Change Agents for the Next Generation

Change Agents for the Next Generation

Twenty-three campus missionaries were commissioned and sent back to their respective local Every Nation Campus centers last April 3, 2012 as the School of Campus Ministry held its seventh Commencement Ceremony.

These students, composed of ten Metro Manila campus missionaries and thirteen provincial campus missionaries, have coined “The Catalyst” as their batch name. They chose this mainly because of the life changing impact that Jesus has done in their lives and how they have come to understand this even more, especially when they entered the three-month training.

“A catalyst is something or someone that causes an important event to happen,” Liane Silla, this batch’s Best Preacher Awardee, shared. “For us, Someone did. Jesus is our Catalyst. Just as a catalyst combines two things that are originally impossible to combine, Jesus did so too.”

By realizing that Jesus is their Catalyst, these men and women are now even more passionate in reaching the next generation. As Jesus caused change in them, it is also through Him that they can be agents of change in the lives of the young people of this nation!

Armed with a compelling truth and equipped with all the lessons they’ve acquired in the School of Campus Ministry, these new campus missionaries share our excitement in their returning to many different parts of the Philippines to win campuses for Jesus!



Fiona Alvero is the Communications and Special Events Coordinator of Every Nation Campus. She’s also a Victory group leader in Victory Quezon City reaching out to the campus of Miriam College.


  • Like September 24, 2018 at 6:30 am

    Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.

  • UV底霜 October 18, 2018 at 3:35 pm

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