New Series: Proof

New Series: Proof

God’s grace is never without evidence in our lives. Join us for “Proof,” our four-week series on grace. At the end of this series, may each of us have a greater understanding of God’s grace and its effect in our lives—resulting in lives of purity, productivity, and generosity.

Here’s the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: HIStory
  • Week two: Exceptional Purity
  • Week three: Extreme Productivity
  • Week four: Extravagant Generosity

A special devotional has also been created for “Proof.” This four-part series is designed to help unravel the richness of God’s grace and understand its powerful outworking in our lives — resulting in a life of exceptional purity, extreme productivity, and extravagant generosity.

Download: [Week 1]

Victory is one church meeting at different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in several provinces across the Philippines. Join us at a Victory center nearest you. Invite your family and friends to join us, too!

See you at all our services!