All Set to Make a Change for the Nation

All Set to Make a Change for the Nation

Our heart has always been to see our scholars empowered to pursue their dreams and extend God’s goodness to their families and communities. This is why graduations are defining moments for our Real LIFE scholars and our church community.

Last October 16, 2023, we celebrated 66 Real LIFE graduates from Metro Manila and Central Luzon. 

Motivating our Graduates

Our speakers’ messages prepared our graduates towards the new chapter in their lives.

Mae Perez, the Executive Director of Real LIFE, encouraged them to live out the learned values that have shaped them as young scholars. 

Randell Tiongson, our commencement speaker, inspired them to build a better future by pursuing God’s calling and purpose.

Honoring their Hard Work

We proudly cheered on our 8 Magna Cum Laudes and 14 Cum Laudes for rising above life’s challenges with diligence and determination.

We honored graduates for faithfully embodying the core values of leadership, integrity, faith, and excellence.

Our Excellence Award was given to Shaina Capote for her remarkable achievement of graduating Summa Cum Laude in AB Political Science at Colegio de la Purisma Concepcion.

She is the second student in 75 years to have been given this award in her university and the first in her program.

Called to Change the Nation

We are confident that these graduates are ready to face tomorrow, knowing God’s grace and favor goes ahead of them, every step of the way. 

Thank you for believing and supporting our scholars! 

Together, let’s change a life and change the nation.

School of World Missions Gears Up For Graduation

School of World Missions Gears Up For Graduation

The 23rd batch of the Every Nation School of World Missions is set to graduate on May 19 in ceremonies at the Every Nation Building facility in Bonifacio Global City.

Trained by the School of World Missions to effectively engage communities, disciple individuals, plant churches, and train local leaders in their selected nations, the 20 female and 21 male graduates represent seventeen nations in five continents. They successfully completed a four-month curriculum designed to help them live out their calling to serve in cross-cultural ministry.

The Every Nation School of World Missions aims to develop cross-cultural missionaries who exemplify consistent spiritual disciplines and excellent leadership and discipleship skills necessary to engage and adapt to any given culture. Its alumni now serve as pastors, missionaries, and leaders in key ministries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and North America.

As the 41 graduates of the 23rd batch are sent out to 26 different nations, we are expectant that God will use them to preach the gospel. Please stand with us in prayer for their continued protection and provision, and for God to give them wisdom and understanding as they live out their calling to be salt and light to the ends of the earth.

31 church planters and local church ministers graduate

31 church planters and local church ministers graduate

A total of 31 local church ministers and church planters will be honored and recognized as they graduate from the Every Nation Schools of Church Planting and Local Church Ministry in simple ceremonies tonight, April 26, 2016. These students are the men and women who will help grow the harvest as they go back to their churches, while others will start new churches in different locations.

A total of 20 students comprise the ninth batch of graduates from the School of Local Church Ministry. The school’s three-month course prepares aspiring local church ministers to have the biblical, theological, and ministry foundations essential for leading a church and taking it to the next level of growth.

From the School of Church Planting, 11 students represent its 10th batch of graduates. The school’s training is also three months long, and is focused primarily on preparing men and women to become effective ministers in the local church.

The Every Nation Schools of Ministry have been part of helping prepare these men and women to effectively carry out our mission to honor God and make disciples. After three fruitful months of equipping and training, these upcoming local church ministers and church planters are now more than ready to go back to their respective mission fields to be used by God in different cities to reach out to their communities and be radical for Jesus.

Casting the Vision for the Campuses and the Nation

On April 16, 30 men and women graduated from the Every Nation School of Campus Ministry. These individuals represented different Victory centers from all over the Philippines. Out of this number, 22 represented different cities and municipalities outside Metro Manila. Two members of the class are also part of different churches from the Body of Christ.

