See you at Discipleship 2025!

See you at Discipleship 2025!

“Honor God, make disciples.”

This has been the heart of our church—God’s honor above ours, and to bring people to Christ through relational discipleship.

Discipleship is coming together and following Christ in life’s shared joys and challenges, helping others know Him more deeply, and following Him in all of our days—whether during the best, worst, or ordinary times.

Once again, we will come together as God’s people and gather as a spiritual family to worship God and encourage one another.

See you on March 15, 2025, for our Discipleship 2025 in your local church!

Get in touch with your local church to learn more.

The Cross: Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration Week 2025

The Cross: Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration Week 2025

As we welcomed 2025, our church family came together for our annual prayer, fasting, and consecration, with the theme “The Cross.” This theme aligns with our current weekend series, deepening our understanding of the profound impact of the cross on our lives and enabling us to surrender ourselves fully to God and His purposes.

The cross is the foundation upon which our relationship with God is built. This week, we delved further into it, drawing strength from Scripture. We have seen how Jesus’ great love and grace were perfectly displayed on the cross.

And together as a spiritual community, we once again believed and sought God in prayer.

Together, we asked God for the nations, believed for the welfare of the Philippines, prayed for the unity of the church, revival on our campuses, and the fulfillment of His promises in our lives.

We pray that you powerfully encountered God this week and savored His presence once more. 

May we wholeheartedly say “Yes” to God’s call in our lives this year and take up our cross with all joy, daily.

Encourage someone with your testimony! Send it here.

Watch this video to see how we came together with our Every Nation global family in seeking God in the past week.

Strength Amidst Multiple Storms

Strength Amidst Multiple Storms

The last month of the year was met with a series of powerful storms. From Typhoon Kristine to Pepito, these six devastating typhoons — Kristine (October 22), Typhoon Leon (October 27), Typhoon Marce (November 7), Typhoon Nika (November 11), Typhoon Ofel (November 14), and recently, Super Typhoon Pepito – have left widespread destruction in several areas, causing over P478 million in damages. Many Filipinos fled to evacuation centers during the series of storms, with 115,000 families occupying the 3,267 evacuation centers across eight regions. 


  • Severe Tropical Storm Kristine (October 22): Brought heavy rains, flooding, and landslides, particularly affecting Regions 5, 4A, and 2.
  • Typhoon Leon (October 27): Intensified into a super typhoon, passing near the Batanes Islands and worsening the impact of the previous storm, Super Typhoon Julian.


  • Typhoon Marce (November 7): Made landfall in northern Luzon, prompting Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal #4 and causing significant damage.
  • Typhoon Nika (November 11): Hit northern Luzon, leading to heavy rains, high storm surges, and coastal infrastructure damage.
  • Typhoon Ofel (November 14): Moved towards Luzon, heavily impacting Cagayan and Isabela.
  • Super Typhoon Pepito (November 14): Made landfall in Catanduanes and Aurora, causing widespread devastation, especially in northern Luzon.

With the help of our church community, our different Victory churches extended immediate aid and assistance to nearby families and communities.

Through your generosity and collaborative efforts, we have extended help to 2,299 families, 3 campuses, and 55 local communities nationwide. These families and communities received relief bags, financial assistance, ready-to-eat food items, laundry materials, and hygiene kits.

Amidst this, we thank the Lord for His steadfast love during these challenging times. His strength has sustained our nation as we slowly made progress in restoring homes and livelihoods together. 

Let us continue to pray for everyone affected by these typhoons, as well as for our nation and our leaders. Be in faith that the Lord will grant them wisdom as we recover from the aftermath of these typhoons. Pray for provision, restoration, and hope throughout the rebuilding process. 

In all things and circumstances, may the Lord continually be our strength and our song.

God’s Love: A Refuge at All Times

God’s Love: A Refuge at All Times

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” These words from Psalm 46:1 have echoed through time, a testament to God’s faithfulness as a promise-keeper. His presence continues to offer comfort and hope in suffering.

It was a privilege to serve as His hands and feet by reaching out to the vulnerable residents of Kanlungan sa Pasig on October 5, 2024.

This facility provides shelter and support to children, women, the elderly, adults, teen moms, and victims of violence and abuse. It offers temporary residential care, diagnostic services, basic social services, and quality healthcare. 

We were blessed to engage with the shelter residents, offering encouragement, prayer, and a listening ear.

