New Series: Intrusion

New Series: Intrusion

This weekend, we’re starting a new series entitled, “Intrusion.” Join us as we take a tour of the Old Testament and discover Jesus’s presence in various accounts of the Bible.

As we go through “Intrusion,” may each of us have a greater trust in God, knowing that He is present even in impossible situations, and that He is faithful to accomplish His will in each of our lives!

Check out the list of weekly topics here:

Week one: At the River Crossing: Having a life-changing encounter with God
Week two: On the Battlefield: Claiming God’s promises in our lives
Week three: Under the Tree: God is a mighty deliverer
Week four: In the Furnace: Standing up for God in spite of oppression

Victory is one church in the Philippines meeting in multiple locations in Metro Manila and in the provinces. Invite your family and friends to join us on this four-week adventure of knowing God in a deeper way!