The graduates of the 13th batch of the School of Campus Ministry
The graduates of the 13th batch of the School of Campus Ministry

Two of the graduates, Dianne Bautista and Kei de Guzman, both have a vision not just for the campuses, but also for the churches they are helping plant.

Dianne, who will be helping plant a Victory church in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya, is in faith that at least 100 church members would be part of discipleship groups, and be equipped and empowered to lead their own groups as well. Right now, the campus ministry in Bambang is growing, with around 15 to 18 students being raised as leaders.


Kei, who will be part of the church planting team in Ilagan, Isabela, believes that the students their team will be discipling will catch the vision of honoring God and making disciples as one unit, passing it on to the next generation. The campus ministry in Ilagan also has 68 students meeting together in Victory groups.


Dianne and Kei are just two of the campus ministers who were trained in our School of Campus MInistry. We are in faith to hear more stories of changed lives and breakthrough not only in the campuses, but in the cities these men and women are doing work in. Please stand with us in prayer for these new graduates as they go and make disciples in the campuses!

Reaching our Nation, one Step at a Time

Reaching our Nation, one Step at a Time

We believe in equipping and empowering leaders to plant churches. Because Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples, we want to fulfill His Great Commission by reaching our cities, cultures, and communities. We also want to help establish churches who, in turn, will plant other churches in other communities.

Victory’s School of Local Church Ministry and School of Church Planting is a response to the Great Commission, empowering men and women who desire to reach the Philippines with the gospel. Since it began, our school has traveled a total of 2,830 kilometers and has visited approximately 21 churches and met more than 50 pastors.

This year’s thirty-nine graduates include future pastors and church administrators in Metro Manila and the provinces.

Please pray for fruitfulness for our newly graduated leaders, as well as favor and open doors in places that do not have Victory churches yet.

About our Schools of Ministry
The Every Nation Schools of Ministry has been part of helping prepare men and women to effectively carry out our mission to honor God and make disciples. These consist of the School of World Missions, School of Campus Ministry, School of Church Planting, and School of Local Church Administration.

A Hope and a Future

A Hope and a Future

There was an air of anticipation and excitement at the Real LIFE Graduation Scholars’ Banquet held on April 11.

The students—some about to enter college, others about to enter the corporate world—excitedly shared stories with their co-scholars, take photos at the onstage photobooth, and spend time with their parents.

It was a great opportunity for Real LIFE’s twenty-eight high school and university graduates to celebrate an important milestone in their lives. In spite of personal odds, these young men and women were able to finish school and also be examples of leadership, integrity, faith, and excellence among their peers.

The scholars heard various testimonies shared by their fellow graduates and from Raquel Bag-o, a Real LIFE alumna. One common theme in these stories was the hope that they had in Christ, and how Jesus helped each of them overcome their struggles and difficulties.

Eric, one of Real LIFE’s university graduates from Bacolod City, shared his testimony onstage. Eric was part of a government scholarship for the first two years of his college education when it was suddenly cut short. He felt that he lost all hope in finishing his studies, when an opportunity to be part of the Real LIFE Foundation was presented to him. “Being part of Real LIFE is the greatest gift (I received) from God,” he shares. “It taught me to value my family, my church, and the people around me.”

What was the most important lesson he learned while being part of Real LIFE? “I was taught to be a leader.” Eric was able to exercise his leadership skills particularly in leading young men like himself to a relationship with Jesus. He currently leads a Victory group in Victory Bacolod, and one of his group members is also a Real LIFE scholar.

Ultimately, Eric learned about LIFE: leadership, integrity, faith, and excellence. Because of his learnings, “Jesus became in the center of my heart.” Truly, Jesus is the best example we can emulate in our lives!

Eric’s story is just one of many that highlight the vision of the Real LIFE Foundation. Not only about sending underprivileged young men and women to school, the Real LIFE Foundation is also about transforming lives and empowering dreams. As the most recent class of Real LIFE graduates, along with their parents, left the banquet full of hope and expectation for the future, we are expectant that each of them would be God’s light to their campuses as well as their workplaces. And we are confident that, being fully equipped, they would also be encouragement to others who are going through the same trials they once did.

