Stories from our Prayer and Fasting

Stories from our Prayer and Fasting

God is truly faithful! Here are stories we gathered from our previous Prayer and Fasting activities. As you read through these testimonies, we hope you’re encouraged as we are!

If you would like to share breakthroughs from this year’s Prayer and Fasting, please email us at We’d love to hear from you!

One of my faith goals for 2013 was for God to provide a stable job for my brother who had been unemployed for several years. In March 2013, he went to the Middle East to look for job opportunities. He did not get just any job—he got his dream job, and at the most prestigious company in that country! His housing, uniform, allowance, and everything else, are all provided for by the company. Truly, God is faithful and He exceeds expectations!

Moshi, Victory U-Belt


I got an answered prayer in 2013 when, in August, I was granted a full MBA scholarship in Tokyo, Japan. All my living expenses were covered, too! Even though I’m here in Tokyo, I’m still committed to join this year’s Prayer and Fasting. I’m so excited for what God has in store for our church, our country, and for my family.

Czara, Victory Ortigas


My family and I have been waiting for our immigrant visas to be granted to us. It was part of my faith goals for the 2013 Prayer and Fasting, and God answered our prayers before the year ended. Now, we are living in Florida! I now work as a nurse in one of the best hospitals in Gainesville, Florida. God is always faithful. Even though we experience lots of struggles and tough situations, He always give us strength and power to overcome them.

Fritzie, Victory Alabang


God gave us financial provision for my physical therapy sessions. I’m happy to report that I’ve completed all of them. Also, I included my father’s prayer for a car. God is truly faithful! God gave us a brand new car!

RA, Victory Metro East


On the third day of the 2014 Prayer and Fasting, God restored the relationship between my family members.

Ally, Middle East


Before 2012 ended, I applied twice for a job in the US, and did not make it. I started 2013 with an expectant heart, believing God would answer my long-time prayer. God answered my prayers when I got my first-ever job in the US within the year—with a multiple visa easily granted!

La Katrina, Victory Lipa


We started the year really pondering what to do with our family business. We thought about selling it, since my siblings and I work in different industries. We prayed to the Lord for guidance, and He did not delay. We were introduced to the world of franchising, which allowed our business to expand through investors with little direct cost to us. What is really amazing, though, is that God doubled our company-owned outlets and sustained our finances through it all. It does not stop there: this month, we are set to open another company-owned branch. We claim more franchisees to come this 2014.

Bry, Victory Fort


In January of 2013, I prayed and fasted for a family reconciliation. Last Christmas Eve, my dad, mom, older brother, younger half-brother, and I had dinner together after 27 years of being apart. It was surreal, and I know it is only our Lord Jesus Christ who can make such a thing happen! I praise and thank God for His faithfulness. He indeed is a promise-keeper, and he made my long-time desire come true. All praises to the Almighty Father!

Chin, Victory Makati


At the 2013 Prayer and Fasting, my faith goals included being able to give to the building fund, as well as a better job. A month after the fasting, I was eventually offered a redundancy package that gave me four months of salary tax-free, which I gladly accepted. I was able to give the amount I pledged to the building fund in full! A week after, I have received a job offer with a 35% salary increase. Only God can do that!

Honey Gee, Victory Fort


In 2013, I prayed for the salvation of my mom. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior in November of the same year. God is indeed faithful.

Myrna, Victory City of San Fernando

I ask God for a breakthrough in my career and He did it! I passed the board exam for nurses in July. Thank God!

Kai, Victory Pioneer


One of my faith goals in 2013 was to be part of a Ten Days mission trip in Timor Leste in October of the same year. God answered my prayer, not just by richly providing for my support, but also by allowing me to experience more of His love, faithfulness, power, and grace. What seemed to be impossible for me as a student became possible because of Him.

Lougie, Victory U-Belt


It was my first time to fast in 2013, and God’s grace has been so abundant! I failed the CPA board exam on my first try, but when I retook the test in 2013, I passed. God also answered my prayer to work in a firm I really wanted to be part of. What’s more, a court case filed against my mother got dismissed. I really thank God for all that He’s done in 2013!

