2023: A Year of Miracles

Let us recount the great things that the Lord has done in and through us as we welcome 2024.

6,105 people gave their life to Christ and were baptized

26 new churches were planted across the nation

975 campuses opened their doors for the gospel

Over 20 communities and 70 campuses in Metro Manila experienced God’s love as we partnered with school administrators and local government units

1,475 Real LIFE scholars faced the future with hope, and 164 graduated this year

196 missionaries were sent to preach the gospel to 35 nations, and 19 Ten Days teams were sent to 12 nations

109 ministers (pastors, cross cultural and campus missionaries) were commissioned to bring the gospel to the campuses, cities, and nations

95 pastors and leaders from 35 nations came together at the Every Nation building for the residential intensives of the Every Nation Seminary

But nothing is greater than the miracle of knowing Christ together.

Let us enter 2024 with the same hope–that we have a God who fulfills promises and sets us apart for His purposes.

Got a miracle story? Click here to share it with us!

The Joy of Serving

The Joy of Serving

Every year, we take time to recount the stories of changed lives, communities served, campuses reached, and the miracles we experienced as a church.

As we do this, we also take time to honor and celebrate our small group leaders and ministry volunteers across our local centers in the Philippines.

We had a time of fun and fellowship where we thanked each church member who contributed to running our worship services and helped us build our local churches.

If you are a leader, a volunteer, or anyone who has helped our church grow this year in whatever way, we sincerely thank you for your service.

The details of your work may not be fully seen by the eyes of men, but we want to assure you that the God we serve is a Rewarder, and your reward in heaven is full.

Thank you for keeping your most important and esteemed audience, your audience of One—Jesus, our Greatest Reward.

May you be blessed abundantly, and may a thousandfold of what you give be returned to you by His grace. Your gifts are a blessing to many and have helped people come to know Christ more!

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” — Hebrews 6:10

Shoutout to all our small group leaders and volunteers! Great job to you!