These meaningful conversations paved the way for us to preach the gospel—the good news about Christ’s love that is available to all, regardless of the circumstance. This love welcomes those who place their faith in Christ to an eternal hope and a secure home forever.

Currently, Kanlungan sa Pasig is home to 149 individuals: 48 Children with Conflict with the Law (11-18+ years old), 80 Children in Need of Special Protection (0-18+ years old), and 21 Adults and Elderly (20-89 years old).

Let us continue to pray for them and trust in God’s power to nurture the seeds we have sown. We look forward to serving with more volunteers in our next outreach in December.

May we all remain vessels of God’s refuge and strength, a present help that endures in and out of troubles—through all of life’s seasons.

The Joy of Christ’s Salvation

The Joy of Christ’s Salvation

A team of volunteers had a desire to serve the residents of Camarin, North Caloocan—and this birthed from a simple prayer of sharing joy by giving better smiles to the community. 

Just this September, the team partnered with dentists and held a dental mission for the community. They were stationed at the counseling stop where patients had to be before being treated. By God’s grace, the team listened, encouraged, prayed, and preached the gospel to 138 patients, face-to-face and one-on-one.

They were also able to pray for and encourage some of the dentists who served alongside them who did not yet have a relationship with Jesus.

Praise God for this privilege of proclaiming Him and comforting others through listening and prayer! These are some testimonies from the dental mission:

An elderly man with a speech disorder found hope and confidence in Christ after one of our team members prayed for him. It was the first time in his 62 years that someone had prayed for him.

A teenager who was longing for her parents’ presence and care received Christ’s perfect love for the first time. This perfect love casts all her fears now through one of the volunteers who shared a word of encouragement with her.

A married woman found her greatest love in the Lord when she heard the gospel, and many others found the greatest joy in Christ’s salvation.

As a church, whatever way or platform it may be, may everything we do to serve the community lead us back to God’s Great Commission for us: to go and make disciples of all nations wherever we may be. And it starts with preaching the gospel—the good news that brings true and lasting joy.

Do you have a testimony to share? Share it with us here.

New Series: What Shapes Us

New Series: What Shapes Us

The world around us offers different ideas, beliefs, and truths here and there.

Yet, there is one that leads us to the ultimate truth of God’s love, and that is His word, our lasting and sure foundation.

His word shapes us and sets us apart for His purpose and glory in this lifetime and beyond.

Join us over the next six weeks as we cover these topics:

Week 1: Scripture

Week 2: Salvation

Week 3: Sanctification

Week 4: Sacraments

Week 5: Second Coming

Week 6: Mission

See you at our weekend services!

You may check the worship service schedules here or by visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page.

Floodwaters of Grace

Floodwaters of Grace

Our God is a God who can turn tragedies into stories of redemption.

After nearly a month of devastation caused by Super Typhoon Carina, our nation is slowly recovering. Yet, amidst the rebuilding, we remember how the flood of God’s grace poured into the hearts of our communities, even as the floodwaters filled their homes.

Two days after the flood receded, affected families in a town in San Pedro returned to their homes to face the challenge of cleaning up. One volunteer from Victory San Pedro teamed up with a couple from Victory Alabang to serve their neighborhood and offer prayers during the cleanup. Pastor Rein to join them in ministering to the people. The small team was driven by a heart to bless the community and share God’s love.

They went door-to-door, offering assistance wherever needed. Little did they know that this would become an open door for God to touch hearts and invite people into a relationship with Him. On each visit, they asked about each family’s well-being. While no casualties were in their midst, the calamity brought fear and despair. The team heard stories of great fear as the floodwaters rapidly rose, an unprecedented event for the community.

The team encouraged the residents and reminded them of God’s protection for their families. These conversations led to a revelation of who Christ is and what He has done -His work on the cross covers and preserves; but more than anything, Christ has provided a solution for all eternity, giving us eternal hope. 

From one family hearing the good news of the gospel, filled with great joy, word spread quickly, and soon, neighbors from across the street requested prayers as well. Around 12 families received prayer and ministry, and much later, people from the community flocked the streets and opened their hearts to receive God’s love in their midst. 

It was undeniable that there was an outpouring of God’s spirit, a flood of grace that surpassed any physical floodwaters. The same hunger for Jesus was evident from one street to another. 

Although the floodwaters invaded their homes, the overwhelming flood of God’s grace poured into their hearts at that very moment. 

