Victory Conference

Victory Conference

Last June 27 and 28, our church family joyfully gathered at the SM MOA Arena for the Victory Conference. Distance couldn’t keep nearly 30,000 people from across the nation from coming together to celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of God.

We were truly blessed to witness a heartfelt reunion of friends and families, all united with one purpose—to worship Jesus.

How we started: Mission Field

From our leaky basement beginnings in the Tandem Cinema in 1984, Victory has held on to the same and ultimate purpose of making no other name known—Jesus.

Now, forty years later, our founding pastor, Pastor Steve Murrell, stood before the church, with gratitude for God’s unfailing love and faithfulness. He shared the timeless message that has led thousands to the saving knowledge and audacious love of God. Joining him was his son, Dr. William Murrell, who inspired us to embrace God’s call to be witnesses, guided by the power and leading of the Holy Spirit.

Together, they reminded us of the beautiful journey we are on and the incredible future God has in store for His people.

“With all the sacrifices of the world combined, the ultimate sacrifice is what the Father did when He sent His Son to come, to live, and to die for us.”

— Pastor Steve Murrell (Founder, Victory)

“To embrace God’s call to be a witness, we need a Bible, a submitted life, and a passport.”

— Dr. William Murrell (Dean of Academics, Every Nation Seminary)

Pastor Dennis Sy also  joined in our celebration, inspiring and empowering us all. He passionately urged everyone to proclaim the gospel—the only good news that will matter for eternity.

“The mission field is hungry for an encounter that will change their lives. Are you ready to be His mission force?”

– Pastor Dennis Sy (Senior Pastor, Victory Makati)

The excitement and anticipation continued into the second day of the conference. It was a sight to see more students come with passionate hearts and eagerness to encounter God.

Even as our call to preach about Jesus has remained steadfast, it’s never been without obstacles. Despite the hardships of carrying our cross, Pastor Mye Nunag encouraged us to persist in our calling, no matter how challenging, as long as Jesus is preached. Bishop Gilbert Foliente reinforced this message, reminding us that nothing else can truly transform the world like the gospel.

“Would it be enough for us to remain unnamed as long as Jesus is proclaimed?”

— Pastor Mye Nunag (Lead Pastor, Victory U-Belt)

“The gospel is the highest hope of the world. Only the gospel has the power to bring true and lasting transformation.”

— Bishop Gilbert Foliente (Bishop, Victory Metro Manila)

The Campus Run was brimming with young students whose hearts burned passionately for Jesus. It was a vivid picture of the hope and faith we hold for the next generation. With hands and voices lifted in worship, these students responded to His call to be salt and light across over 1,500 campuses they represent.

Pastor Dave Estrera, Pastor Rico Ricafort, and Elle Cabiling Tumaliuan made the final run a Spirit-filled encounter for our students. They preached on the transformative power of the gospel and emphasized how working together with our spiritual family makes us unstoppable.

God’s call to make disciples and pass it on to the next generation resonated clearly, a message the students will carry back to their homes and campuses.

“There is no greater cause that has an eternal impact than preaching the gospel and making disciples.”

— Pastor Dave Estrera (Executive Director for Every Nation Campus, Victory Metro Manila)

“Let your generation be so in love with the word of God that you will meditate on it, speak it, and live by it.”

– Elle Cabiling Tumaliuan (Campus Missionary, Victory Katipunan)

“We’re going to turn the world upside down by preaching the gospel together.”

— Pastor Rico Ricafort (Senior Pastor, Every Nation Panama)

How we can keep going: Mission Force

This conference reignited our passion to reach the lost — for future generations to hear the victory that Christ has won over sin and death, with His grace empowering us to live according to His purpose.

Thank you to over 1,000 volunteers who have served selflessly and wholeheartedly so that the next generation will know about Jesus.

As we continue to thank God for His faithfulness in the past forty years, we remember that every victory has been given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)

May the Holy Spirit empower us to press on and become His mission force.

Together, let’s change the campus and change the world for the next 40 years and beyond.

What’s your #CelebratingVictories highlight for this conference?

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