#TaalRelief: A Volunteer Story

#TaalRelief: A Volunteer Story

The Taal Volcano eruption has left thousands of families in Batangas and nearby provinces displaced, distraught, and disheartened. But as the volcano’s strong internal unrest continues, an outpouring of help and support overflows from different individuals and volunteer groups—in spite of challenging situations.


Volunteering is not easy. It requires physical effort and a great deal of emotional strength. It takes a lot of resolve and courage to actually go out there and help affected families find hope and see God’s hand at work in the midst of pain and suffering.

But it takes an even greater strength from God to help and do what we can—even while facing loss ourselves.

Morris, one of our volunteers from Victory Lemery, has been going out of his way since last week to bring relief goods to affected families in Bauan and other nearby towns. But unknown to many, Morris himself is facing a heartbreaking tragedy.

Morris’s and his wife’s families in Bauan and Taal have also been affected by the calamity. But more than the devastating effects of the eruption, it was the recent passing of his wife that really took a toll on him and broke his heart. He has been silently dealing with the pain while taking part in our relief efforts in Batangas.

An old photo of Morris with his late wife and two daughters.

Morris’s wife, Katherine, passed away a few days before Taal’s eruption; she was buried a day before it all happened. Though mourning and still in pain, Morris braves the heartache knowing that God’s grace will always be sufficient.

Morris is now left with his two daughters and a two-month-old son. While still grappling with the loss of his wife, Morris believes that it shouldn’t stop him from reaching out. He is in faith that God will continue enabling him to help those who also lost a big part of their lives.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33


As we monitor the situation in Taal, may we be inspired and encouraged to be God’s hands and feet no matter our circumstance. Let us rely on His grace and peace to calm our hearts as we continue to be in faith and believe for the best.


Like Morris and the rest of the volunteers from our South Luzon churches, you can also help affected communities in Batangas. Visit victory.org.ph/taalrelief to know more.