Every Nation Books

Every Nation Books

As a church, we value Lordship, evangelism, discipleship, leadership, and family. You can learn more about these values through stories from our church leaders in these books.


A Bible and a Passport by Jun Escosar 

Every disciple needs a Bible and a passport—a Bible to know God, and a passport to obey the Great Commission. In this book, Pastor Jun Escosar talks about how a bunch of students decided to use a Bible and a passport to preach the gospel in every nation. He also tells stories about Every Nation missionaries from different corners of the world. Learn more about our heart and strategy for missions as you read this book.

Available on Amazon and Kindle


Run by Ferdie Cabiling 

Running this race called life is never easy. In this book, Running Pastor Ferdie Cabiling shares key insights that he gained through running races in life, both literally and figuratively. He also tells the stories from his run across the Philippines for almost 50 days. Run shows us that to finish strong, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, as we run the race set before us.

Available on Amazon, Kindle, and major bookstores nationwide!



My First, Second & Third Attempts at Parenting by Steve Murrell 

How do we raise the next generation to love God and pursue His will? In this book, Pastor Steve Murrell shares stories and reflections that can help us discover God’s heart toward children, our hearts as parents, and how we can prepare our children’s hearts to know and love their heavenly Father.

Available on Amazon, Kindle, and in major bookstores nationwide!



WikiChurch by Steve Murrell 

Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples. As a church, our primary focus is on helping people follow Jesus, not building buildings. This book will help us learn how to engage culture and community, establish biblical foundations, equip believers to minister, and empower disciples to make disciples.

Available on Amazon and Kindle!



The Multiplication Challenge by Steve Murrell 

“Where do I find more leaders?” Most leaders of a growing organization eventually ask this question. And though the need for leaders is great, few of us know how to create a culture of leadership development. This book recounts how Pastor Steve and Every Nation solved the leadership shortage of a growing church and global mission organization through the four leadership multipliers—identification, instruction, impartation, and internship.

Available on Amazon, Kindle, and in major bookstores nationwide!


100 Years from Now by Steve Murrell

What will our movement look like 100 years from now? Our prayer is that we will be able to carry out our mission, values, and culture beyond our lifetime. Sustaining a movement for generations is not easy, but it’s possible! This book looks at the values and principles we started with and hope to continue to hold onto even 100 years from now.

Available on Amazon!



Our history, mission, values, and culture have played a big part in where we are now as a movement. But ultimately, these foundations are nothing without God’s grace. It is His grace that has allowed us to honor Him and make disciples, from 35 years ago until today. Here’s to more years of honoring God and making disciples!

Honor God With Your Heart

Honor God With Your Heart

“True worship is worshipping God from the heart.”

In this Every Nation podcast, Pastor Jun Escosar talks about the true essence of honoring God.  Unlike religiosity, which only changes our outward behavior, a relationship with God changes our hearts.