Overcoming Faith

Overcoming Faith

Cezanne Cescar had a dream to finish her studies, but not without a few challenges along the way. Read her testimony here!

I really had a passion and desire to study and finish my degree, even if I knew that my family did not have the budget for it. I used my meager allowance for accomplishing school projects. My focus was divided between doing well in school and when I was going to get my next meal.

Becoming a scholar from Real LIFE Foundation helped me focus on my studies because I didn’t have to worry about other things. Studying became easier, and I was even more motivated to do it. I’m really thankful that God gave me the opportunity to be part of Real LIFE!

What I’m learning
Two of my biggest lessons from Real LIFE are integrity and stewardship. Thanks to LIFE coaching, I learned that integrity means doing things excellently, whether or not someone is watching me do it. God sees my heart, and that’s all that matters.

I also learned to be a steward of the blessings God gave me. I am not just blessed for my own use and enjoyment. Rather, I am blessed to be a blessing! I learned to share what I have with other people, and at the same time, save for my future.

Weathering the storms
The biggest challenge I faced as a Real LIFE scholar was when I was diagnosed with epilepsy in the middle of my scholarship. My doctor advised me to stop schooling because I was not allowed to be stressed. However, I had faith in my big God—I knew He would heal me!

I spoke with my college professors to allow me to take make-up classes for my absences. I was gone for almost a month, but thankfully my college dean and the rest of my professors allowed me to do a temporary home-study program.

During this time, I held tightly to God—I made Him my strength and refuge. I knew He would heal me. I’m thankful that Mimi, my Victory group leader, encouraged me and pointed me to God every time.

I’m now back in school, and in my last year as a Broadcasting student in University of Makati. Not once did I fail in any of my subjects while I was not in school—and I’m in faith that I will be healed soon!

The next step
I’m looking forward to be a filmmaker after I graduate. I’m now praying for the right job, and that I won’t give in to pressures to compromise. I also want to be a good influence to my future colleagues.

I now realize that humble beginnings make good endings. I’m thankful that God is the writer of my life story—and that with His help, I can overcome the challenges that come my way.


  • Like September 12, 2018 at 5:12 pm

    Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.

  • 生命水 October 8, 2018 at 3:31 am


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