Immeasurably More: Testimonies from our Real LIFE Foundation

Immeasurably More: Testimonies from our Real LIFE Foundation

In our “Who Cares” series, scholars from our Real LIFE Foundation shared their testimonies and how God not only provided for their education, but also gave them hope to fulfill their dreams and bring their families out of poverty. In these video testimonies, see how God provided for Jonathan and Cezanne.

Jonathan was a son of a scavenger and a housewife, and his faith sustained him even in the midst of their poverty. His dream was to have a college degree and at the same time help his family live a better life. Through Real LIFE, he recently finished his Computer Science degree.

It had always been Cezanne’s dream to be involved in the arts and media industry. As she became a scholar under Real LIFE Foundation, God made a way for her to study and receive a regular allowance—and be able to complete the different requirements that she needed to accomplish her school projects. Cezanne is graduating with a bachelor’s degree, Major in Broadcasting, from the University of Makati.

We are so encouraged hearing these stories firsthand from our Real LIFE scholars! You may also participate in empowering the dreams of underprivileged but deserving Filipino students by giving to LIFE. If you would like to know more about Real LIFE Foundation, you may visit its official website at or follow its updates on Facebook and Twitter.


  • 狐臭治療價錢 October 9, 2018 at 8:58 am


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