Nothing Like His Word

Nothing Like His Word

I am a tax and corporate lawyer. Before I came to know Christ, my life revolved around my career and my college fraternity. Being well-known around my circles was very important to me. My stature in society became my source of security.

Every night, I would spend countless hours going out with friends, drinking, gambling, and womanizing. I didn’t care if I was slowly plummeting into debt. I lived to gratify myself. But not too long after, my hedonistic lifestyle caught up with me. I lost my wife—and almost lost my children. I was left feeling empty. All the worldly things I used to be obsessed with gratified me only for a little while. In the long run, I was left with nothing but a hollow space in my heart.

In May 2001, after one of my wild nights with friends, I woke up feeling lost and lonely. I called up a friend from Subic and met with him. I told him what I felt and was surprised to find out that he had given his life to Christ. He showed me a passage from the Bible, and it struck my heart. The following day, May 6, 2001, I attended a worship service with him at the Makati Sports Club. During the preaching, I felt like I was being bombarded with bullets—every single word pierced my heart; I was so convicted of my sins. At the end of the service, during the altar call, I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

I thought my life would become boring after receiving Christ since I would have to turn my back from the worldly things I used to do. But I was proven wrong. My life became even more meaningful and exciting after I received Him in my life.

Before, my life was of haughtiness and arrogance. I felt that I was better than most people; I was self-centered and so full of myself. But my attitude changed when I started immersing myself in the Word: I stopped cursing, womanizing, and wasting money; instead, I began tithing and became more giving. I trusted God more, and my faith increased.

Soon, I started serving God through the ushering ministry and eventually volunteered in other ministries. I became hungry for more of His Word. Whenever I go abroad, I would look for an Every Nation church where I could attend, so I would grow spiritually. And in case I could not find one, I would go to a church with the same beliefs and values. I became more motivated to please and glorify God with everything I do, say, and think.

In 2006, I remarried, and my relationship with my second wife, as well as that of my children, became stronger like never before. I began to make decisions based on preserving relationships and integrity over considerations of money. I set aside greed and gave up any association with gambling—including my shares in an online gaming company. Though it later earned a big amount of money, God gave me the grace to let go of it without regret.

God’s grace is immeasurable. He took me out of the pit of destruction I was wallowing in for years and gave me a new life with Him. I will always be bold in sharing how His Word changed my life.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17


Atty. Inky is Victory’s legal counsel and part of Victory Pioneer. He goes on short-term mission trips and teaches on occasion in discipleship trainings.