New Series: Make Room

New Series: Make Room

“Make room” is an expression that means to move oneself aside to allow another person to pass or enter. It also means to adjust and yield as a means to give honor. For this series, to make room means that, instead of acting and relying on the flesh, we are stepping aside for the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to lead us, and keeping in step with Him.

For the next six weeks, we will talk about living a Spirit-empowered life by learning who the Holy Spirit is and His works in the life of a disciple.

Here are the topics for each week:

  • Week 1: The Person of the Holy Spirit
  • Week 2: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
  • Week 3: Sanctification by the Spirit
  • Week 4: Spirit of Sonship
  • Week 5: Walking in the Spirit
  • Week 6: Spirit-Empowered Life

We hope to see you at our worship services in Metro Manila, or at any of our churches in more than 90 provinces throughout the Philippines!


  • Tomek June 14, 2018 at 8:25 pm

    zarabianie w sieci jest mozliwe! sam sie o tym przekonalem jak znalazlem te strone:

  • 無香料 October 8, 2018 at 6:59 am


  • 醫學美容 隆乳按摩 October 16, 2018 at 7:36 am

    【2018必食】等了又等 不含蛋的蛋終於面世 Marie Claire (HK) Edition 之前聞說外國有公司研發不含蛋的雞蛋,為素食者或追求健康之士而設,可惜一直只聞樓梯響。等了4年,美國三藩市新創公司Hampton Creek終於上星期宣布這款「蛋」正式面世! 這款名為Just S