Please continue to pray for our teams in Alabang and San Pedro as they continually support the rebuilding — not just of homes but lives that are touched and transformed by Christ. 

New Series: Love the City

New Series: Love the City

God’s heart is for the lost, the last, and the least. 

He calls us to be His hands and feet—to love and serve others, whatever it takes and wherever He places us. This is so they may hear God’s great love and experience His transforming work in their lives.

In the next three weeks, may we capture God’s heart through this series and be empowered to proclaim and demonstrate His love in every city.

Week 1: God’s heart

Week 2: Generous heart

Week 3: Righteous heart

See you at our weekend services!

You may check the worship service schedules here or by visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page.

Victory Conference

Victory Conference

Last June 27 and 28, our church family joyfully gathered at the SM MOA Arena for the Victory Conference. Distance couldn’t keep nearly 30,000 people from across the nation from coming together to celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of God.

We were truly blessed to witness a heartfelt reunion of friends and families, all united with one purpose—to worship Jesus.

How we started: Mission Field

From our leaky basement beginnings in the Tandem Cinema in 1984, Victory has held on to the same and ultimate purpose of making no other name known—Jesus.

Now, forty years later, our founding pastor, Pastor Steve Murrell, stood before the church, with gratitude for God’s unfailing love and faithfulness. He shared the timeless message that has led thousands to the saving knowledge and audacious love of God. Joining him was his son, Dr. William Murrell, who inspired us to embrace God’s call to be witnesses, guided by the power and leading of the Holy Spirit.

Together, they reminded us of the beautiful journey we are on and the incredible future God has in store for His people.

“With all the sacrifices of the world combined, the ultimate sacrifice is what the Father did when He sent His Son to come, to live, and to die for us.”

— Pastor Steve Murrell (Founder, Victory)

“To embrace God’s call to be a witness, we need a Bible, a submitted life, and a passport.”

— Dr. William Murrell (Dean of Academics, Every Nation Seminary)

Pastor Dennis Sy also  joined in our celebration, inspiring and empowering us all. He passionately urged everyone to proclaim the gospel—the only good news that will matter for eternity.

“The mission field is hungry for an encounter that will change their lives. Are you ready to be His mission force?”

– Pastor Dennis Sy (Senior Pastor, Victory Makati)

The excitement and anticipation continued into the second day of the conference. It was a sight to see more students come with passionate hearts and eagerness to encounter God.

Even as our call to preach about Jesus has remained steadfast, it’s never been without obstacles. Despite the hardships of carrying our cross, Pastor Mye Nunag encouraged us to persist in our calling, no matter how challenging, as long as Jesus is preached. Bishop Gilbert Foliente reinforced this message, reminding us that nothing else can truly transform the world like the gospel.

“Would it be enough for us to remain unnamed as long as Jesus is proclaimed?”

— Pastor Mye Nunag (Lead Pastor, Victory U-Belt)

“The gospel is the highest hope of the world. Only the gospel has the power to bring true and lasting transformation.”

— Bishop Gilbert Foliente (Bishop, Victory Metro Manila)

The Campus Run was brimming with young students whose hearts burned passionately for Jesus. It was a vivid picture of the hope and faith we hold for the next generation. With hands and voices lifted in worship, these students responded to His call to be salt and light across over 1,500 campuses they represent.

Pastor Dave Estrera, Pastor Rico Ricafort, and Elle Cabiling Tumaliuan made the final run a Spirit-filled encounter for our students. They preached on the transformative power of the gospel and emphasized how working together with our spiritual family makes us unstoppable.

God’s call to make disciples and pass it on to the next generation resonated clearly, a message the students will carry back to their homes and campuses.

“There is no greater cause that has an eternal impact than preaching the gospel and making disciples.”

— Pastor Dave Estrera (Executive Director for Every Nation Campus, Victory Metro Manila)

“Let your generation be so in love with the word of God that you will meditate on it, speak it, and live by it.”

– Elle Cabiling Tumaliuan (Campus Missionary, Victory Katipunan)

“We’re going to turn the world upside down by preaching the gospel together.”

— Pastor Rico Ricafort (Senior Pastor, Every Nation Panama)

How we can keep going: Mission Force

This conference reignited our passion to reach the lost — for future generations to hear the victory that Christ has won over sin and death, with His grace empowering us to live according to His purpose.

Thank you to over 1,000 volunteers who have served selflessly and wholeheartedly so that the next generation will know about Jesus.

