In this mini message, Pastor Joey Bonifacio talks about the importance of trust in a discipleship relationship. There are universal principles that bring relationships together, and trust–which is another word for faith–is the foundation. Like the building of a relationship, trust doesn’t happen overnight. It has varying degrees, which is why it needs to be grown and nurtured. When we disciple someone, we establish trust and help them grow in their faith in God.
In this #ENfast2016 vlog, Pastor Joey Bonifacio of Victory Fort Bonifacio gleans from Ephesians 2:10, talking about how each of us are God’s masterpieces, created for good works.
“God wants us to have golden faith—steady in the good times, committed in the bad times, and trusting in our Savior and Lord, who promises to be with us even in the fire.”
God’s Word says that we are more than conquerors in Christ.
Know how we can overcome feelings of self-doubt and condemnation in this blog post by Pastor Joey Bonifacio.
“Jesus came to break the yoke of sin and the yoke of condemnation.”
Pastor Joey Bonifacio encourages each of us to walk in the freedom Christ has purchased for us in this blog post entitled, “What do I do With Feelings of Guilt?”
“When you learn to rest in the rhythms of God, that flow allows you to
make time for the right things.” Listen to Pastor Joey Bonifacio as he reminds us of God’s purpose for the Sabbath.
“God made you to be a light in the dark, sometimes even a voice in the wilderness. Trust in His timing. He knows what He’s doing.” How do you respond when you’re in a hostile environment? Be
encouraged as Pastor Joey Bonifacio shares timeless truths in this blog post, “What Should I do When my Environment is Toxic?”
“Valuing God comes before anyone or anything.” What does it mean to put God first above all else? Pastor Joey Bonifacio encourages us about this truth in his blog post, “Why Values are Tricky”.
“It’s not too late for the Lord to redirect your life and answer your prayers.”
How does our Heavenly Father turn things around when it seems too late? Learn more in Pastor Joey Bonifacio’s blog post, “What do I do when Things are too Late?“
“The way we treat another person can create a bridge between us or a wall that separates us.” Check out Pastor Joey Bonifacio’s blog to know how to build bridges instead of walls with your key relationships.
“It takes a community of people to raise a generation of leaders who are connected to God and to one another.” In this blog entry, Pastor Joey shares the story of five women in the life of Biblical leader Moses. God used these women to make Moses who he is.
“God knew what He was doing when He made man in His own image – and made them male and female. It’s her hand, her voice, her smile, her kindness, brought forth by the unfading beauty of a gentle, quiet spirit which is of great worth in God’s sight.”
Pastor Joey Bonifacio ruminates about loneliness while paying tribute to his wife, Marie, in this heartfelt blog entry.
“This is how we are to treat our relationship with God, foremost, nothing quite like it. If we are asked what is the greatest love there is, our definitive answer should be – Jesus. Nothing and no one compares.”
Pastor Joey Bonifacio waxes poetic in this blog entry on love, identifying three things about love that point us back to God.
Does fasting have any real value? How can an empty stomach be of any advantage to you?
Fasting is an ancient practice that has enormous benefits but is often misunderstood. Shrouded in mystery, it has even been mistaken for dieting. In reality, fasting is so much more than depriving oneself of a few meals.
Joey Bonifacio’s The Mystery of the Empty Stomach will help you discover, understand, appreciate, benefit from, and enjoy this ancient practice. This little book discusses fasting in short, easily digestible chapters. Among them are:
From Duty to Delight
From Deprivation to Desire
From Desperation to Devotion
From Diet to Deposit
A few of the highlights from The Mystery of the Empty Stomach include:
“Fasting is associated with desperate situations. Through the centuries, people fasted mostly when they found themselves in tight spots. Jesus, on the other hand, was espousing a new and higher motivation to fast – not one borne of desperation, but out of devotion.”
“We fast not to twist God’s arm so he will pay attention to us. We already have his undivided attention. We don’t fast in order to make ourselves worthy of his acceptance. We already have his unconditional love.”
“We fast not so he will hear us, but for us to hear him.”
“The Pharisees’ idea of fasting was to deprive the flesh in order to strengthen the spirit. They were focusing on the wrong thing. Jesus was telling them that fasting was not about depriving yourself. Rather, its about desiring the Bridegroom.”
As we start our Mid-year Prayer and Fasting, we recommend you prepare by picking up and reading a copy of The Mystery of the Empty Stomach by Joey Bonifacio, available at Life by the Book bookstores (including the branch at the Every Nation Building) and selected National Bookstore and House of Praise outlets.
“Light is the atmosphere that produces life. Light brings life. As Jesus declared, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'”
In this blog entry, Pastor Joey Bonifacio discusses what Jesus meant when he said that we would never walk in darkness.