Beyond Limits

Beyond Limits

“I was called to something that I felt I wasn’t fully qualified to do, but somehow I was compelled that this was something I had to fulfill.”  In spite of setbacks, Tina Cabrera of Victory Malate was aware of how important it was to reach the nations for Jesus. Check out her account of her Ten Days experience here!

I took a Ten Days missions trip in November in a restricted nation.  One of our tasks was to do a prayer-walk in one of the major universities there. We spent time interceding for its students to come to know Jesus.

After spending time in the campus, I visited one of the local restaurants with a Ten Days teammate. We asked for the menu and the waitress gave us a full list of the food servings—with no pictures and no English translations at all! We didn’t want to risk pointing to a dish at random. Because of the language barrier, we spent a few minutes trying to explain what we wanted to eat, to no avail. Finally, our server asked the female customers from a nearby table to help us out.

It turns out that these women were students of the university we just came from earlier. One of them shocked me with the level of English she had. She sat beside me and introduced herself as Miriam.*

After finally getting to order, small talk ensued. I didn’t expect that I could actually meet locals, aside from our hosts! We exchanged mobile phone numbers and email addresses with the female students, and said our goodbyes shortly after. I knew this would not be the last time we would meet.

Through that encounter, God made me understand that language can never be a barrier to pour out His unfailing and unconditional love. Indeed, He breaks any barriers or hindrances to proclaim and shed His light to others. With God, there are no restraints when it comes to advancing His kingdom!

Miriam and I met again on our very last day in that nation. In the middle of our conversation, she suddenly asked me about what I believed in. It’s amazing how God opened the door for me to share my faith with her! As we continued to talk, she revealed that she learned English by reading a dual language Bible. “If I were to choose a religion and believe in faith, I will choose Christianity and I believe that there is one God,” Miriam shared.

Out of the fourteen days I spent there, God gave me one opportunity to trust Him in a deeper way. He orchestrates events in the lives of His children. I am amazed at His faithfulness and truly, I am grateful for this opportunity to be part of what He is doing in the nations!

Let’s not waste any time to be His salt and light to the world!


To know how you can take part in a short-term mission trip, please visit our Ten Days Philippines website or contact your local church coordinator.


*Name changed to protect privacy