Honoring God in Ministry

Honoring God in Ministry

Give to everyone what you owe them . . . if honor, then honor.

Romans 13:7

  God is honored in an atmosphere of honor. Here are five values that honor God in the music ministry by honoring certain people who’ve exemplified these values in their lives. Mentoring Humility honors God. It is important to be open to the correction and encouragement of a mature Christian in your ministry. Get mentored and also be a mentor. If you find it hard to be a mentor, I encourage you to ask God to give you a vision for the people in your team. When He does, mentoring will come naturally. Leadership honors God, too. It takes a good leader to see the potential and gifts of others. Rejoice in the strength of the people you’re mentoring, and help launch them to their calling and destiny. God is honored when you share all you’ve learned, while believing that He wants to move in and through others as well. Unity Unity honors God. I realize that I’m a part of something much bigger and I have to be mindful and responsible to do my part. One of my favorite things about unity is getting to see God’s grace abound as people in the ministry learn to overlook offenses or consider others better than themselves. Unity is a beautiful thing because you see everybody letting go of their selfish ambition and really submit to God’s will and what’s best for His Kingdom. God wants His ministry united in direction and in devotion. Stewardship If you are a singer, a musician, or a writer, you are accountable for the things God has given you to steward. Invest in getting better at your craft. Practice! Get lessons! Be a good steward, for this honors God. Integrity This, I learned the most from my kuya Koji. He was the same person on-stage, off-stage, and at home. Integrity means living a whole life. We should not live a double life. Integrity follows the mindset that wherever you are, you are in God’s presence—so live as one who is in His presence. When you invite people to worship with you on stage that should automatically mean that that’s what you do when you’re off stage and at home. Compassion God is honored not only when we seek His heart, but as we reflect His heart while we do ministry. We don’t have to leave our respective volunteer ministries to make disciples. On a personal note, my ministry in discipleship will always come before my ministry in music. Singing with them from the stage is wonderful but there is nothing like seeing God’s grace and transformation in these people’s lives close up. Don’t forget that music is a ministry for this purpose! Every time someone gets saved, the knowledge that heaven is rejoicing with me adds fuel to my passion to serve in the music ministry.   Singer/songwriter Sarah Bulahan leads a Victory group and serves in the music ministry of Victory Quezon City.

Going Into all the World

Going Into all the World

Young as you are, you can make a difference! Sarah Bulahan started in church when she was six years old. Now, she boldly shares the gospel to her classmates and friends. Truly, age doesn’t matter when we make disciples. Read more on her testimony here.


I first received Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was six years old. I’ve been attending Victory KIDS for three years and one Sunday, we were singing the song “Heart of Worship.” I realized right then and there that my life was all about Jesus—nothing else. From then on, my life was forever changed.

Growing up in church, I’ve been discipled by different people. One of them, Janelle, taught me how to love God’s Word and pant for it like water. She showed me how important it was to have a relationship with Jesus.

I decided to share the gospel to my classmates and friends because of how God revealed Himself to me. There’s just no other way to respond. When He reveals how great He is, there’s just no containing Him. Once He fills your heart, there’s just nothing else to speak of.

Who says discipleship can’t be fun?

Some of my classmates and friends readily received the gospel; some didn’t. I even had to repeat chapter 1 of ONE 2 ONE five times before taking a break. God really reminded me that it’s not about me or the way I speak or how I live, but it’s really about Him and how He can just reveal Himself to His people.

One time, one of the girls I was doing ONE 2 ONE with disappeared. I couldn’t contact her at all. I had my time of crying to God, “Where did she go? Did I waste my time on her? What happens now?” It’s really moments like that that God humbles me and reminds me that my time isn’t my time but His. And that I am NOT the savior and I will never be the savior. God comforts me and tells me to trust and pray and to remember everything I was taught. She came back six months later and right now she can’t stop inviting her classmates and friends even if they live so far away. It’s crazy how God’s timing is perfect. I’ve learned to trust His control AND His character.

Discipleship is relationship! Sarah (center) and her Victory group having a picnic in UP Diliman

Don’t look for someone else to share the gospel to the people around you. If God wanted someone else, then He would have spoken to someone else.

God is not far away. He lives in YOU. I don’t know about you, but that just makes me feel so powerful and confident in Christ!



Sarah Bulahan is a college student at the University of the Philippines – Diliman taking up BS HRIM. She also volunteers at the Music Ministry of Victory Quezon City.