Through your prayers for, help and support of Real LIFE, these men and women are given a bright hope and future. They are equipped in their character, given opportunities to exercise what they’ve learned, and have a vision for their future.

To know more about Real LIFE, please visit or call 8171212 local 338.

Check out photos from the graduation banquet here:

We had a special time celebrating our Real LIFE scholars who graduated from high school and university this month. THX to Junjun Perez for the great pix & CONGRATS to all our graduates! 🙂

Posted by Real LIFE Foundation on Friday, April 13, 2012

Front and Center in Reaching the Campuses

Front and Center in Reaching the Campuses

A new batch of campus missionaries were once again launched into the mission field last September 29, 2011 as the School of Campus Ministry held its sixth Commencement Exercises.

This batch is comprised of ten female and thirteen male campus missionaries who have answered God’s call to serve Him in full time capacity.

For the past three months, the Every Nation Building had become the training ground of the twenty-three individuals from all over the country who have come together to be equipped and empowered as the newest batch of campus missionaries.

Calling themselves the Frontliners, they are ready to stand front and center in reaching the campuses for Christ. In fact, the local churches of San Carlos, Legazpi, and Imus have sent their first ever campus missionaries to be formally trained in campus ministry.

As the time has come for these campus missionaries to leave the halls of Every Nation Building that have sheltered them for the three-month long training, these campus missionaries are now armored to stand in the frontlines and face the battle of winning the next generation for Jesus.


Fiona Alvero is the Communications and Special Events Coordinator of Every Nation Campus. She’s also a Victory group leader in Victory Quezon City reaching out to the campus of Miriam College.

Vanguards at the Forefront

Vanguards at the Forefront

On September 6, twenty-five men and women graduated from our School of Local Church Planting and School of Local Church Ministry.

Every graduating batch gives themselves a name to describe who they are and what they hope to achieve as they step into the mission field. This particular batch called themselves the “Vanguards.” According to Dennis Aquino, one of the graduates, “(A vanguard is) at the forefront of an action or movement, like troops moving at the head of an army.” With this name, these men and women will be paving the way for new things in our local churches, and in new citiesin our country.


The graduates expressed gratitude not only to the teachers who have imparted skills and knowledge through their experiences in the mission field. They also acknowledged their ministry partners, who were faithful in their support and prayers. Most of all, these men and women gave heartfelt thanks for the support and love from their families and close friends.

The five-month training was held in the Every Nation building, and the students learned various skills on preaching, leadership, excellence, and administrative strategies.

Within a few years, we’re expectant to reach more cities and provinces for Christ, and experience growth in our current locations!

About our Schools of Ministry
Our Every Nation Schools of Ministry helps prepare men and women to effectively carry the mission to honor God and make disciples.

The School of Local Church Ministry, on the other hand, focuses on preparing men and women to become effective ministers in local churches. The School of Church Planting aims on equip men and women to become church planters.

Congratulations, Real LIFE 2011 Graduates!

Congratulations, Real LIFE 2011 Graduates!

The Real LIFE Foundation held a banquet for the graduates of 2011 on Saturday, March 26, at the Victory Pioneer center. It was Real LIFE’s biggest graduation banquet to date, with a total of forty-three college and high school graduates celebrating their success during the school year.

From the thirty-two university scholars who recently graduated, three of them finished school with flying colors! Kimberly Acuña and Ronnie Chu were awarded cum laude honors, while Faye Madriaga finished magna cum laude.

The graduates, Kimberly, Ronnie, and Faye, along with Real LIFE Executive Director Lynn Nawata and Program Director Vince Bitana


In behalf of Real LIFE, we thank you for your continued support. Surely, your generosity will go a long way. Thank you for investing in the futures of these men and women, and their families!