Ministry Recognition 2024: Set Apart For God’s Call

Ministry Recognition 2024: Set Apart For God’s Call

Answering God’s Call

By God’s grace alone, we, as a church, are privileged to sow seeds for future generations. We also reap the fruits of faith sown by those who came before us. 

On December 12, 2024, a Ministry Recognition was held in honor of the lives and unwavering faith of 35 pastors who have dedicated their lives to God and vocational pastoral ministry. We celebrated alongside their loved ones, fully supporting God’s call for them.

We praise God for His faithfulness, which allowed them to exemplify the joy of a life lived by obeying God. We commend them for bearing Christ’s joy in all circumstances, shepherding God’s people, and trusting God’s grace as they live for the sake of the gospel.

Bishop Gilbert encouraged our vocational ministers that saying “yes” to God means becoming His servants—in full surrender of rights and embracing a life of humility. 

Answering God’s call is not a career choice but a submission to the will of God. As full-time ministers, God sets us apart for the gospel, knowing who we are and whose we are. 

And while we celebrate the vocational calling of our pastors, we also believe that every member is a minister. The biblical call to be ministers of reconciliation in this world is for every Christian. We all have a unique and irrevocable calling from the Lord, and may we continue to steward this faithfully as we advance God’s kingdom together.

A Legacy of Faith

From fishers of men to shepherds of God’s flock, our pastors answer the call to faithfully care for the flock entrusted to them. Their dedication reflects their love for Jesus, who first loved us.

We awarded our pastors who have served for 20 to 30 years. We honor them for their sacrifices and, most importantly, for their obedience—loving others as Christ did, and seeing His flock with compassion.

As we conclude the ceremony, we also give special recognition to the late Bishop Ferdie Cabiliing. We dedicate two rooms in the Every Nation U-Belt Building to serve as spaces for discipleship and evangelism—the two things he was most passionate about. We pray that these rooms will host the next generation of students who will be equipped to share Christ’s love with others.

In the next 40 years of shepherding God’s people, may we await God’s commendation, “My good and faithful servant,” a reward far greater than any earthly recognition.

As we serve the Lord in whatever expression He has entrusted us with, may it be so real to us that there is no greater adventure and calling than surrendering our lives to Christ.