As we continue to thank God for His faithfulness in the past forty years, we remember that every victory has been given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)

May the Holy Spirit empower us to press on and become His mission force.

Together, let’s change the campus and change the world for the next 40 years and beyond.

What’s your #CelebratingVictories highlight for this conference?

Making disciples in every city: New Victory locations to check out

Making disciples in every city: New Victory locations to check out

Whether in a hot, leaky basement or an air-conditioned hall, God’s faithfulness never wavered—not even once. As we obey His call to go and make disciples in every city, He has never failed to open hearts and change lives. 

We thank Him for establishing us in new locations across the nation to bring the gospel to more campuses and communities. 

We hope that our church community can be a home and place where you can grow in your faith.

Victory Marikina

Led by Senior Pastor Jerry de Sagun

GCN Building 

3F, Events Place 240 N.W. Narra St., Marikina Heights, Marikina City

Sundays 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Victory Taguig

Led by Senior Pastor Brian Sebastian

Trade Hall, Vista Mall, Taguig

Sundays 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Acacia Estates

Sundays 10 a.m.

Victory Cainta

Led by Senior Pastor Glenn Quizon

RS City Square 

Junction Ortigas Ave Ext, Santo Domingo, Cainta, Rizal

Sundays 10 a.m., 1 p.m., and 4 p.m.

Victory San Jose del Monte

Led by Senior Pastor Hener Omadto

SM San Jose del Monte, Cinema 3&4

Sundays 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Starmall Event Hall, Lower Ground

Sundays 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m.

Muzon #361 Carriedo, 3F Gallo Clothing Bldg.

Sundays 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 2:00 p.m.

Victory San Pedro

Led by Senior Pastor King Lucero

5F The Rocks Corporate Center

359 National Highway, Brgy. Nueva, San Pedro, Laguna

Sundays 10 a.m., 1 p.m. (Youth), and 4 p.m.

Victory Sta. Mesa

Led by Senior Pastor Paul Herrera

SM Sta. Mesa, Cinema 4

Sundays 9 a.m and 11 a.m.

God is continually at work in people’s lives. Therefore, we will press on in every city—one foot on the campus and one foot on the community—transforming the nation with the gospel.

Invite your friends and family and see you!

New Series: From Mission Field to Mission Force

New Series: From Mission Field to Mission Force

We often hear the saying, “There is no growth in comfort,” and we took this to heart from the beginning. We were once recipients of a short-term mission outreach in Manila. If we stayed with a mission-field mentality, we would never become the mission force we are today. 

As God empowers us to carry out His mission, let us step out of our comfort zone into the unknown by faith.

May we press on with the same passion, pursue His call to make disciples, and be His mission force for the next 40 years and beyond. 

Join us in the next four weeks as we go through these:

Week 1: The Motive—Honor God

Week 2: The Mandate—Make disciples

Week 3: The Manifesto—Change the campus. Change the world.

Week 4: The Mission—Every Nation

You may check the worship service schedules here or by visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page.

New Series: Walk With Me

New Series: Walk With Me

During Jesus’ time on earth, He walked with His disciples, involving them in His life and ministry.

This series will explore stories where Jesus exemplified how we are to journey together through the highs, lows, and everything in between as His church while glorifying God and carrying out His mission.

Let’s journey through this series together, and ask God for wisdom and softened hearts as we respond to His word.

Week 1: Follow Him together

Week 2: Life Together

Week 3: On Mission Together

Just like the African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.”

Don’t walk alone. 

You may check the worship service schedules here or by visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page. See you!

Set Apart—Together

Set Apart—Together

For the past 5 days, we’ve come together for our annual Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration week.

As a church, we pondered upon the heart of God’s holiness, and this is the great news—we are already made righteous through Christ’s sacrifice.

On that cross, He cleansed us in His righteousness, washing away all our sins. This is the grace that made us from crimson red to as white as snow; the grace that makes us holy now and allows us to have full communion with our Abba Father.

As we carry this good news into each day of 2024, let the burden of striving for holiness fall away. But rather, may we always call to mind that being holy is being set apart for Christ and being clothed in Him “who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)

May God’s call to holiness not become a daunting task but a warm invitation. He is calling us, His dear children, to walk this journey of holiness, together.

We are never alone in this walk, and we will never be. From every corner of the earth, our spiritual family surrounds us—and may this truth be like a warm embrace and spark of hope against and amidst the darkness.

