will focus on verse five, and I want to build on the phrase that he said. He says, “You yourselves are like living stones.” Being built up as a spiritual house. So I want to start with the phrase, “being built.” This is how God built his church. We, as living stones, are being built. Being built is present-progressive; this indicates a continuing action. This indicates something happening right now. God is doing something. God is active in this world, and one of the things He’s active about is building his church, in taking living stones and connecting them together, so that he could build a church. He’s very active in doing that. God is building His church right now.
In other words, God is not yet finished building His church. Why? In Acts 2, we’ve seen that. There was no church. He will build the church. So he used the preaching of the gospel to turn 3,000 dead stones, and with the gospel, He turned them from dead stones into living stones, and He started adding and building them up together. That’s the church! God is still in the business of turning dead stones into living stones.
As we engage them, there many dead stones in your culture, in your community, in your city. There’s millions more dead stones in Manila, and as long as there’s one dead stone out there, outside of our church, we’re not big enough. God wants to turn those dead stones into living stones, and as you engage the dead stones in your campuses, God wants to turn them, and make them alive, and God wants to put His life in them.
But when people turn into living stones, God wants to add them to the church. God is also still in the process of finding living stones who were not added. How many of you know of some living stones who are not added to the church, because they live like “me and Jesus” Christians? They think it’s just about “Me and my relationship with Jesus!” God wants to find those living stones, and say, “No, no, no! It’s not just about you and Me, it’s about you and that living stone and that living stone. I’m gonna be adding you to that living stone. It’s not just about me and my podcast, or me and my webcast. There’s a lot of deception today, to think that if I’m doing podcasts, then I am being built into the church. It’s much more than that. God is not finished yet; He wants to build us together, He wants to add more.
One of the things that we can see about the community of God’s people is this: it’s never meant to be an exclusive club. This, right here, 11,000 people, is not meant to be an exclusive for 11,000 people only. Our small groups are not designed to be an exclusive club; they were just enjoying our time so much. I hope we love them. But you see, our tendencies is always to stay together. As Pastor Steve shared with our pastors about God’s design: if you look at God in the book of Genesis, this is the first people of God, two of them. He said, I’m going to have a people, Adam and Eve. And His very desire is for Him to add to His people, so He said, “Don’t stay in the garden, as much as you love the garden, and as much as you love each other, I want you to go around the world! Fill the Earth, scatter, and add more people, so that they would become my people.” But for us, we would rather stay in the garden, wouldn’t we?
And then, when Noah’s Ark came, Noah would rather stay in the boat, but God said, “I want you to go out, there is a people that I want to add here!” And in Genesis 11, the tower, they’d rather build a tower so high, and enjoy themselves, God had to scatter them, because God is concerned for the people out there. He wants to add them to us.
And in Acts 1, the people of God, Israel, they wanted to stay in Jerusalem. God says, “No, no, no, I want to build my church by turning those dead stones and adding them here. We are not meant to be an exclusive club. It’s meant to be inclusive. Victory groups, small groups, were not called to maintain this small group, and say, ‘I don’t want you to go, let’s stay here,’ and then, thirty years after, it’s still a small group. We’re meant to multiply. Not exclusive! God is adding people.
Another implication of being built… it means that God is not yet finished adding people, but the second is, God is not yet finished in refining the living stones. In other words, we are all still a work in progress. Imperfect. That’s the church! The church is made up of imperfect living stones; we’re not perfect. And theology class, it says that “already but not yet.” We’re already holy, if you look at Peter, he says, “you are a holy nation,” not because of what we do, but because of what Jesus did, and yet, we’re still being made holy with the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit inside of us. We’re still not perfect; we are a group of living stones that are being justified and being sanctified, desiring to honor God in every way as we live this life.
And if we understand this, that the church is made up of justified sinners being sanctified by the Holy Spirit, then we would understand that the church should have acceptance, not tolerance. We accept one another, yet we speak the truth in love, and because we speak the truth in love, we accept one another, then in the church, in this community, therefore, there is no need to put up a mask. There’s no need to put up a façade, there’s no need to put up a wall, and pretend that I’m okay when I’m not okay, to pretend that I got it all figured out when I haven’t figured it all out.
We need acceptance in this church community. There is nothing to prove and there’s no one to impress. I hope you know that. You go to your small group, nothing to prove, no one to impress. You go to church, nothing to prove, no one to impress, because we are all justified sinners and still being sanctified with the Holy Spirit. We accept each other, rich or poor, young or old, black or white, hair or no hair, male or female, we accept each other. There should be forgiveness, not condemnation. Imperfect people sometimes offend each other, and maybe you’ve been offended by the person seated next to you before. If that person is your spouse, I’m sure you’ve been offended before, but that’s what imperfect people commit. Sometimes you offend each other, and so we need forgiveness, and not condemnation. If we understand that we are being built, then we need allowances, not judgment. Understanding that all of us are weak in some areas and strong in some areas, we can look at people and say, “Wow, Victory group leader ka pa naman, grabe ka.” We make allowances because we’re being built.
