Pray For Every Filipino To Be A Channel Of God’s Blessing And Righteousness

Pray For Every Filipino To Be A Channel Of God’s Blessing And Righteousness

On Monday, August 26, we commemorated National Heroes Day at the Libingan ng mga Bayani in Taguig. The president urged Filipinos to be “heroes in their own right.” He called on the Filipino people to respect the rule of law, uphold democracy, and defend Philippine sovereignty. 

Over the past years, our nation has also recognized and celebrated our modern-day heroes, namely the members of the Navy, overseas Filipino workers, teachers, and environmental advocates, among others.

As a church, we are committed to actively promoting and upholding integrity in every sphere of society, wherever God places us. Our responsibility is to be ambassadors of truth and righteousness in our land. In Deuteronomy 16:20, we are called to pursue justice – Justice, and only justice, you shall follow, that you may live and inherit the land that the Lord your God is giving you. We should be aware not to indulge in selfish gain, pervert justice, show partiality, and accept bribes. May we not be the kind of double-standard people, but may the Bible be the first and final authority in our lives. 

Jesus is primarily concerned with the corruption in our hearts. He has come to save us from the corruption and wickedness within us. Our prayer is that the transformation Jesus brought to our hearts will also be the transformation we bring to our city, nation, and beyond.

As people of God, we take justice, righteousness, and the choosing of our leaders seriously. In view of the upcoming 2025 senatorial and municipal council elections, we ask the Lord to appoint righteous and competent leaders who will be an extension of His justice and righteousness in our land. 

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for our modern-day heroes, that God may arm them with strength and grace as they serve in different sectors of our society.
  2. Pray for wisdom and discernment to recognize right from wrong and right from almost right in our daily situations. Let us ask for God’s grace to always live righteously as His church.
  3. Pray for those currently in government offices and positions of leadership that they will fear God and resist any temptation to succumb to corruption and pervert justice.
  4. Pray for the people who will be voting in the next elections, that it will start within themselves the desire to pursue righteousness, competence, and justice at all times.

To learn more about the current situation in our nation, you may read through these resources: