Pray for the Communities Affected by the Taal Volcanic Smog

Pray for the Communities Affected by the Taal Volcanic Smog

Last Thursday, September 21, The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) issued a warning about the presence of volcanic smog or vog at Taal Volcano in Batangas. People in nearby areas fell ill from the noxious gasses. Classes were also suspended in Metro Manila as the city smog was mistaken for the vog.

The situation has simmered down since then. However, concerns and worries of a possible eruption similar to the one in 2020 resurfaced.

In light of this health and safety concern, we remain steadfast — trusting that the Lord is our fortress and deliverer, as it says in Psalm 18:2, The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

May our nation experience God’s peace amidst the uncertainties of the future.

Prayer Points:

  1. Let us pray for God’s divine protection for the communities near Taal Volcano, particularly in the provinces of Cavite, Batangas, Laguna, and Metro Manila. 
  1. Let us pray for God’s divine healing of those who are sick and suffering from respiratory problems due to the volcanic smog. May they recover immediately and completely. 
  1. Let us pray for wisdom for the LGU leaders and government officials as they make decisions for the well-being of their citizens.
  1. Let us pray for open doors for the church to be a blessing to the affected communities – serving as a beacon of hope, comfort, and strength to those in need. Let us pray for the gospel to be proclaimed and demonstrated during this time.

To learn more about the current situation in our nation, you can read the resources through the links below:

Volcanic smog detected in Taal, health advisory issued

Taal volcano smog makes over 40 students sick in Tuy, Batangas

#Walang Pasok: Batangas towns supend classes over Taal’s volcanic smog

Phivolcs allays fears over Taal smog, no need to raise alert level

Gasses from Philippine volcano sickens dozens of children, prompting school closures in nearby towns

Sharing God’s Message of Grace, Hope, and Love

Sharing God’s Message of Grace, Hope, and Love

It takes courage and faith to leave our old lives behind and follow God. And it takes boldness and grace to help others follow Him, too. No matter where we are, there is always an opportunity for us to share His message of grace, hope, and love.


Luis came to know Christ in 2013. One of our pastors in Victory Alabang preached the gospel to him and his wife. After receiving Jesus in their lives, their marriage was never the same. Knowing Him and His love changed them from the inside out.

Before Christ, Luis felt lost. He grew up with so much bitterness in his heart and that showed in the way he lived his life. But when he heard the gospel, a lot of things changed. He learned to forgive and also received forgiveness. God fixed his marriage and placed a burden in his heart to preach the gospel to others.

A few days after Taal’s eruption, he took the rare opportunity of preaching the gospel to affected families in San Luis, Batangas. While there, he sensed worry, fear, confusion—and hunger that no amount of food could fill. He knew he couldn’t pass up the chance to share Jesus. Using a megaphone, he shared God’s goodness in his life and led the people to a prayer of salvation.

Luis knew that only Jesus could fill our hearts with joy and peace. For him, there’s nothing better than seeing those families pray and come to God in the midst of pain and suffering. Relief goods would only last for a while, but the peace that comes from God will last even after this lifetime.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


Luis and his wife are part of a couples Victory group in Alabang. They have been married for 12 years and have four kids.

If you have stories to share, please email them to or send them through the Victory app!