Ordinary People, Extraordinary God

Ordinary People, Extraordinary God

We recently finished our “Ordinary” series, where we all learned that anyone can make disciples. We hope all of us are encouraged to share the gospel!

What is discipleship? It’s a call to follow God, fish for people, and fellowship with other believers. The Bible shows us that many ordinary men and women were used by God to do extraordinary things to bring people to Him through discipleship. Discipleship is not rocket science. Even in ordinary ways, we can make a difference for God’s kingdom.

Here are some stories from ordinary people (like you and me!) who have built relationships with others who helped them follow God, and are now making disciples in turn. May you be encouraged and inspired to make disciples yourself!

[myyoutubeplaylist eIEL6W6TViU, 9VchnMJlG7g, xOIoSGlRXFA, IVMQ7Oj9Rhw, OEAuZU1IZSk]

Help someone get the right start in their walk with God through ONE 2 ONE. Invite your family and friends to a Victory Groups. Let’s be a disciple, and make disciples!


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