Secrets my Father Told me

Secrets my Father Told me

“God has secrets too—secrets that He wants to share. Secret riches, hidden treasures in His Word . . . and they are there for His children to discover.”

Marie Bonifacio, guest-blogging on, writes about how life-giving words from her father made an impact to her at an early age. In the same vein, our Heavenly Father is more than willing to share His secrets for us in His Word. Discover the secrets God wants to reveal to us in this blog post, “Secrets my Father Told me”.

Let’s stay together

Let’s stay together

“God knew what He was doing when He made man in His own image – and made them male and female. It’s her hand, her voice, her smile, her kindness, brought forth by the unfading beauty of a gentle, quiet spirit which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

Pastor Joey Bonifacio ruminates about loneliness while paying tribute to his wife, Marie, in this heartfelt blog entry.