Beyond Tangible Hope

Beyond Tangible Hope

On March 17, 2024, a fire broke out in Barangay Alabang, Muntinlupa City, causing over 900 families to be displaced and lose their homes.

Our volunteers were quick to respond to their call for help as they repacked and brought hygiene kits, prayed for, and ministered to the fire victims.

During our outreach, we also had the privilege to pray for our Barangay Chairwoman. One of our faithful volunteers, Rea, who is also a fire victim and a part of the community, volunteered to serve the children. Rea boldly preached the gospel to them and organized various activities for them in the evacuation center.

While hygiene kits and other relief efforts may come to an end, we are confident and sure that something far greater is being birthed in this city—something that will outlast a lifetime—the gospel of Christ. It is the love that meets us in our darkest, and the love that shines through us—making our city one that stands on a hill; a beacon that cannot be hidden.

Let us continue to pray for our communities and cities, that no further fires will cause such devastation. But ultimately, let us press on bringing them closer to Christ, the One in whom hope will outlast our lifetime.

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