Pray for God’s Peace Over Israel and Palestine

Pray for God’s Peace Over Israel and Palestine

Hamas, a militant group founded to wage war against Israel and officially regarded as a terrorist group by Western nations, shocked Israel and the world on October 7 by launching a surprise attack on Israeli territory killing 1,000 people and taking 100 hostages. It was the worst assault suffered by Israel in 50 years. Prime Minister Netanyahu immediately declared that Israel was in a state of war and vowed it would “take mighty vengeance” against Hamas. An overwhelming military response is expected any day that threatens not only Gaza but the stability in the region and the world.

Our heart goes out to both nations whose innocent citizens are caught in the crossfires. Let’s pray for God’s divine intervention to put an end to the enemy’s work of stealing, killing, and destroying lives. May His love and mercy bring peace and healing in these dark times.

Below is an article by Pastor Farres Abraham. Pastor Farres leads one of the Every Nation churches in the US specializing in ministry and discipleship among Arabic-speaking people. He is a Palestinian married to a Gazan. This read gives a fresh perspective how to pray for the two nations during this very difficult time.

Every Nation is a global family of churches and campus ministries, of which Victory is a founding member.

We are called to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). This is the reason we value world missions as a church and persistently pray for the nations.