New Series: Gospel Demonstrated

New Series: Gospel Demonstrated

The gospel, which tells us that Jesus died for all and He paid the price for us to have eternal life in Him, is an essential part of our faith. In our previous series, “The Great Exchange,” we learned what it means to be saved and how to tell others about the gospel.

Proclaiming the gospel is important, but God also called His church to do something equally significant—demonstrate it. This is evident in the life of Jesus and in the early church. Their proclamation was often partnered with a demonstration of the power of the gospel through their lives.

One of the most tangible ways of gospel demonstration in the Bible, church history, and our movement, is reaching out to the poor—the people in great need and the oppressed. God cares about everyone, regardless of our status, rich or poor, and He calls us to do the same. In “Gospel Demonstrated,” we will look at the book of James and learn how true Christian living manifests in a biblical perspective of God’s provision and compassion for the poor.

Here is the list of topics:

  • Week 1: The Testing of Faith
  • Week 2: True Religion
  • Week 3: No Partiality in the Kingdom
  • Week 4: Faith Produces Works and Works Serves Others
  • Week 5: The Dangers of Worldliness
  • Week 6: Faith and Patience in Suffering

Through this series, we pray that we will be encouraged to translate our faith in Jesus to action, whether in times of testing or times of abundance.

See you at our worship services in Metro Manila, or at any of our churches in more than 90 provinces throughout the Philippines!


  • Like September 11, 2018 at 1:58 am

    Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.

  • Janise September 25, 2018 at 2:37 am

    office, house or with customers. I closed my eyesMost impoprtant point is choosing words

  • 醫學美容 魔力果凍 October 11, 2018 at 7:03 pm

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  • 梨窩 October 16, 2018 at 7:49 pm

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