Go Conference 2023

Go Conference 2023

After four years of being apart, we were finally able to worship together as one Every Nation global family in Cape Town, South Africa!

Delegates from 71 nations came together last October 5–7, 2023 for the Go Conference 2023. We had an incredible time praying for the nations, celebrating miraculous testimonies, and worshiping God together in spirit and truth.

As a church family, we continually take heed of God’s call in Isaiah 56 to be “a house of prayer for all nations”. We took the time to gather each morning to believe for miracles in our lives and in every nation.

Believing that God has called us to the campuses together, we declared His promise over the campuses of the world

Aside from the powerful sessions, we’ve heard countless stories of miracles in the midst of affliction and persecution. This compelled us to live a life of mission despite the reality of fear. We are in faith that as we boldly obey God’s call, His miracles will accompany us.

We capped off our time together by taking communion in response to Jesus’ prayer in John 17, that we may be one in Him as we tell the world of all that He’s done.

We are expectant for miracles to happen as we follow Him as one people, set apart and sent on a mission. May God continue to be made known in our church, campuses, cities, and nation!

Every Nation is a global family of churches and campus ministries, of which Victory is a founding member.

Pray for God’s Light to Shine in South Africa

Pray for God’s Light to Shine in South Africa

The attention of the Every Nation world turns to Cape Town, South Africa as it hosts the Every Nation’s Go Conference, held every three years, from October 5–7, 2023. Over 4,000 delegates are expected to descend worldwide at the Cape Town International Convention Center. There are currently 30 Every Nation churches in South Africa.

While the Every Nation conference will take on the atmosphere of a global family reunion, there is much tension in the nation.

Decades after the end of Apartheid, South Africa continues to struggle with the blight of racism. Being the most industrialized economy in the region, many job hunters from the surrounding African nations move here in search of employment. With the 7.7% white minority still controlling much of the economy and an unemployment rate upwards of 30%, tensions are high among the local black South Africans who feel the immigrants are getting jobs that are supposed to be theirs. The poverty rate is at a staggering 55%.

Furthermore, the economy is expected to shrink this year due to an energy crisis. Years of mismanagement of the state-owned Eskom, the nation’s electricity public utility, has led to daily blackouts of up to 12 hours a day. Businesses have suffered as a result. This crisis is expected to last until 2025 and it is expected to take 5 years before the daily blackouts are fully eliminated.

All of these will come to a head at the 2024 national elections. The ruling African National Congress (ANC), in power since 1994, looks particularly weakened by these crises leading to next year’s elections. This is a crucial tipping point for the nation – a possible fuel to a fire. 

The Bible refers to the Church in Matthew 5:14 as the light of the world and a city on a hill. As Every Nation holds its 3-day world conference, may the surrounding community see and experience the genuine love, fellowship, and witness of the global family of churches. Pray for divine appointments between locals and guests. Our Every Nation churches in Cape Town have a long history of social responsibility dating back to the struggle against Apartheid. Pray for new doors to open towards serving the community in this time of great need.

Prayer Points:

  1. Lift up Go 2023 in prayer. Pray for all visa applications of delegates to be approved and for traveling mercies. Cover all the details and logistics in prayer. Ask God to speak through every conference speaker so that His word to Every Nation would clearly come through the preachers. Above all, pray for the presence of God to be all throughout the conference.
  2. Intercede for a spirit of love and unity to put an end to the spirit of racism that has burdened Africa for centuries. Release a spirit of forgiveness, love, and mercy throughout the land. Pray for the people to celebrate racial diversity rather than resist it.
  3. Ask God for wisdom for the energy sector to solve the power crisis. Pray for the economy to rebound so that poverty and unemployment can be brought under control.

To learn more about the current situation in South Africa, you can read the resources through the links below:

Every Nation is a global family of churches and campus ministries, of which Victory is a founding member.

We are called to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). This is the reason we value world missions as a church and persistently pray for the nations.

Join Us at the 2016 Every Nation World Conference!

Join Us at the 2016 Every Nation World Conference!

“Every so often we need to sound a trumpet and gather together to rekindle the vision, renew relationships, and reaffirm the commitments we have made to one another.” ~ Pastor Steve Murrell, President of Every Nation

Every three years, the Every Nation global family celebrates where God has led us and what God has done through us as we reach every nation in our generation. At the 2010 conference, we broke a Guinness world record. In 2013, we celebrated our twentieth anniversary. This 2016, we’re boldly going where God tells us to go!

This year, we’re heading to South Africa for the 2016 Every Nation World Conference, to be held at the Grandwest Arena in Cape Town from October 3rd to 7th. Registration began last February 15th, and is still ongoing!

Why should we go? Because we’re family. We belong to a spiritual family that spans the entire globe. Joining the world conference will let us see the bigger picture, and give us front row seats to how our organization impacts lives all over the world.

Because we’re called. Our mission calls us to reach every nation in our generation. God has called us to this family to achieve that mission.

Because we can. As children of God and followers of Christ, we can follow that calling to the ends of the earth. If you have the heart to go, then you should be there! God has commissioned us to go and we all have a role to play to reach the nations. Let us be in faith that everyone joining the conference will hear and respond to God’s call to honor God and make disciples, at their home, and to the ends of the earth. You know what that means; book your plane tickets, plan vacation time, and get your family ready! There are only five weeks to go, so register now at http://www.en2016.org/registration. See you in South Africa!

Watch the 2016 Every Nation World Conference promo video here!