Floodwaters of Grace

Floodwaters of Grace

Our God is a God who can turn tragedies into stories of redemption.

After nearly a month of devastation caused by Super Typhoon Carina, our nation is slowly recovering. Yet, amidst the rebuilding, we remember how the flood of God’s grace poured into the hearts of our communities, even as the floodwaters filled their homes.

Two days after the flood receded, affected families in a town in San Pedro returned to their homes to face the challenge of cleaning up. One volunteer from Victory San Pedro teamed up with a couple from Victory Alabang to serve their neighborhood and offer prayers during the cleanup. Pastor Rein to join them in ministering to the people. The small team was driven by a heart to bless the community and share God’s love.

They went door-to-door, offering assistance wherever needed. Little did they know that this would become an open door for God to touch hearts and invite people into a relationship with Him. On each visit, they asked about each family’s well-being. While no casualties were in their midst, the calamity brought fear and despair. The team heard stories of great fear as the floodwaters rapidly rose, an unprecedented event for the community.

The team encouraged the residents and reminded them of God’s protection for their families. These conversations led to a revelation of who Christ is and what He has done -His work on the cross covers and preserves; but more than anything, Christ has provided a solution for all eternity, giving us eternal hope. 

From one family hearing the good news of the gospel, filled with great joy, word spread quickly, and soon, neighbors from across the street requested prayers as well. Around 12 families received prayer and ministry, and much later, people from the community flocked the streets and opened their hearts to receive God’s love in their midst. 

It was undeniable that there was an outpouring of God’s spirit, a flood of grace that surpassed any physical floodwaters. The same hunger for Jesus was evident from one street to another. 

Although the floodwaters invaded their homes, the overwhelming flood of God’s grace poured into their hearts at that very moment. 

Please continue to pray for our teams in Alabang and San Pedro as they continually support the rebuilding — not just of homes but lives that are touched and transformed by Christ. 

Beyond Tangible Hope

Beyond Tangible Hope

On March 17, 2024, a fire broke out in Barangay Alabang, Muntinlupa City, causing over 900 families to be displaced and lose their homes.

Our volunteers were quick to respond to their call for help as they repacked and brought hygiene kits, prayed for, and ministered to the fire victims.

During our outreach, we also had the privilege to pray for our Barangay Chairwoman. One of our faithful volunteers, Rea, who is also a fire victim and a part of the community, volunteered to serve the children. Rea boldly preached the gospel to them and organized various activities for them in the evacuation center.

While hygiene kits and other relief efforts may come to an end, we are confident and sure that something far greater is being birthed in this city—something that will outlast a lifetime—the gospel of Christ. It is the love that meets us in our darkest, and the love that shines through us—making our city one that stands on a hill; a beacon that cannot be hidden.

Let us continue to pray for our communities and cities, that no further fires will cause such devastation. But ultimately, let us press on bringing them closer to Christ, the One in whom hope will outlast our lifetime.

Victory Las Piñas to begin regular weekly services in July

Victory Las Piñas to begin regular weekly services in July

We are excited to let you all know that Victory Las Piñas will begin its regular weekly worship services, starting on July 3, 2016!

Last June 5, we held our first worship services at SM Southmall, located along the main thoroughfare of Alabang-Zapote. Two services at 9am and 11am welcomed hundreds of residents from villages and subdivisions in the area, as well as students and workers from nearby universities and offices.

Pastor Sonny and his team started scouting for a venue last year. After several months, God provided a venue in SM Southmall. Victory Las Piñas’s grand launch on July 3, Sunday, will be held at Cinema 6 on the third level of the mall. This Metro Manila location will hold worship services at 9AM and 11AM.

As Victory Las Piñas heeds the call to honor God and make disciples in the South, let us intercede and believe God for open doors to families, campuses and business establishments, so we can witness more Filipinos in this city come to the saving knowledge of Jesus.