Blessings be upon you and your loved ones as we walk through this year, hearts brimming with God’s holy presence. May we have a faith-filled, set-apart year ahead!

Have you experienced some breakthroughs lately? Share your testimony with us! We’d love to celebrate with you.

Watch the Every Nation 2024 Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration Week Recap here.

2023: A Year of Miracles

Let us recount the great things that the Lord has done in and through us as we welcome 2024.

6,105 people gave their life to Christ and were baptized

26 new churches were planted across the nation

975 campuses opened their doors for the gospel

Over 20 communities and 70 campuses in Metro Manila experienced God’s love as we partnered with school administrators and local government units

1,475 Real LIFE scholars faced the future with hope, and 164 graduated this year

196 missionaries were sent to preach the gospel to 35 nations, and 19 Ten Days teams were sent to 12 nations

109 ministers (pastors, cross cultural and campus missionaries) were commissioned to bring the gospel to the campuses, cities, and nations

95 pastors and leaders from 35 nations came together at the Every Nation building for the residential intensives of the Every Nation Seminary

But nothing is greater than the miracle of knowing Christ together.

Let us enter 2024 with the same hope–that we have a God who fulfills promises and sets us apart for His purposes.

Got a miracle story? Click here to share it with us!

See You On Sunday: Victory Locations Near You

See You On Sunday: Victory Locations Near You

Something beautiful happens when we seek God together with others. We find our faith strengthened and our hearts encouraged – knowing that we are never alone in this life. 

Wherever you are, may you find a church community who will help you grow. 

We hope there’s a Victory location near your campus, city or in any of these new locations:

We look forward to seeing you! 

The Joy of Serving

The Joy of Serving

Every year, we take time to recount the stories of changed lives, communities served, campuses reached, and the miracles we experienced as a church.

As we do this, we also take time to honor and celebrate our small group leaders and ministry volunteers across our local centers in the Philippines.

We had a time of fun and fellowship where we thanked each church member who contributed to running our worship services and helped us build our local churches.

If you are a leader, a volunteer, or anyone who has helped our church grow this year in whatever way, we sincerely thank you for your service.

The details of your work may not be fully seen by the eyes of men, but we want to assure you that the God we serve is a Rewarder, and your reward in heaven is full.

Thank you for keeping your most important and esteemed audience, your audience of One—Jesus, our Greatest Reward.

May you be blessed abundantly, and may a thousandfold of what you give be returned to you by His grace. Your gifts are a blessing to many and have helped people come to know Christ more!

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” — Hebrews 6:10

Shoutout to all our small group leaders and volunteers! Great job to you!

New Series: See You On Sunday

New Series: See You On Sunday

God designs His people to come together and not give up in doing so, even when faced with challenges.

See You On Sunday series reveals God’s heart for us as He continues to build the church today and as we persevere in meeting together.

Invite your family and friends! We’ll be talking about our calling to come together as a church and its lasting impact on us and the generations after us.

  • Week 1: Called to Gather
  • Week 2: Determined to Gather

Join our worship services by checking the schedules here or by visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page.

See you on Sunday!

New Series: What Shapes Us

New Series: What Shapes Us

We aren’t merely a product of life’s circumstances. 

God shapes us to live a joyful, fulfilling, and purposeful life– through the power of His unchanging word.

Together, let us dig deeper and find out how God’s truth shapes the core of our being.

Come join us for our upcoming series, What Shapes Us, where we will explore these topics over the next six weeks.

  • Week 1: God
  • Week 2: Creation and Fall
  • Week 3: Jesus
  • Week 4: Gospel
  • Week 5: Holy Spirit
  • Week 6: Church

Join our worship services by checking the schedules here or visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page. 

Midyear Prayer and Fasting 2023

Midyear Prayer and Fasting 2023


As one family, we sought God in prayer and declared to make Him known. 

We believe that God works miracles today by the power of the Holy Spirit to bless people and advance his kingdom.


We prayed for the nation.

We stood in faith and asked God’s provision upon our economy. We also prayed for the upcoming barangay elections in October. May there be godly leaders equipped to serve and lead our nation.



We prayed for the church.

We made a commitment to God to share His gospel and live it out.



We prayed for the next generation.

We asked for open doors on the campuses so we can reach future leaders. May they find their purpose, meaning, and hope in Christ.



Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 


Got stories of faith? Build faith by sharing breakthroughs here.