Andrew, Victory U-Belt


The impossible for me to restore, God restored. Coming from a broken family, I never thought that our being apart would be used by Him to bring us closer together. My parents, though they never have managed to get back together, are in good terms. Truly, my prayers were heard. I’m just amazed that even the most unlikely situation, God can make a beautiful way out of it.

Markee, Victory Malate


In 2013, I believed God for abundance in finances so I could buy my own house and travel to other countries. He is truly amazing, because He went above and beyond my expectations! My condo will be turned over to me in January 2014, less than a year since I started paying for it. I was promoted and was able to go outside the country for a business trip. I am overwhelmed by His faithfulness.

Trina, Victory Fort


Our family had a problem with the ownership of our family home for four decades now. We prayed and fasted in 2012 that we will peacefully have the title ownership of our home. The title was given to us in September 2013. Only God can make it happen.

Jun, Victory Quezon City


One of my faith goals last year was to receive an additional source of income, but God gave me a promotion and a salary increase. I also got a lot of freelance projects, plus I received a salary adjustment twice this year. Also, I was praying for a new home. Before the year ended, we moved into our own home. My heart is overwhelmed with joy. God is just so faithful to His promises.

Jobelle, Victory Pioneer


I prayed to start a Victory group in the office. We now have nine members in our group!

Jen, Victory Fort


My mom is based in Narita, Japan. Our family has been praying that she would have a relationship with Jesus for more than 10 years. In 2012, God used people to reach out to her. My mom got saved and was baptized. There are no boundaries for His unfailing love. Even if we are miles apart from our loved ones, God will use people to reach out to them, To God be all glory, honor, and praise!

Avi, Victory Greenhills


  • Louel Binaohan, Victory Iloilo January 12, 2014 at 10:50 pm

    Lately, I grew Pride after I finished reading the Entire Bible, had plenty Disciples, got busy with the Ministry and received over flowing Blessings…. Such Pride that Hindered me from my Daily Bible Reading / Devotions / Quiet Time with the Lord…. The Close and Intimate Relationship that I used to have with God, was slowly Burning Away as how the Devil Stole my Communication with God (Bible Reading, Devo) I knew I was getting into such a Serious Problem coz its all turning into what you call “Religion” Being a Christian during Sundays, but being swallowed by the World the rest of the week (coz of the Lack of the Intimacy that I used to spend with God)…. This happened for quiet a Few Months, I Prayed to God to Bring me back to the times when I First Met Him, when I was on Hot Burning Fire for the Lord…. But it didn’t happen….. I failed God.

    But not until I joined the 1 Week PRAYER and FASTING…. Fasting Helped me to become Sensitive to the Holy Spirit again…. God Impressed things to me, that I have to go back to my Daily Bible Reading again, to become in Love with Him again THROUGH GROWING DEEPER INTO THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST and Letting Go of the things that God wants to take from my hands…. At First it was very difficult, coz its a Spritual Battle…. and I thank God for fighting on my side and for winning the Victory more than 2000 years ago… God gave me the Grace as He sustained and strengthen me….. I become weak through the Fast and God’s Strength was made Perfect! I realized that I needed to Empty myself so that I will be Filled by His Holy Spirit…. I’m so Blessed that I can’t help but Share this to all to Challenge others, Do you want Blessings? Or do you want the ONE who gives us the Blessings? Then DENY yourself! Joshua 3:5 ^^,) I have so much to share, but I do believe that this is not the right avenue…. I just wanna bring back ALL the Glory, Honor and Praise to JESUS CHRIST, our FATHER and to the HOLY SPIRIT alone !!!!


  • merita zilabbo henderson January 13, 2014 at 9:04 pm

    After my fasting and prayer last 6-10,2014. I took my final driving road test here in Dubai this 13th of january 2014 and I did it thanks God.
    I got my driving license, its an answered prayer.

  • Tin January 17, 2014 at 9:23 am

    In 2013, I pray na mapa-opera na namin ang myoma ng mother ko at tuluyan ko ng mabayaran lahat ng utang ko. God is amazing dahil last May naipaopera na namin ang mother ko at unti unti ko ng nabayaran ang mga utang ko. I love you Lord!

  • Dominque September 25, 2018 at 3:13 am

    website. Stick with it!Most impoprtant point is choosing words

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