2023: A Year of Miracles

Let us recount the great things that the Lord has done in and through us as we welcome 2024.

6,105 people gave their life to Christ and were baptized

26 new churches were planted across the nation

975 campuses opened their doors for the gospel

Over 20 communities and 70 campuses in Metro Manila experienced God’s love as we partnered with school administrators and local government units

1,475 Real LIFE scholars faced the future with hope, and 164 graduated this year

196 missionaries were sent to preach the gospel to 35 nations, and 19 Ten Days teams were sent to 12 nations

109 ministers (pastors, cross cultural and campus missionaries) were commissioned to bring the gospel to the campuses, cities, and nations

95 pastors and leaders from 35 nations came together at the Every Nation building for the residential intensives of the Every Nation Seminary

But nothing is greater than the miracle of knowing Christ together.

Let us enter 2024 with the same hope–that we have a God who fulfills promises and sets us apart for His purposes.

Got a miracle story? Click here to share it with us!

Midyear Prayer and Fasting 2023

Midyear Prayer and Fasting 2023


As one family, we sought God in prayer and declared to make Him known. 

We believe that God works miracles today by the power of the Holy Spirit to bless people and advance his kingdom.


We prayed for the nation.

We stood in faith and asked God’s provision upon our economy. We also prayed for the upcoming barangay elections in October. May there be godly leaders equipped to serve and lead our nation.



We prayed for the church.

We made a commitment to God to share His gospel and live it out.



We prayed for the next generation.

We asked for open doors on the campuses so we can reach future leaders. May they find their purpose, meaning, and hope in Christ.



Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 


Got stories of faith? Build faith by sharing breakthroughs here.

New Series: Beyond the Signs

New Series: Beyond the Signs

Many of us are familiar with the miracles of Jesus. His transformation of water to wine. His healing of the official’s son, the man born blind, and the lame man at the pool on the Sabbath. His walking on water, His feeding of the five thousand, and His raising of Lazarus from the dead.

These narratives are more than just stories. Each miracle is a sign we can follow to help us understand who Jesus really is.

Join us for our new series, “Beyond the Signs,” as we look with fresh eyes at seven of Jesus’ miracles recorded in the Gospel of John. Through this series, we hope to have a deeper understanding of who Jesus is, and what He came to do.

Check out the list of weekly topics for our seven-week series:

March 4 and 5: The Wedding at Cana
March 11 and 12: Jesus Heals an Official’s Son
March 18 and 19: The Healing at the Pool on the Sabbath
March 25 and 26: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
April 1 and 2: Jesus Walks on Water
April 8 and 9: Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
April 15 and 16: Jesus Raises Lazarus

Bring your family and friends, and join us at any of our services! Victory in Metro Manila is one church with multiple congregations; we also meet in multiple venues throughout the Philippines.

If you’re posting about Beyond the Signs, please use the official hashtag #BeyondTheSignsPH on Facebook and Twitter.

See you this weekend at any of our services!