Pray for God’s Peace and Stability in Taiwan

Pray for God’s Peace and Stability in Taiwan

Taiwan opened 2024 with a presidential election on January 13 which had major implications for Taiwan and China, with the rest of the world watching.  While there were other major domestic concerns, such as the economy and housing, no bigger election issue was at stake than the candidates’ position on Taiwan’s relationship with neighboring China. The ruling party (DPP) fielded Lai Ching-te who campaigned on a strong pro-independence platform. The biggest opposition (KMT) was represented by New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih who ran on increased diplomacy and possible reunification with China. A third party (TPP) was led by former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je who offered a middle ground – continued sovereignty while dialoguing with China. China obviously backed KMT candidate Hou and called this election a choice between “war and peace. All 23.5 million Taiwanese felt the weight of pressure leading to the elections.

DPP’s Lai won the elections with a majority of 40.05% of the votes. It was a very strong message to China. It also meant greater uncertainty, rising tensions, and a risk of war escalating moving forward. Two days after the elections, China lured Nauru to cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan through promises of economic assistance. Tuvalu is expected to follow soon. It is part of China’s efforts to isolate Taiwan. Twenty nations have switched diplomatic relations from Taiwan to China since 2001. China is also expected to step up its military exercises near and within Taiwan’s defense zone.

Whatever happens in the next few years has serious implications for the rest of the world, particularly in Southeast Asia and the Philippines. As God’s people, we do not fear. Instead, we lift everything up in prayer, knowing God is sovereign.

1. Pray that the message of Christ’s love will break pride, animosity, and hatred — bringing about lasting peace.

2. Intercede for peace-minded politicians and leaders on both sides to find a political solution that will satisfy both governments and people.

3. Pray for God’s wisdom for President Lai as he leads Taiwan during these difficult times.

To know more about the current situation, you may check the links below:

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