Next, “we are being built up” in the ESV, but in the NIV, it says, “we are being built into.” We are being built into something; we’re being added to another life of another person. You see, if the church is the body of Christ, then we cannot be joined to Christ without being joined to His body. So, if you say, “I’m joined to Christ, I have a relationship with Christ,” but the church is the body of Christ, you cannot be joined to the head without being joined to the body, isn’t it? So he said, “We’re being built into the lives of each other,” and he made an analogy of building a spiritual house made of stones. It’s almost like a church made of bricks, but that’s probably a Western context; it’s probably going to look a little bit more like this in the Philippine context: hollow blocks, not bricks. So when you you say, you’re a living stone, the person you’re talking to, you’re a living hollow block. That hollow block right there is you!
Everyone of us, living stones!
But if you look at the building, you should notice this: a few hollow blocks are totally dependent on a hollow block beneath them. And this hollow block is totally dependent on another hollow block under him. That’s how God wants to build His church; He wants to build His church by building your life into my life, by building your life into the life of the other person. It’s way more than more than church attendance; it’s way more than just Victory group attendance. It’s about lives being built together.
I’m not sure how accurate this is, but one preacher said that 81% of Americans say, you can live a flourishing Christian life without having a church at all. I don’t believe that. I believe you can never be joined to Christ unless you’re joined to His body. So the question is this: when it comes to following Jesus, not all of life, okay, when it comes to following Jesus, are you depending on someone? And is someone else depending on you? When it comes to following Jesus, are you supporting someone to follow Jesus, and is somebody supporting you so that you can follow Him? And that only happens in a small group setting. That can never happen in a Sunday service, or Saturday, or Tuesday or Wednesday or Monday, we have services, every day of the week. It happens on a small group basis; it happens in your level, as Victory group leaders and interns, this is where the building of lives happen.
Lastly, being built into a spiritual house. The footnote here says, the temple of the Spirit, God’s dwelling place. The church is designed to be the dwelling place of God; the church is designed where God’s presence resides. Now think about this: if you’ve got a few hollow blocks scattered all around, how many of you want to live in that house? That’s not a house; that’s not livable. You scatter a thousand hollow blocks here, if you don’t put them together, you can’t live and reside in that house. God wants to reside in a spiritual house, His church, and the only way He resides in that church, is when our lives are added together and built into each other. The degree to which our lives are built together is the degree to which His presence is manifested through us.
How many of you want the presence of God to be manifested in your city? How many of you want the presence of God, when somebody steps in Muntinlupa, they would feel the presence of God? When somebody steps in Taguig, when somebody steps in Manila, when somebody steps in Quezon City, they sense the presence of God. That can only happen when we as a church allow Him to build our lives together, and to the degree that our lives are built together, is a degree that we will see the manifest presence of God in our midst.
Let me end by talking about this shirt, Pastor Steve started with this. The leaning Tower of Pisa, and he talked about this, the leaning Tower of Pisa was saved from collapse, when in 1990, they closed it now. And they worked on it for ten years and US$27 million. A lot of work and a lot of money to fix the foundation, and ever since it was on a permanent 13-foot lean. We’re gonna see videos, but later on, we’re going to pray for you, all Victory group leaders and interns, we’re going to commission you. What is the commission? The commission is this: we’re going to commission you to establish strong foundations for every new believer, everyone you disciple, everyone you engage, every new believer that comes into your Victory group, you’re commissioned to establish strong biblical foundations, because you know that their spiritual lives are in the ring of fire. Establish that, let it be strong, so that when shaking comes, they will remain standing.
But not only are you going to be commissioned to establish strong foundations in the lives of new believers, we will commission you to fix foundations. A lengthy process, a lot of work, and it will cost you a lot–ten years and US$27 million (for the Tower of Pisa)–because we believe it’s not yet too late to fix foundations in other Christians. If there’s another Christian that comes into your small group, and you see that the foundation is not fixed, don’t give up on them. Dive into it; put effort, spend in it and invest, because you know if you establish and fix that foundation, then he or she will remain standing, no matter how many shakings or earthquakes come into their spiritual life.
And we have a Church Community class as a tool for you to do that. You’re building your life with them, but there’s a class that serves as a tool for us to do that Let’s pray. Lord, we want to see Your presence in our cities; we want to see Your presence in our nation. We realize that the degree that our lives are built together is the only degree that we can see the manifestation of that presence, so, Lord, we ask You, build Your church, we ask You, build our lives together, we ask You, keep adding dead stones that You’re turning to living stones, keep adding them, keep multiplying our Victory groups, for Your honor, for Your glory, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
In 2007, church planting efforts for Molino were started by a team from Victory Bacoor. They engaged with the locals, mostly in the residential areas. This bore fruit and before long, thirty-four Victory groups were meeting in different homes in this municipality. Caviteños started getting discipled, and they invited their family and friends to take part in having a relationship with Jesus.
The church plant grew to 200 members in just two months, with their facility holding two services every Sunday at the Masaito Building along Molino Road. Last September 2011, Victory Molino finally celebrated their official launch. As we witnessed the church’s growth, we also witnessed God’s faithfulness as He appointed volunteers, interns and leaders to advance His kingdom in Molino, Cavite. This is why we rejoiced with them as they commemorated their fifth anniversary last Sunday. Victory Molino currently holds two worship services every Sunday, 9:00 am for the Taglish service, and 11:00 am for the English service, at the third floor of the Masaito Building along Molino Road in Bacoor, Cavite.
Pray with us as we reach out to the heart of Cavite! We are in faith that God will open doors here, so that more families, students and young professionals will come to the saving knowledge of Christ. Don’t forget to invite your family and friends in the area!